April 2010 (114.2)

Books Received

List of Books Received

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Andrianu, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Pp. xvi + 214, figs. 29, maps 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009. $80. ISBN 978-0-521-76087-4 (cloth).

Aveni, Anthony. The End of Time: The Maya Mystery of 2012. Pp. xxii + 190, figs. 34, table 1. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2009. $19.95. ISBN 978-0-87081-961-2 (paper).

Bagnall, Roger S., ed. The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. Pp. xxi + 688, figs. 125. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009. $150. ISBN 978-0-19-517838-8 (cloth).

Cartledge, Paul, and Fiona Rose Greenland, eds. Responses to Oliver Stones “Alexander”: Film, History, and Cultural Studies. Pp. vii + 376, tables 3. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 2010. $26.95. ISBN 978-0-299-23284-9 (paper).

Caruso, Carlo, and Andrew Laird, eds. Italy and the Classical Tradition: Language, Thought and Poetry 1300–1600. Pp. x + 269, figs. 4. Duckworth, London 2009. $80. ISBN 978-0715637371 (cloth).

Collins, Paul. Assyrian Palace Sculptures. Pp. 144, b&w fig. 1, color figs. 139, map 1. University of Texas Press, Austin 2009. $45. ISBN 978-0-292-72169 (cloth).

Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Chip. Inheriting the Past: The Making of Arthur C. Parker and Indigenous Archaeology. Pp. xxii + 270, figs. 9, tables 2, plan 1, maps 2. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson 2009. $24.95. ISBN 978-0-8165-2656-7 (paper).

Comoth, Katharina. Gott Selbst und die Idee. Pp. 88, figs. 13. Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg 2009. 10. ISBN 978-3-8253-5642-2 (paper).

Connelly, Joan Breton. Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece. Pp. xliii + 430, figs. 109, pls. 27, maps 3. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2007. $35. ISBN 978-0-691-14384-2 (paper).

Cooper, Craig, ed. Epigraphy and the Greek Historian (Phoenix Suppl. 47). Pp. xvii + 197, fig. 1, tables 2. University of Toronto Press, Toronto 2008. $75. ISBN 978-0-8020-9069-0 (cloth).

D’Amato, Raffaele. Imperial Roman Naval Forces 31 BC–AD 500 (Men-at-Arms 451). Pp. 48, figs. 44, pls. 8. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2009. $17.95. ISBN 978-1-84603-317-9 (paper).

Degryse, Patrick, Julian Henderson, and Greg Hodgins, eds. Isotopes in Vitreous Materials (Studies in Archaeological Sciences 1). Pp. 165, figs. 34, tables 16, maps 3. Leuven University Press, Leuven 2009. $96. ISBN 978-90-5867-690-0 (cloth).

Delgado, James P. Gold Rush Port: The Maritime Archaeology of San Francisco’s Waterfront. Pp. xiv + 238, figs. 49. University of California Press, Berkeley 2009. $45. ISBN 978-0-520-25580-7 (cloth).

Ficuciello, Laura. Le strade di Atene (Studi di Archeologia e di Topografia di Atene e dell’Attica 4). Pp. 295, figs. 66, maps 3. Pandemos, Athens and Paestum 2008. 90. ISBN 88-87744-14-9 (cloth).

Fitzhugh, William W., Julie Hollowell, and Aron L. Crowell, eds. Gifts from the Ancestors: Ancient Ivories of the Bering Strait. Pp. 328, b&w figs. 70, color figs. 272. Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton 2009. $55. ISBN 978-0-300-12206-0 (paper).

Grajetzki, Wolfram. Court Officials of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom (Duckworth Egyptology). Pp. xvi + 216, figs. 63, pls. 8, table 1, plan 1, map 1. Duckworth, London 2009. $33. ISBN 978-0-7156-3745-6 (paper).

Griffiths, Elly. The Crossing Places. Pp. 304, map 1. Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt 2009. $25. ISBN 978-0-547-22989-8 (cloth).

Harrison, Thomas, ed. The Great Empires of the Ancient World. Pp. 228, b&w figs. 80, color figs. 220, maps 11. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles 2009. $39.95. ISBN 978-0-89236-987-4 (cloth).

Herbert, Joseph M. Woodland Potters and Archaeological Ceramics of the North Carolina Coast. Pp. xx + 236, figs. 33, tables 25, maps 35. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa 2009. $36.95. ISBN 978-08173-5517-3 (paper).

