July 2010 (114.3)

Books Received

List of Books Received

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Adams, William Y. The Road from Frijoles Canyon: Anthropological Adventures on Four Continents. Pp. 363, figs. 21. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque 2009. $45. ISBN 978-0-8263-4787-9 (cloth).

Ausenda, Giorgio, Paolo Delogu, and Chris Wickham, eds. The Langobards Before the Frankish Conquest: An Ethnographic Perspective (Studies in Historical Archaeoethnology 8). Pp. viii + 388, figs. 8, table 1, plans 10, maps 8. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, England 2009. $145. ISBN 978-1-84383-490-8 (cloth).

Bartosiewicz, László, ed., with studies by Sándor Bökönyi and Erika Gál. The Chora of Metaponto Vol. 2, Archaeozoology at Pantanello and Five Other Sites. Pp. xxii + 122, b&w figs. 70, color figs. 50, tables 34, map 1. University of Texas Press, Austin 2010. $75. ISBN 978-0-292-72134 (cloth).

Betancourt, Philip P., with contributions by Eleni Armpis, Costis Davaras, Heidi M.C. Dierckx, Cheryl R. Floyd, Glynis Jones, John C. McEnroe, George Mitrakis, George H. Myer, Marianna Nikolaidou, David S. Reese, Mark J. Rose, Maria C. Shaw, Ian Smith, Eleni Velona, and Fotini Zervaki. Pseira. Vol. 10, The Excavation of Block AF (Prehistory Monographs 28). Pp. xxii + 240, figs. 45, pls. 43, tables 43, drawings 17. INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia 2009. $80. ISBN 978-1-931534-56-7 (cloth).

Blaylock, Stuart. Tille Höyük. Vol. 3, pt. 1, The Iron Age: Introduction, Stratification and Architecture (The British Institute at Ankara Monograph 41). Pp. xxii + 224, figs. 81, tables 6, plans 54, maps 5, CD-ROM 1. The British Institute at Ankara, London 2009. $120. ISBN 978-1-898249-20-7 (cloth).

Bravo, Alfonso Fraguas. El arte rupestre prehistórico de África nororiental: Nuevas teorías y metodologías (Bibliotheca Praehistorica Hispana 26). Pp. 318, b&w figs. 103, color figs. 39, tables 35, maps 8, CD-ROM 1. Instituto de Historia, Madrid 2009. €44. ISBN 978-84-00-08888-0 (cloth).

Cartledge, Paul. Ancient Greece: A History in Eleven Cities. Pp. xxii + 261, figs. 5, pls. 24, plans 3, maps 6. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009. $19.95. ISBN 978-0-19-923338-0 (cloth).

Chrisomalis, Stephen. Numerical Notation: A Comparative History. Pp. x + 486, figs. 21, tables 167. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $95. ISBN 978-0-521-87818-0 (cloth).

Counts, Derek B., and Anthony S. Tuck, eds. Koine: Mediterranean Studies in Honor of R. Ross Holloway (Joukowsky Institute Publication 1). Pp. xxiv + 223, figs. 128, tables 4, plans 8, maps 2. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2009. $80. ISBN 978-1-84217-379-4 (cloth).

Curet, L. Antonio, and Lisa M. Stringer, eds. Tibes: People, Power, and Ritual at the Center of the Cosmos. Pp. xviii + 330, figs. 32, tables 33, maps 8. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa 2010. $34.95. ISBN 978-0-8173-5579-1 (paper).

Doli, Flamur. Arkitektura Vernakulare e Kosovës. Pp. 440, figs. 225, plans 97, maps 3. Shoqata për Ruajtjen e Trashëgimisë Arkitektonike, Pristina 2009. Price not available. ISBN 978-9951-8786-0-9 (paper).

Drennan, Robert D., Statistics for Archaeologists: A Common Sense Approach. 2nd ed. Pp. xv + 333, figs. 30. Springer, New York 2009. $159. ISBN 978-1-4419-0412-6 (cloth).

