October 2008 (112.4)
Print Book Reviews
Book Reviews October 2008
The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.
Antike Erdbeben im alpinen und zirkumalpinen Raum: Befunde und Probleme in archäologischer, historicher und seismologischer Sicht. Beitrage des Interdisziplinären Workshops, Schloss Hohenkammer, 14/15 Mai 2004 (pp. 763–764)
By Gerhard H. Waldherr and Anselm Smolka
Reviewed by Manuel Sintubin
Apocalypse: Earthquakes, Archaeology, and the Wrath of God (pp. 764–765)
By Amos Nur and Dawn Burgess
Reviewed by E.J.W. Barber
In the Shadow of the Ancestors: The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman (pp. 765–766)
By Serge Cleuziou and Maurizio Tosi
Reviewed by Peter Magee
Iraklion Archäologisches Museum: Sammlung Giamalakis (pp. 766–767)
By Walter Müller, Ingo Pini, and Agnes Sakellariou
Reviewed by John G. Younger
The Chrysokamino Metallurgy Workshop and Its Territory (pp. 767–768)
By Philip P. Betancourt
Reviewed by Leslie Preston Day
Crossing Jordan: North American Contributions to the Archaeology of Jordan (pp. 768–769)
By Tom Levy, P.M. Michèle Daviau, Randall Younker, and May Shaer
Reviewed by Stephen J. Bourke
Μεγαλλαι Νησοι: Studi dedicati a Giovanni Rizza per il suo ottantesimo compleanno (pp. 769–771)
By Rossella Gigli
Reviewed by Helena Fracchia
Die Greifenprotomen aus Dem Heraion von Samos (pp. 771–773)
By Ulrich Gehrig and Gerwulf Schneider
Reviewed by Hartmut Matthäus
Ceramicus Redivivus: The Early Iron Age Potters' Field in the Area of the Classical Athenian Agora (pp. 773–774)
By John K. Papadopoulos and Michael R. Schilling
Reviewed by Nota Kourou
Pots and Plays: Interactions between Tragedy and Greek Vase-Painting of the Fourth Century B.C. (pp. 774–775)
By Oliver Taplin
Reviewed by T.H. Carpenter
Steinbruch, Werkstatt, Skulptur: Untersuchungen zu Aufbau und Organisation griechischer Bildhauerwerkstätten (pp. 775–776)
By Silvia Nolte
Reviewed by Konstantinos Kopanias
Old Pottery in a New Century: Innovating Perspectives on Roman Pottery Studies. Atti Del Convegno Internazionale Di Studi, Catania, 22–24 Aprile 2004 (pp. 776–777)
By D. Malfitana, J. Poblome, and J. Lund
Reviewed by Catherine Abadie-Reynal
Mythologische Bildthemen in den Häusern Pompejis: Die Bedeutung der zentralen Mythenbilder für die Bewohner Pompejis (pp. 777–778)
By Jürgen Hodske
Reviewed by Katharina Lorenz
The Archaeology of Fazzān. Vol. 2, Site Gazetteer, Pottery, and Other Survey Finds (pp. 778–779)
By David J. Mattingly
Reviewed by Mario Liverani
Wroxeter, the Cornovii, and the Urban Process: Final Report on the Wroxeter Hinterland Project 1994–1997. Vol. 1. Researching the Hinterland (pp. 779–780)
By Vincent Gaffney et al.
Reviewed by William Bowden