January 2011 (115.1)

Books Received

List of Books Received

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Ashmore, Wendy, Dorothy T. Lippert, and Barbara J. Mills, eds. Voices in American Archaeology. Pp. 342, tables 13. Society for American Archaeology Press, Washington, D.C. 2010. $34.75. ISBN 978-0-932839-39-8 (paper).

Ataç, Mehmet-Ali. The Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art. Pp. xx + 278, figs. 130. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $99. ISBN 978-0-521-51790-4 (cloth).

Bahn, Paul. Prehistoric Rock Art: Polemics and Progress. Pp. xvi + 222, figs. 90. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $27.99. ISBN 978-0-521-14087-4 (paper).

Baker, Nigel. Shrewsbury: An Archaeological Assessment of an English Border Town. Pp. xv + 272, figs. 142, pls. 12, plans 11, CD-ROM 1. Oxbow, Oxford 2010. $80. ISBN 978-1-84217-315-2 (cloth).

Bârcă, Vitalie, and Oleksandr Symonenko. Călăreții stepelor: Sarmțaii în spațiul nord-pontic/Horsemen of the Steppes: The Sarmatians in the North Pontic Region (Centrul de Studii Militare Romane 3). Pp. 502, b&w figs. 141, color pls. 3. Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca 2009. Price not available. ISBN 978-606-543-028-0 (cloth).

Bauer, Brian S., Lucas C. Kellett, and Miriam Aráoz Silva. The Chanka: Archaeological Research in Andahuaylas (Apurimac), Peru (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press Monograph 68). Pp. xv + 202, figs. 116, tables 10. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, University of California, Los Angeles 2010. $65. ISBN 978-1-931745-60-4 (paper).

Bettelli, Marco, Cecilia De Faveri, and Massimo Osanna, eds. Prima delle colonie: Organizzazione territoriale e produzioni ceramiche specializzate in Basilicata e Calabria settentrionale ionica nella prima età del ferro. Atti delle Giornate di Studio, Matera, 20–21 novembre 2007. Pp. 455, figs. 185. Osanna Edizioni, Venosa 2009. €50. ISBN 88-8167-272-3 (paper).

Bodard, Gabriel, and Simon Mahony, eds. Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity. Pp. xx + 210, figs. 17, tables 2. Ashgate Publishing, Farnham, England 2010. $99.95. ISBN 978-0-7546-7773-4 (cloth).

Buchwald, Jed Z., and Diane Greco Josefowicz. The Zodiac of Paris: How an Improbable Controversy over an Ancient Egyptian Artifact Provoked a Modern Debate Between Religion and Science. Pp. vi + 428, figs. 79, color pls. 8. Princeton University Press, Prince-ton 2010. $35. ISBN 978-0-691-14576-1 (cloth).

Caccioli, David A., with an introduction by William H. Peck. The Villanovan, Etruscan and Hellenistic Collections in the Detroit Institute of Arts (Monumenta Graeca et Romana 14). Pp. vi + 242, b&w pls. 140. Brill, Leiden 2009. €103. ISBN 978-90-04-17230-2 (cloth).

Calcani, Guiliana. Skopas di Paros. Pp. xx + 183, pls. 16. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2009. €50. ISBN 978-88-7689-243-1 (paper).

Campbell, Duncan B. Mons Graupius AD 83: Romes Battle at the Edge of the World (Campaign 224). Pp. 96, numerous b&w and color figs. Osprey, Oxford 2010. $19.95. ISBN 978-1-84603-926-3 (paper).

Camporeale, Giovannangelo, and Giulio Firpo, eds. Arezzo nell’antichità (Accademia Petrarca di Lettere Arti e Scienze). Pp. vii + 293, figs. 169, color pls. 28. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2009. €80. ISBN 978-88-7689-244-8 (cloth).

Carlsson, Susanne. Hellenistic Democracies: Freedom, Independence and Political Procedure in Some East Greek City-States. Pp. 372, figs. 2, tables 12. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2010. €66. ISBN 978-3-515-09265-4 (cloth).

Carmean, Kelli. Creekside: An Archaeological Novel. Pp. 226. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa 2010. $22. ISBN 978-0-8173-5661-3 (paper).

Carter, Robert A., and Graham Philip, eds. Beyond the Ubaid: Transformation and Integration in the Late Prehistoric Societies of the Middle East (Studies in Ancient Civilization 63). Pp. 394, figs. 149, tables 24. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago 2010. $42.95. ISBN 978-1-885923-66-0 (cloth).