Edwards, Nancy, ed. The Archaeology of the Early Medieval Celtic Churches (Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 29. Society for Church Archaeology Monograph 1). Pp. xii + 412, figs. 72, tables 7, plans 22, maps 22. Maney Publishing, Leeds 2009. $95. ISBN 978-1-906540-61-6 (cloth).

Emberling, Geoff, ed. Pioneers to the Past: American Archaeologists in the Middle East 1919–1920 (Oriental Institute Museum Publication 30). Pp. 160, b&w figs. 79, color figs. 24, maps 2. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago 2010. $34.95. ISBN 978-1-885923-70-7 (paper).

Evans, T.V., and D.D. Obbink. The Language of the Papyri. Pp. xxii + 362, pls. 13, tables 22. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010. $130. ISBN 978-0-19-923708-1 (cloth).

Fernández-Posse, María Dolores, Antonio Gilman, Concepción Martín, and Marcella Brodsky. Las comunidades agrarias de la Edad del Bronce en la Mancha Oriental (Albacete) (Bibliotheca Praehistorica Hispana 25). Pp. 423, figs. 134, pls. 24, tables 13, plans 107, maps 9. Instituto de Historia, Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses, Madrid 2008. €49. ISBN 978-84-00-08676-3 (cloth).

Fischer-Hansen, Tobias, and Birte Poulsen. From Artemis to Diana: The Goddess of Man and Beast (Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology. Acta Hyperborea 12). Pp. 585, b&w figs. 101, color figs. 72, tables 17, plans 17, maps 6. Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen 2009. $94. ISBN 978-87-635-0788-2 (paper).

Frischer, Bernard, Jane Crawford, and Monica De Simone, eds. The Horaces Villa Project, 1997–2003. 2 vols. Vol. 1, The Reports. Pp. xxvii + 385; vol. 2, Documentation. Pp. iii + 645, figs. 326, tables 16, plans 29, maps 13. Archaeopress, Oxford 2006. $337.50. ISBN 1-1-905739-07-9 (cloth).

Garfinkel, Y., and D. Ben-Shlomo. Sha’ar Hagolan. Vol. 2, The Rise of Urban Concepts in the Ancient Near East (Qedem Reports 9). Pp. xxviii + 308, figs. 460, pls. 21, tables 38, plans 43, maps 4. The Institute of Archaeology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 2009. $68. ISSN 0793-4289 (cloth).

Gates, Charles, Jacques Morin, and Thomas Zimmermann, eds. Sacred Landscapes in Anatolia and Neighboring Regions (BAR-IS 2034). Pp. v + 112, figs. 35, table 1, plans 8, maps 9. Archaeopress, Oxford 2009. £31. ISBN 978-1-4073-0611-7 (paper).

Gilchrist, Roberta, and Andrew Reynolds, eds. Reflections: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology, 1957–2007 (Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 30). Pp. xx + 518, figs. 87, pls. 8, tables 6, plans 10, maps 8. Maney Publishing, Leeds 2009. $138. ISBN 978-1-906540-71-5 (cloth).

Green, J.R. The Logie Collection: A Catalogue of the James Logie Memorial Collection of Classical Antiquities at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch. Pp. 406, numerous b&w and color figs. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch 2009. $120. ISBN 978-1-877257-66-7 (cloth).

Hanks, Bryan K., and Katheryn M. Linduff, eds. Social Complexity in Prehistoric Eurasia: Monuments, Metals, and Mobility. Pp. xx + 417, figs. 90, tables 7. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009. $95. ISBN 978-0-521-51712-6 (cloth).

Hanson, Victor Davis, ed. Makers of Ancient Strategy: From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome. Pp. xii + 246. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2010. $27.95. ISBN 978-0-691-13790-2 (cloth).

