Yoshihiro Nishiaki is a professor at the University Museum, the University of Tokyo, Japan. His research involves the prehistory of western Asia, covering the Paleolithic to Chalcolithic, mainly through analysis of lithic artifacts. He has participated in numerous field investigations in western Asia since 1984, including directing excavations in Syria, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan. His books include Lithic Technology of Neolithic Syria (Oxford 2000), Tell Kosak Shamali (2 vols. [Tokyo 2001–2003]), The Neolithic Archaeology in the Khabur Valley, Upper Mesopotamia and Beyond (Berlin 2013), and Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans (Vol. 1, with T. Akazawa and K. Aoki, eds.; Vol. 2, T. Akazawa et al., eds. [New York 2013]).
Yoshihiro Nishiaki