Cicala, Giovanna. Instrumentum domesticum inscriptum proveniente da Asculum e dal suo territorio (Biblioteca di Studi Antichi 91). Pp. 437, pls. 190, drawings 190, map 1. Fabrizio Serra, Pisa 2010. €290. ISBN 978-88-6227-180-6 (paper).

Curatola, Giovanni. Turkish Art and Architecture: From the Seljuks to the Ottomans. Pp. 280, color figs. 250. Abbeville Press, New York 2010. $95. ISBN 978-0-7892-1082-1 (cloth).

Ćurĉić, Slobodan. Architecture in the Balkans: From Diocletian to Süleyman the Magnificent. Pp. 912, b&w figs. 600, color figs. 100. Yale University Press, New Haven 2010. $85. ISBN 978-0-300-11570-3 (cloth).

Dando-Collins, Stephen. The Great Fire of Rome: The Fall of the Emperor Nero and His City. Pp. vii + 263, b&w pls. 8, maps 2. Da Capo Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2010. $25. ISBN 978-0-306-81890-5 (cloth).

Darvill, Timothy. Prehistoric Britain (Routledge World Archaeology). 2nd ed. Pp. xxi + 394, figs. 127, tables 10. Routledge, London 2010. $41.95. ISBN 978-0-415-49027-6 (paper).

Davison, Claire Cullen, edited by Geoffrey B. Waywell. Pheidias: The Sculptures and Ancient Sources (BICS Suppl. 105). 3 vols. Vol. 1. Pp. xxvi + 656; vol. 2. Pp. viii + 560; vol. 3. Pp. xix + 396, figs. 246. Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London 2009. £160. ISBN 978-1-905670-21-5 (vol. 1); 978-1-905670-22-2 (vol. 2); 978-1-905670-23-9 (vol. 3) (cloth).

De Berti, Raffaele, and Irene Piazzoni. Forme e modelli del rotocalco italiano tra fascismo e guerra: Milano, 2–3 ottobre 2008 (Quaderni di Acme 115). Pp. xiii + 751, numerous b&w figs., color pls. 35, numerous tables. Cisalpino, Milan 2009. Price not available. ISBN 978-88-6521-015-4 (paper).

Déroche, François, and Jean Leclant, eds. Monuments et cultes funéraires d’Afrique du Nord: Actes de la IVe journée d’études nord-africaines organisée par l’académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres et la société d’étude du Maghreb préhistorique, antique et médiéval, palais de l’institut, 28 mars 2008. Pp. 231, b&w and color figs. 98, table 1. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris 2010. €35. ISBN 9782877542364 (paper).

Dillon, Sheila. The Female Portrait Statue in the Greek World. Pp. xvi + 254, figs. 80. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $99. ISBN 978-0-521-76450-6 (cloth).

Dubreuil, Benoît. Human Evolution and the Origins of Hierarchies: The State of Nature. Pp. xv + 271, figs. 13, tables 5. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $85. ISBN 978-0-521-76948-8 (cloth).

Dwyer, Eugene. Pompeii’s Living Statues: Ancient Roman Lives Stolen from Death. Pp. xiii + 159, figs. 49. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2010. $45. ISBN 978-0-472-11727-1 (cloth).

Earle, Timothy, and Kristian Kristiansen, eds. Organizing Bronze Age Societies: The Mediterranean, Central Europe and Scandinavia Compared. Pp. xxiv + 303, figs. 54, b&w pls. 15, color pls. 15. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $29.99. ISBN 978-0-521-74835-3 (paper).

Fields, Nic. Carthaginian Warrior 264–146 BC (Warrior Series 150). Pp. 64, numerous b&w and color figs. Osprey, Oxford 2010. $18.95. ISBN 978-1-84603-958-4 (paper).

Forgeau, Anne. Horus-fils-d’Isis: La jeunesse d’un dieu (Bibliothèque d’Étude 150). Pp. x + 529, pls. 73. Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 2010. €36. ISBN 978-2-7247-051-1 (paper).

Fotaine, Paul, ed. L’Étrurie et l’Ombrie avant Rome: Cité et territoire. Actes du colloque international, Leuvain-la-Neuve, Halles Universitaires, Sénat académique, 13–14 février 2004. Pp. 248, figs. 126, tables 2, plans 2. Institut Historique Belge de Rome, Brussels 2010. €55. ISBN 978-90-74461-61-0 (paper).