Haring, B.J.J., and O.E. Kaper, eds. Pictograms or Pseudo Script? Non-Textual Identity Markers in Practical Use in Ancient Egypt and Elsewhere. Pp. vii + 236, figs. 96, tables 9, plan 1, map 1. The Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden 2009. €45. ISBN 978-90-6258-225-9 (paper).

Hirst, Sue, and Dido Clark. Excavations at Mucking. Vol. 3, The Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries: Excavations by Tom and Margaret Jones. 2 pts. Pt. 1, Introduction, Catalogues and Specialist Reports. Pp. xxv + 440, figs. 230, tables 24; pt. 2, Analysis and Discussion. Pp. xiv + 396, figs. 190, tables 114, CD-ROM 1. Museum of London Archaeology, London 2009. £55. ISBN 978-1-901992-86-1 (cloth).

Houston, Stephen D., and Takeshi Inomata. The Classic Maya (Cambridge World Archaeology). Pp. xviii + 383, figs. 131, maps 3. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009. $28.99. ISBN 978-0-521-66972-6 (paper).

Huysecom-Haxhi, Stépanie. Les figurines en terre cuite de l’Artémision de Thasos: Artisanat et piété populaire à l’époque de l’archaïsme mûr et recent (Études Thasiennes 21). 2 vols. Vol. 1, Texte. Pp. xx +655, figs. 36, tables 3; vol. 2, Planches. Pls. 90. École Français d’Athènes, Athens 2009. €120. ISBN 978-2-86958-209-5 (paper).

Ikram, Salima. Ancient Egypt: An Introduction. Pp. xxiii + 330, b&w and color figs. 150. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009. $27. ISBN 978-0-521-67598-7 (paper).

Larkin, Karin, and Randall H. McGuire, eds. The Archaeology of Class War: The Colorado Coalfield Strike of 1913–1914. Pp. xvii +380, figs. 74, tables 16. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2009. $60. ISBN 978-0-87081-955-1 (cloth).

Larson, Frances. An Infinity of Things: How Sir Henry Wellcome Collected the World. Pp. xiv + 343, figs. 30, pls. 18. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009. $34.95. ISBN 978-0-19-955-446-1 (cloth).

Lind, Michael, and Javier Urcid. The Lords of Lambityeco: Political Evolution in the Valley of Oaxaca During the Xoo Phase (Mesoamerican Worlds). Pp. xxvii + 412, figs. 100, tables 34, plans 23, maps 10. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2010. $65. ISBN 978-0-87081-951-3 (cloth).

Malpass, Michael A., and Sonia Alconini, eds. Distant Provinces in the Inka Empire: Toward a Deeper Understanding of Inka Imperialism. Pp. xii + 356, figs. 52, tables 12, plans 12, maps 16. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City 2010. $36.95. ISBN 978-1-58729-869-1 (paper).

Manning, J.G. The Last Pharaohs: Egypt Under the Ptolemies, 305–30 BC. Pp. xvi + 264, figs. 16, tables 2, map 1. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2010. $39.50. ISBN 978-0-691-14262-3 (cloth).

Mele, Sebastiana. Il lavoro invisible: Nuovi contributi allo studio dei relievi funerari con scene di mestieri nell’Hispania romana (Studi di Storia Antica e di Archeologia 6). Pp. 110, figs. 56. Nuove Grafiche Puddu, Ortacesus, Italy 2008. €35. ISBN 978-88-89061-49-7 (paper).

Michailidou, Anna. Weight and Value in Pre-Coinage Societies. Vol. 2, Sidelights on Measurement from the Aegean and the Orient (Meletemata 61). Pp. 320, b&w figs. 227, color figs. 14, tables 8, plans 11, maps 2. De Boccard, Athens 2008. €80. ISBN 978-960-7905-46-8 (paper).

Naylor, Carl. The Day the Johnboat Went up the Mountain: Stories From My Twenty Years in South Carolina Maritime Archaeology. Pp. xii + 259, figs. 21, plans 4, maps 3. The University of South Carolina Press, Columbia 2010. $34.95. ISBN 978-1-57003-868-6 (cloth).

