Giorgos Papantoniou received his B.A. in history and archaeology at the University of Cyprus in 2003 and his Ph.D. in classics at Trinity College Dublin in 2008, where he also held an Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009–2010). He is currently holding a three-year Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship cofunded by the European Commission (Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships) to work on the project entitled “‘Unlocking’ Sacred Landscapes: A Holistic Approach to Cypriot Sanctuaries and Religion.” He is the author of Religion and Social Transformations in Cyprus: From the Cypriot Basileis to the Hellenistic Strategos (Leiden 2012). He has published extensively on Cypriot city-kingdoms, Hellenistic Cyprus, and Cypriot sanctuaries and religion.