Frasca, Massimo. Leontinoi (Archaeologica 152). Pp. xviii + 182, figs. 28, pls. 23. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2009. €65. ISBN 978-88-7689-239-4 (paper).

Gabrielli, Roberta. Ceramica Etrusco-Corinzia del Museo Archeologico di Tarquinia (Archaeologica 155). Pp. xiii + 567, figs. 26, pls. 30. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2010. €190. ISBN 978-88-7689-251-6 (paper).

Greaves, Alan M. The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in the Archaic Period. Pp. xvi + 269, figs. 38, tables 6. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, England, and Malden, Mass. 2010. $110. ISBN 978-1-4051-9900-1 (cloth).

Grotta, Cristoforo. Zeus Meilichios a Selinunte (Historica 9). Pp. xvii + 331, figs. 26, pls. 36. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2010. €210. ISBN 978-88-7689-247-9 (paper).

Guo, Qinghua. The Mingqi Pottery Buildings of Han Dynasty China 206 BC–AD 220: Architectural Representations and Represented Architecture. Pp. viii + 206, b&w figs. 356, color figs. 8. Sussex Academic Press, Eastbourne, England 2010. $99.95. ISBN 978-1-84519-321-8 (cloth).

Harissis, Haralampos V., and Anastasios V. Harissis. Apiculture in the Prehistoric Aegean: Minoan and Mycenaean Symbols Revisited (BAR-IS 1958). Pp. vi + 95, figs. 59. John and Erica Hedges, Oxford 2009. £40. ISBN 978-1-4073-0454-0 (paper).

Harrison, Rodney, and John Schofield. After Modernity: Archaeological Approaches to the Contemporary Past. Pp. x + 328, figs. 42. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010. £27.50. ISBN 978-0-19-954808-8 (paper).

Hart, Mary Louise, ed. The Art of Ancient Greek Theater. Pp. viii + 168, numerous b&w and color figs. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles 2010. $50. ISBN 978-1-60606-037-7 (cloth).

Held, Winfried. Gergakome: Ein altehrwürdiges Heiligtum im kaiserzeitlichen Karien (IstForsch 49). Pp. xi + 220, figs. 250, map 1. Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen 2008. €35. ISBN 978-3-8030-1770-3 (cloth).

Hendon, Julia A. Houses in a Landscape: Memory and Everyday Life in Mesoamerica. Pp. x + 292, figs. 41, tables 8, maps 7. Duke University Press, Durham, N.C. 2010. $23.95. ISBN 978-0-8223-4704-0 (paper).

Hockmann, Daniel. Gräber und Grüfte in Assur. Vol. 1, Von der zweiten Hälfte des 3. bis zur Mitte des 2. Jahr-tausends v. Chr. (WVDOG 129). Pp. vi + 169, figs. 53, pls. 121, tables 10. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2010. €78. ISBN 978-3-447-06220-6 (cloth).

Hodder, Ian, ed. Religion in the Emergence of Civilization: Çatalhöyük as a Case Study. Pp. xii + 360, figs. 43, tables 3. Cambridge University Press, New York 2010. $37.99. ISBN 978-0-521-15019-4 (paper).

Johns, Catherine, ed. The Hoxne Late Roman Treasure: Gold Jewellery and Silver Plate. Pp. x + 278, figs. 289, tables 22. British Museum Press, London 2010. $120. ISBN 978-0-7141-1817-8 (cloth).

Kaimio, Jorma. The Cippus Inscriptions of Museo Nazionale di Tarquinia (Archaeologica 154). Pp. xii + 217, figs. 114, tables 4. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2010. €230. ISBN 978-88-7689-242-4 (paper).

Kalyanaraman, S. Indus Script Cipher: Hieroglyphs of Indian Linguistic Area. Pp. 468, numerous figs. Sarasvati Research Center, Chennai 2010. $34.99. ISBN 978-0982897102 (paper).

Karageorghis, Vassos. Ancient Cypriote Art in the Leto and Costakis Severis Collection. 2nd ed. Pp. 216, figs. 284. A.G. Leventis Foundation, Nicosia 2010. €40. ISBN 978-9963-560-90-5 (paper).

Karageorghis, Vassos. Cypriote Antiquities in the Phylactou Collection. Pp. 136, figs. 189. A.G. Leventis Foundation, Nicosia 2010. €35. ISBN 978-9963-560-89-9 (paper).