Hobson, Barry. Latrinae et Foricae: Toilets in the Roman World. Pp. x + 190, figs. 130, plans 15. Duckworth, London 2009. $27. ISBN 978-0715638507 (paper).

Jensen, Jesper Tae, George Hinge, Peter Schultz, and Bronwen Wickkiser, eds. Aspects of Ancient Greek Cult: Context-Ritual-Iconography (Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity 8). Pp. 250, b&w figs. 37, color figs. 22, tables 11, plans 7. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus 2009. $48. ISBN 978-87-7934-253-8 (cloth).

Johnson, Mark J. The Roman Imperial Mausoleum in Late Antiquity. Pp. xxxii + 296, figs. 78, plans 46, maps 4. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009. $95. ISBN 978-0-521-51371-5 (cloth).

Kahlos, Maijastina. Forbearance and Compulsion: The Rhetoric of Religious Tolerance and Intolerance in Late Antiquity. Pp. xii + 260. Duckworth, London 2009. $80. ISBN 978-07156336985 (cloth).

Kampen, Natalie Boymel. Family Fictions in Roman Art. Pp. xviii + 208, b&w figs. 39, color figs. 33. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $85. ISBN 978-0-521-58447-0 (cloth).

Karageorghis, V., N. Kourou, V. Kilikoglou, and M.D. Glascock, in collaboration with Jacqueline Karageorghis and Panagiota Marantidou. Terracotta Statues and Figurines of Cypriote Type Found in the Aegean: Provenance Studies. Pp. 256, figs. 5, b&w pls. 11, color pls. 40, tables 5, maps 2. A.G. Leventis Foundation, Nicosia 2009. 50. ISBN 978-9963-560-88-2 (paper).

Kiely, Thomas, ed. Ancient Cyprus in the British Museum: Essays in Honour of Veronica Tatton-Brown. Pp. viii + 100, b&w figs. 9, color figs. 18, b&w pl. 1, color pls. 50, tables 4, plans 7, maps 8. British Museum Press, London 2009. $50. ISBN 978-0-86159-180-0 (paper).

La Niece, Susan. Gold. Pp. 128, color figs. 120. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2009. $22.95. ISBN 978-0-674-03590-4 (cloth).

Madsen, Jesper Majbom. Eager to be Roman: Greek Response to Roman Rule in Pontus and Bithynia. Pp. x + 166, figs. 6, table 1, map 1. Duckworth, London 2009. $80. ISBN 978-0715637531 (cloth).

Maniatis, Yannis, ed. Asmosia VII: Actes du VIIe colloque international de l’ASMOSIA Thasos 15–20 septembre 2003 (BCH Suppl. 51). Pp. xx + 832, numerous b&w and color figs. École Française d’Athènes, Athens 2009. 150. ISBN 978-2-86958-207-1 (paper).

Manseau, Peter. Rag and Bone: A Journey Among the World’s Holy Dead. Pp. ix + 243, figs. 7. Henry Holt, New York 2009. $15. ISBN 978-0-8050-8652-2 (paper).

Mayor, Adrienne. The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome’s Deadliest Enemy. Pp. xxiv + 448, figs. 74, pls. 8, tables 4, maps 9. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2010. $29.95. ISBN 978-0-691-12683-8 (cloth).

McAnany, Patricia A. Ancestral Maya Economies in Archaeological Perspective. Pp. 400, figs. 62, maps 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $90. ISBN 978-0-521-89518-7 (cloth).

McAnany, Patricia A., and Norman Yoffee, eds. Questioning Collapse: Human Resilience, Ecological Vulnerability, and the Aftermath of Empire. Pp. xxvi + 374, figs. 78, maps 13. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $29.99. ISBN 978-0-521-73366-3 (paper).

Merriman, Philippa. Silver. Pp. 128, b&w figs. 20, color figs. 110. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2009. $22.95. ISBN 978-0-674-03094-7 (cloth).

Migeotte, Léopold, translated by Janet Lloyd. The Economy of the Greek Cities: From the Archaic Period to the Early Roman Empire. Pp. xii + 202, maps 3. University of California Press, Berkeley 2009. $19.95. ISBN 978-0-520-25366-7 (paper).

Miller, Stephen G. The Berkeley Plato: From Neglected Relic to Ancient Treasure. An Archaeological Detective Story. Pp. xvi + 92, figs. 108. University of California Press, Berkeley 2009. $50. ISBN 978-0-520-25833-4 (cloth).

