Dear AIA members,
It is with the deepest sadness that I report on the passing of Barbara Tsakirgis three years after a diagnosis of ALS. On the faculty at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN for 34 years, Barbara served the profession throughout her life, making substantial contributions to the AIA. She was an officer of the local society and long-time lecturer for the Lecture Program, and the Joukowsky Lecturer in 2008-09; a leader of AIA tours to the Mediterranean and Middle East; and a member of the AIA Governing Board and numerous major committees. Barbara’s lifetime of service to the AIA was recognized in 2017, when she received the Martha and Artemis Joukowsky Distinguished Service Award. (The citation that accompanied the Joukowsky Award and Barbara’s response is available at She was a warm and caring person who will be missed by us all, and we extend to her family our condolences on their loss.
Professor Jodi Magness
President, Archaeological Institute of America