Kern, Susan. The Jeffersons at Shadwell (The Lamar Series in Western History). Pp. xi + 362, figs. 56, tables 20. Yale University Press, New Haven. $30. ISBN 978-0-300-15390-3 (cloth).

Koerner, Stephanie, and Ian Russell, eds. Unquiet Pasts: Risk Society, Lived Cultural Heritage, Re-designing Reflexivity (Heritage, Culture and Identity). Pp. xv + 423, figs. 31, tables 9. Ashgate Publishing, Farnham, England 2010. $124.95. ISBN 978-0-7546-7548-8 (cloth).

Kunze-Götte, Erika. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland 87. München 15: Antikensammlungen ehemals Museum Antiker Kleinkunst. Attisch Wiessgrundige Lekythen (Union Académique Internationale). Pp. 156, figs. 57, Beilagen 23, color pls. 85. C.H. Beck, Munich 2010. €98. ISBN 978-3-406-60170-5 (cloth).

Labadi, Sophia, and Colin Long, eds. Heritage and Globalisation (Key Issues in Cultural Heritage). Pp. xiii + 230, figs. 29. Routledge, London 2010. $43.95. ISBN 978-0-415-57112-8 (paper).

LeCount, Lisa J., and Jason Yaeger, eds. Classic Maya Provincial Politics: Xunantunich and Its Hinterlands. Pp. x + 451, figs. 53, tables 27. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson 2010. $72.50. ISBN 978-0-8165-2884-4 (cloth).

Lejpunskaja, Nina A., Pia Guldager Bilde, Jakob Munk Højte, Valentina V. Krapivina, and Sergej D. Kryžickij, eds. The Lower City of Olbia (Sector NGS) in the 6th Century BC to the 4th Century AD (Black Sea Studies 13). 2 vols. Vol. 1, Text. Pp. 657, tables 32; vol. 2, Plates. Pp. 407, b&w and color pls. 407. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus 2010. $110. ISBN 978-87-7934-523-2 (cloth).

Lembke, Katja, Martina Minas-Nerpel, and Stefan Pfeiffer, eds. Tradition and Transformation: Egypt Under Roman Rule. Proceedings of the International Conference, Hildesheim, Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum, 3–6 July 2008 (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 41). Pp. xii + 508, figs. 126, pls. 27, tables 2. Brill, Leiden 2010. $199. ISBN 978-90-04-18335-3 (cloth).

Lloyd, Alan B., ed. A Companion to Ancient Egypt (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World). 2 vols. Vol. 1. Pp. xliii + 638, figs. 96, pls. 7, tables 4, maps 2; vol. 2. Pp. xxiii + 635, figs. 129, pls. 27. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, England 2010. $400. ISBN 978-1-4051-5598-4 (cloth).

Lohmann, Hans, and Torsten Mattern, eds. Attika: Archäologie einer zentralen Kulturlandschaft, Akten der internationalen Tagung vom 18.–20. Mai 2007 in Marburg (Philippika 37). Pp. x + 284, figs. 5, pls. 54, tables 5. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2010. €78. ISBN 978-3-447-06223-7 (cloth).

Loren, Diana DiPaolo. The Archaeology of Clothing and Bodily Adornment in Colonial America (The American Experience in Archaeological Perspective). Pp. xviii + 122, figs. 28. University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2010. $69.95. ISBN 978-0-8130-3501-7 (cloth).

Lo Schiavo, Fulvia, and Antonella Romualdi, eds. I complessi archeologici di Trestina e di Fabbrecce nel Museo Archeologico di Firenze (Monumenti Antichi, Serie Miscellanea 12). Pp. 205, figs. 56, pls. 56. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2009. €230. ISBN 978-88-7689-214-1 (paper).

Luft, Ulrich, ed. Bi’r Minayh: Report on the Survey 1998–2004 (Studia Aegyptiaca Series Maior 3). Pp. xi + 319, b&w figs. 205, color figs. 92, tables 12, fold-out drawings 2, fold-out maps 2. Archaeolingua Alapítvány, Budapest 2010. €116. ISBN 978-963- 9911-11-6 (cloth).

Maca, Allan L., Jonathan E. Reyman, and William J. Folan, eds. Prophet, Pariah, and Pioneer: Walter W. Taylor and Dissension in American Archaeology. Pp. xxx + 416, figs. 26, tables 3. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2010. $75. ISBN 978-0-87081-952-0 (cloth).

