The AJA publishes an online-only quarterly list of books that are available for review, appearing in tandem with the respective printed issue. The list here is an aggregation of those quarterly lists, intended to make it easier for interested scholars to see which books are currently available to review.
Prior to 2010, books received lists were published in the printed AJA only and are available via the AJA Archive.
The AJA Book Review Editor is always seeking to increase the cadre of reviewers; those who wish to become reviewers should contact the Book Review Editor directly ( and provide an up-to-date curriculum vitae that includes credentials and a list of relevant publications, as well as a statement of research interests.
Book publishers interested in having their books reviewed should send front matter (including any acknowledgments) for relevant titles to the AJA Book Reviews Editor, Lisa R. Brody, at The Book Reviews Editor will ask publishers to send print copies of books directly to reviewers once the reviewers have been identified. The following are excluded from review and should not be sent: offprints; reeditions, except those with significant changes; journal volumes, except the first in a new series; monographs of very small size and scope; and books dealing with archaeology of the Americas.