Moretti, Jean-Charles, ed. Fronts de Scène et Lieux de Culte dans le Théâtre Antique (Travaux de la Maison de L’Orient et de la Méditerranée 52). Pp. 240, figs. 97, tables 4, plans 23, map 1. Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Lyon 2009. 28. ISBN 978-2-35668-010-5 (paper).

Müller, Felix, ed. Art of the Celts: 700 B.C. to A.D. 700. Pp. 304, b&w figs. 187, color figs. 315, table 1, plan 1, maps 10. Historisches Museum Berne, Mercatorfonds 2009. $70. ISBN 978-0-8014-4869-0 (cloth).

Nielsen, Axel E., and William H. Walker, eds. Warfare in Cultural Context: Practice, Agency, and the Archaeology of Violence (Amerind Studies in Archaeology 3). Pp. viii + 328, figs. 24, table 1, maps 8. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson 2009. $60. ISBN 978-0-8165-2707-6 (cloth).

Nossov, Konstantin. Gladiator: Rome’s Bloody Spectacle. Pp. 208, b&w figs. 46, color figs. 71, tables 6, map 1. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2009. $27.95. ISBN 978-1-84603-472-5 (cloth).

Nossov, Konstantin. Greek Fortifications of Asia Minor 500–130 BC: From the Persian Wars to the Roman Conquest (Fortress 90). Pp. 64, b&w figs. 25, color figs. 30, pls. 7, table 1, plans 11, map 1. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2009. $18.95. ISBN 978-1-86403-415-2 (paper).

Parker, Mari Pritchard, and Elvio Angeloni, eds. Archaeology: 9th Edition (Annual Editions). Pp. xvi + 172, figs. 21, tables 2, plan 1, maps 2. McGraw-Hill, Boston 2010. $28.44. ISBN 978-0-07-812774-8 (paper).

Parr, Peter J., ed. The Levant in Transition (PEFA 9). Pp. vi + 122, figs. 57, tables 2, plans 10, maps 10. The Palestine Exploration Fund, Leeds 2009. $96. ISBN 978-1-904350-99-6 (cloth).

Preston Day, Leslie, Nancy L. Klein, and Lee Ann Turner, eds. Kavousi IIA: The Late Minoan IIIC Settlement at Vronda. The Buildings on the Summit (Prehistory Monographs 26). Pp. xl + 366, figs. 94, pls. 25, charts 60, tables 40, plans 14. INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia 2009. $80. ISBN 978-1-931534-51-2 (cloth).

Privitera, Santo. Case e Rituali a Creta: Nel Periodo Neopalaziale (Tripodes 9). Pp. 240, figs. 9, tables 7, plans 41, map 1. Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Athens 2008. 50. ISBN 978-960-98397-2-3 (cloth).

Randsborg, Klavs. The Anatomy of Denmark: Archaeology and History from the Ice Age to the Present. Pp. xii + 176, figs. 75, tables 13, plans 13, maps 5. Duckworth, London 2009. $27. ISBN 978-0715638422 (paper).

Riva, Corinna. The Urbanization of Etruria: Funerary Practices and Social Change, 700–600 BC. Pp. 260, b&w figs. 59, maps 3. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009. $85. ISBN 978-0-521-51447-7 (cloth).

Rocca, Samuel. The Army of Herod the Great (Men-at-Arms 443). Pp. 48, figs. 36, pls. 8, map 1. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2009. $17.95. ISBN 978-1-84603-206-6 (paper).

Roosevelt, Christopher H. The Archaeology of Lydia, from Gyges to Alexander. Pp. xviii + 314, figs. 97, tables 8, plans 5, maps 8. Cambridge University Press, New York 2009. $99. ISBN 978-0-521-51987-8 (cloth).

Sanders, Karin. Bodies in the Bog and the Archaeological Imagination. Pp. xxii + 318, figs. 57. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2009. $37.50. ISBN 978-0-226-73404-0 (cloth).

Schachner, Andreas. Assyriens Könige an einer der Quellen des Tigris: Archäologische Forschungen im Höhlensystem von Birkleyn und am sogenannten Tigris-Tunnel (IstForsch 51). Pp. x + 288, figs. 238, tables 60, plans 8, maps 15. Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen 2009. 35. ISBN 978-3-8030-1772-7 (cloth).