Maisels, Charles. The Archaeology of Politics and Power: Where, When and Why the First States Formed. Pp. xvii + 469, figs. 191. Oxbow, Oxford 2010. $60. ISBN 978-184217-352-7 (paper).

Marinatos, Nanno. Minoan Kingship and the Solar Goddess: A Near Eastern Koine. Pp. x + 263, figs. 162. University of Illinois Press, Champaign 2010. $55. ISBN 978-0-252-03392-6 (cloth).

Moreland, John. Archaeology, Theory and the Middle Ages: Understanding the Early Medieval Past. Pp. x + 355, figs. 15. Duckworth, London 2010. $33. ISBN 978-0715636893 (paper).

Morris, Ian. Why the West Rules—For Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future. Pp. xiii + 750, figs. 89, tables 6. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 2010. $35. ISBN 978-0-374-29002-3 (cloth).

Noël Hume, Ivor. A Passion for the Past: The Odyssey of a Transatlantic Archaeologist. Pp. xvii + 350, figs. 42. University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville 2010. $29.95. ISBN 978-0-8139-2977-4 (cloth).

Osanna, Massimo, ed. Verso la città forme insediative in Lucania e nel mondo italico fra IV e III sec. a. C. Pp. 526, figs. 243. Osanna Edizioni, Venosa 2009. €50. ISBN 88-8167-278-2 (paper).

Papadopoulos, Constantinos. Death Management and Virtual Pursuits: A Virtual Reconstruction of the Minoan Cemetery at Phourni, Archanes. Examining the Use of Tholos Tomb C and Burial Building 19 and the Role of Illumination in Relation to Mortuary Practices and the Perception of Life and Death by the Living (BAR-IS 2082). Pp. xx + 156, figs. 178, tables 23, CD-ROM 1. Archaeopress, Oxford 2010. £46. ISBN 978-1-4073-0558-5 (paper).

Parkinson, William A., and Michael L. Galaty, eds., with contributions by John F. Cherry, Eric H. Cline, Michael L. Galaty, P. Nick Kardulias, William A. Parkinson, Robert Schon, Susan Sherratt, Helena Thomas, and David Wengrow. Archaic State Interaction: The Eastern Mediterranean in the Bronze Age (School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series). Pp. xii + 318, figs. 24, tables 2. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe 2009. $34.95. ISBN 978-1-934691-20-5 (paper).

Petersen, Jane Hjarl. Cultural Interactions and Social Strategies on the Pontic Shores: Burial Customs in the Northern Black Sea Area c. 550–270 BC (Black Sea Studies 12). Pp. 362, figs. 80, tables 17, color pls. 15. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus 2010. $60. ISBN 978-87-7934-520-1 (cloth).

Podany, Amanda H. Brotherhood of Kings: How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East. Pp. xxiv + 398, figs. 20. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010. $34.95. ISBN 978-0-19-531398-7 (cloth).

Randsborg, Klavs, and Inga Merkyte, with Niels Algreen Møller and Søren Albek. Bénin Archaeology: The Ancient Kingdoms (Centre of World Archaeology 7). 2 vols. Vol. 1. Pp. 282, numerous b&w figs.; vol. 2. Pp. 201, b&w pls. 108. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford 2009. Price not available. ISBN 978-1-4051-8569-1 (cloth).

Redford, Donald B. City of the Ram-Man: The Story of Ancient Mendes. Pp. xxii + 239, figs. 178, tables 2. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2010. $35. ISBN 978-0-691-14226-5 (cloth).

Richard, Suzanne, Jesse C. Long, Jr., Paul S. Holdorf, and Glen Peterman, eds., with contributions by Carlos E. Cordova, James D. D’Angelo, Susan Ellis, Jeanette Forsen, Yuval Goren, Mary C. Metzger, Yorke M. Rowan, and Lynn Welton. Khirbat Iskandar: Final Report on the Early Bronze IV Area C “Gateway” and Cemeteries (Archaeological Expedition to Khirbat Iskandar and Its Environs, Jordan 1; American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological Reports 14). Pp. xvi + 456, figs. 207, pls. 22, tables 24. American Schools of Oriental Research, Boston 2010. $89.95. ISBN 978-0-89757-082-4 (cloth).

Sass, Benjamin, and Joachim Marzahn. Aramaic and Figural Stamp Impressions on Bricks of the Sixth Century B.C. from Babylon (Ausgrabungen in Babylon 10). Pp. 259, figs. 1,056. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2010. €72. ISBN 978-3-447-06184-1 (cloth).