Olshausen, Eckart, and Vera Sauer, eds. Die Landschaft und die Religion: Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur Historischen Geographie des Altertums 9, 2005 (Geographica Historica 26). Pp. 424, figs. 68, table 1, plans 4, maps 23. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2009. €62. ISBN 978-3-515-09422-1 (paper).

Patrasso colonia di Augusto e le trasformazioni culturali, politiche ed economiche della Provincia di Acaia agli inizi dell’età imperiale romana: Atti del Convegno internazionale, Patrasso 23–23 marzo 2006 (Tripodes 8). Pp. 324, figs. 179. Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Athens 2009. €70. ISBN 978-960-98397-4-7 (cloth).

Pohl, John M.D., and Claire L. Lyons. The Aztec Pantheon and the Art of Empire. Pp. xiv + 98, figs. 12, pls. 35, map 1. Getty Publications, Los Angeles 2010. $25. ISBN 978-1-60606-007-0 (cloth).

Prêtre, Clarisse, ed., with a contribution by Stéphanie Huysecom-Haxhi. La donateur, l’offrande et la déesse (Kernos Suppl. 23). Pp. 337, figs. 122, tables 4. Centre International d’Étude de la Religion Grecque Antique, Liège 2009. €40. ISBN 978-2-9600717-6-4 (paper).

Pykles, Benjamin C. Excavating Nauvoo: The Mormons and the Rise of Historical Archaeology in America (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology). Pp. xxiv + 391, figs. 25, map 1. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln 2010. $62.50. ISBN 978-0-8032-1893-2 (cloth).

Reed, Nancy B. Awesome Grandeur: Greco-Roman Classicism in American Railroad Stations. Pp. 160, figs. 42, plan 1. American University and College Press, Salt Lake City 2009. $19.95. ISBN 978-1-58982-570-3 (paper).

Reynolds, Paul. Hispania and the Roman Mediterranean, AD 100–700. Pp. xii + 372, figs. 30, tables 34, maps 12. Duckworth, London 2010. $80. ISBN 978-0715638620 (paper).

Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. Pp. viii + 474, b&w figs. 148, color figs. 95, b&w pls. 6, color pls. 2, tables 28, plans 34, maps 22. Department of Antiquities of the Republic of Cyprus 2008. Price not available. ISSN 0070-2374 (cloth).

Riva, Corinna. The Urbanisation of Etruria: Funerary Practices and Social Change, 700–600 BC. Pp. xii +247, figs. 43, plans 10, maps 6. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $85. ISBN 978-0-521-51447-7 (cloth).

Rocca, Samuel. The Fortifications of Ancient Israel and Judah 1200–586 BC (Fortress 91). Pp. 64, b&w figs. 14, color figs. 27, plans 24, maps 2. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2010. $18.95. ISBN 978-1-84603-508-1 (paper).

Roller, Duane W., ed. Eratosthenes’ Geography. Pp. xiv + 304, figs. 3, maps 7. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2010. $49.50. ISBN 978-0-691-14267-8 (cloth).

Schöne-Denkinger, Angelika, with a contribution by Hans Mommsen. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland 86. Berlin 11: Antikensammlung ehmels Antiquarium. Attisch rotfigurige Mischgefässe, Böotisch rotfigurige Kratere (Union Académique Internationale). Pp. 97, figs. 27, b&w pls. 80, color pls. 4, Beilagen 23. C.H. Beck, Munich 2009. $98. ISBN978-3-406-59319-2 (cloth).

Shaw, Joseph W. Minoan Architecture: Materials and Techniques (Studi di Archeologia Cretese 7). Pp. 341, figs. 269, tables 4, plans 38, maps 2. Bottega D’Erasmo, Padua 2009. Price not available. ISBN 978-88-6125-072-7 (cloth).

