September–October 1898 (2.5)

Browse the content of the issue below.


The Washîm Papyrus of Iliad Θ 1–68 (pp. 347–356) 
Edgar Johnson Goodspeed

Pausanias’s Description of Greece (pp. 357–366) 
Harold N. Fowler

The Artemis Brauronia of Praxiteles (pp. 367–372) 
John Pickard

Some New Inscriptions from Puteoli, Baiae, Misenum, and Cumae (pp. 373–398) 
Walter Dennison

Two Notes: 1. On Some Oscan Inscriptions; 2. On Commentarium Actorum Saecularium Quintorum, 1. 64 (pp. 399–402) 
Walter Dennison

Bibliography of Current Archaeological Literature 1898 January–June (pp. 403–464) 
Harold N. Fowler