Schmidt, Stefan, and John H. Oakley, eds. Hermeneutik der Bilder: Beiträge zu Ikonographie und Interpretation greichischer Vasenmalerei (CVA Beiheft 4). Pp. 192, figs. 137, tables 6, map 1. C.H. Beck, Munich 2009. 59.90. ISBN 978-3-406-59321-5 (cloth).

Shackel, Paul A. The Archaeology of American Labor and Working-Class Life (The American Experience in Archaeological Perspective). Pp. xviii + 138, figs. 21. University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2009. $69.95. ISBN 978-0-8130-3410-2 (cloth).

Sipilä, Joonas. The Reorganisation of Provincial Territories in Light of the Imperial Decision-Making Process: Later Roman Arabia and Tres Palaestinae as Case Studies (Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 126). Pp. vi + 328, figs. 6, tables 20, maps 8. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki 2009. 30. ISBN 978-951-653-374-5 (paper).

Smith, Joanna S. Art and Society in Cyprus from the Bronze Age into the Iron Age. Pp. xviii + 397, figs. 85, tables 4, plans 13, maps 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009. $90. ISBN 978-0-521-51367-8 (cloth).

Songu, Filiz. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Amsterdam 6. The Netherlands 12: East Greek, Boeotian, Laconian and Chalcidian Pottery, a Caeretan Hydria & Campana Dinos (Union Académique Internationale). Pp. xii + 135, figs. 285, pls. 58. Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam 2009. 158. ISBN 978-90-71211-43-0 (cloth).

Speidel, Michael Alexander. Heer und Herrschaft im Römischen Reich der Hohen Kaiserzeit (Mavors 16). Pp. 708, figs. 23, tables 9, plan 1, maps 4. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2009. 128. ISBN 978-3-515-09364-4 (cloth).

Surovell, Todd A. Toward a Behavioral Ecology of Lithic Technology: Cases from Paleoindian Archaeology. Pp. xviii + 276, figs. 74, tables 20, maps 2. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson 2009. $60. ISBN 978-0-8165-2810-3 (cloth).

Tedlock, Dennis. 2000 Years of Mayan Literature. Pp. xi + 465, figs. 389. University of California Press, Berkeley 2010. $49.95. ISBN 978-0-520-23221-1 (cloth).

Van Andringa, William. Quotidien des dieux et des hommes: La vie religieuse dans les cités du Vésuve à l’époque romaine (BÉFAR 337). Pp. xxiv + 404, b&w figs. 129, color figs. 104, plans 27, map 1. École Française de Rome, Rome 2009. 87. ISBN 978-2-7283-0843-9 (cloth).

Welland, Michael. Sand: The Never-Ending Story. Pp. 360, figs. 62. University of California Press, Berkeley 2009. $24.95. ISBN 978-0-520-25437-4 (cloth).

Wilcox, Michael V. The Pueblo Revolt and the Mythology of Conquest: An Indigenous Archaeology of Contact. Pp. xiv + 316, figs. 52. University of California Press, Berkeley 2009. $39.95. ISBN 978-0-520-25205-9 (cloth).

Williams, Dyfri. Masterpieces of Classical Art. Pp. 361, b&w fig. 1, color figs. 282, maps 6. The University of Texas Press, Austin 2009. $45. ISBN 978-0-292-72147-0 (cloth).

Williams, Robert Lloyd. Lord Eight Wind of Suchixtlan and the Heroes of Ancient Oaxaca: Reading History in the Codex Zouche-Nuttall (The Linda Schele Series in Maya and Pre-Columbian Studies). Pp. xvi + 216, b&w figs. 29, color figs. 8, tables 18, maps 4. University of Texas Press, Austin 2009. $60. ISBN 978-0-292-72121-0 (cloth).

Wright, Rita P. The Ancient Indus: Urbanism, Economy, and Society (Case Studies in Early Societies). Pp. xx + 396, figs. 65, tables 13, plans 8, maps 5. Cambridge University Press, New York 2010. $27.99. ISBN 978-0-521-57652-9 (paper).

Yegül, Fikret. Bathing in the Roman World. Pp. xiv + 258, figs. 70, plans 27. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $28.99. ISBN 978-0-521-54962-2 (paper).

List of Books Received

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 114, No. 2 (April 2010)

DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1142.BooksReceived

© 2010 Archaeological Institute of America