Smil, Vaclav. Why America is Not a New Rome. Pp. xii + 226, figs. 36, maps 10. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2010. $24.95. ISBN 978-0-262-19593-5 (cloth).

Snead, James E., Clark L. Erickson, and J. Andrew Darling. Landscapes of Movement: Trails, Paths, and Roads in Anthropological Perspective. Pp. xviii + 364, figs. 69, tables 8, maps 6. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2009. $65. ISBN 978-1-934536-13-1 (cloth).

Sullivan, Lynne P., and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., eds. Mississippian Mortuary Practices: Beyond Hierarchy and the Representationist Perspective. Pp. xiv + 350, figs. 73, tables 45, plans 10, maps 11. University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2010. $75. ISBN 978-0-8130-3426-3 (cloth).

Swaddling, Judith, and Philip Perkins, eds. Etruscan by Definition: The Cultural, Regional and Personal Identity of the Etruscans. Papers in Honour of Sybille Haynes, MBE (British Museum Research Publication 173). Pp. viii + 112, b&w figs. 31, color figs. 58, table 1, plan 1. British Museum Press, London 2009. $60. ISBN 978-0-86159-173-2 (paper).

Taylor, Martha. Thucydides, Pericles, and the Idea of Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Pp. xii + 311, maps 3. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $85. ISBN 978-0-521-76593-0 (cloth).

Trümper, Monika. Graeco-Roman Slave Markets: Fact or Fiction? Pp. xii + 148, figs. 23, pls. 8, table 1, plans 18, map 1. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2009. $45. ISBN 978-0-9774094-8-8 (cloth).

Turnbull, Stephen. The Mongol Invasions of Japan 1274 and 1281 (Campaign 217). Pp. 96, b&w figs. 6, color figs. 62, maps 7. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2010. $19.95. ISBN 978-1-84603-456-5 (paper).

Vagalinski, Lyudmil F. Blood and Entertainments: Sports and Gladiatorial Games in Hellenistic and Roman Thrace. Pp. 268, figs. 40. NOUS Publishers, Sofia 2009. Price not available. ISBN 978-954-90387-9-8 (paper).

Van Wyk Smith, Malvern. The First Ethiopians: The Image of Africa and Africans in the Early Mediterranean World. Pp. xiv + 528, b&w figs. 5, color figs. 42, maps 3. Wits University Press, Johannesburg 2009. £31.50. ISBN 978-1-86814-499-0 (paper).

Villela, Khristaan D., and Mary Ellen Miller, eds. The Aztec Calendar Stone. Pp. x + 333, b&w figs. 144, color figs. 22. Getty Publications, Los Angeles 2010. $49. ISBN 978-1-60606-044-9 (cloth).

Walker, Roslyn Adele, ed. The Arts of Africa in the Dallas Museum of Art. Pp. 321, color figs. 222. Yale University Press, New Haven 2010. $75. ISBN 978-0-300-13895-5 (cloth).

Winter, Irene J. On Art in the Ancient Near East. Vol. 1, Of the First Millennium B.C.E. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East). Pp. xiv + 640, figs. 268, table 1, plans 9, maps 5. Brill, Leiden 2010. $200. ISBN 978-90-04-17237-1 (cloth).

Winter, Irene J. On Art in the Ancient Near East. Vol. 2, From the Third Millenium B.C.E. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East). Pp. xvi + 542, figs. 131, plans 14. Brill, Leiden 2010. $200. ISBN 978-90-04-17499-3 (cloth).

Zahariade, Mihail. The Thracians in the Roman Imperial Army: From the First to the Third Centuries A.D. (The Center for Roman Military Studies 2). Pp. 409, figs. 2, pls. 15, tables 18, maps 8. Mega Publishing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2009. Price not available. ISBN 978-973-1868-66-0 (cloth).

List of Books Received

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 114, No. 3 (July 2010)

DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1143.BooksReceived

© 2010 Archaeological Institute of America