Scott, Michael. Delphi and Olympia: The Spatial Politics of Panhellenism in the Archaic and Classical Periods. Pp. xix + 356, figs. 60. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010. $95. ISBN 978-0-521-19126-5 (cloth).

Sebastian, Lynne, and William D. Lipe, eds. Archaeology & Cultural Resource Management: Visions for the Future (School for Advanced Research Seminar Series). Pp. xvi + 345, figs. 11, tables 4. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe 2010. $34.95. ISBN 978-1-934691-16-8 (paper).

Sena Chiesa, Gemma, ed., with contributions by Alessandra Magni, Gemma Sena Chiesa, and Gabriella Tassinari. Gemme dei civici musei d’arte di Verona (Collezioni e Musei Archeologici del Veneto 45). Pp. ix + 249, pls. 66. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2009. €188. ISBN 978-88-7689-259-2 (paper).

Shang, Hong, and Erik Trinkaus. The Early Modern Human from Tianyuan Cave, China. Pp. xi + 245, b&w figs. 86, color figs. 8, tables 59. Texas A&M University Press, College Station 2010. $45. ISBN 978-1-60344-177-3 (cloth).

Shecter, Vicky Alvear. Cleopatra Rules! The Amazing Life of the Original Teen Queen. Pp. 128, numerous color figs. Boyds Mills Press, Honesdale, Pa. 2010. $17.95. ISBN 978-59078-718-2 (cloth).

Sidorova, Natalia. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: Russia 17. Moscow 8: Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. East Greek Pottery. Pp. 75, b&w pls. 38. L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2009. €180. ISBN 978-88-8265-465-8 (cloth).

Smith, Tyler Jo. Komast Dancers in Archaic Greek Art (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology). Pp. xxx + 357, figs. 5, pls. 42. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010. $120. ISBN 978-0-19-957865-8 (cloth).

Stek, Tesse. Cult Places and Cultural Change in Republican Italy: A Contextual Approach to Religious Aspects of Rural Society After the Roman Conquest (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 14). Pp. x + 263, figs. 71. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2009. $69.50. ISBN 978-90-8964-177-9 (cloth).

Tignor, Robert L. Egypt: A Short History. Pp. xiii + 363, figs. 6, pls. 25, maps 2. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2010. $29.95. ISBN 978-0-691-14763-5 (cloth).

Tuck, Anthony. The Necropolis of Poggio Civitate (Murlo): Burials from Poggio Aguzzo (Archaeologica 153). Pp. ix + 146, figs. 16, pls. 33. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2009. €180. ISBN 978-88-7689-217-6 (paper).

Tudge, Collin. The Link: Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor. Pp. x + 262, b&w and color pls. 32. Little, Brown, New York 2009. $15.99. ISBN 978-0-316-07009-6 (paper).

Uriarte, Maria Teresa, ed. Pre-Columbian Architecture in Mesoamerica. Pp. 335, b&w figs. 294, color figs. 315. Abbeville Press, New York 2010. $125. ISBN 978-0-7892-1045-6 (cloth).

Van Peer, Philip, Pierre M. Vermeersch, and Etienne Paulissen. Chert Quarrying, Lithic Technology and a Modern Human Burial at the Palaeolithic Site of Taramsa 1, Upper Egypt (Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 5). Pp. 312, b&w figs. 214, color pls. 99, tables 68. Leuven University Press, Leuven 2010. $89.50. ISBN 978-90-5867-786-0 (paper).

Vaughn, Kevin J., Jelmer W. Eerkens, and John Kantner, eds. The Evolution of Leadership: Transitions in Decision Making from Small-Scale to Middle-Range Societies. Pp. xi + 349, figs. 30, tables 15. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe 2009. $34.95. ISBN 978-1-934691-13-7 (paper).

Vogel, Carola. The Fortifications of Ancient Egypt 3000–1780 BC (Fortress 98). Pp. 64, numerous b&w and color figs. Osprey, Oxford 2010. $18.95. ISBN 978-1-84603-956-0 (paper).

Weber, Andrzej W., M. Anne Katzenberg, and Theodore G. Schurr, eds. Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia: Bioarchaeological Studies of Past Life Ways. Pp. xx + 319, figs. 73, tables 41, DVD 1. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2010. $59.95. ISBN 978-1-934536-11-7 (cloth).

Werdelin, Lars, and William Joseph Sanders, eds. Cenozoic Mammals of Africa. Pp. xxi + 986, figs. 362, tables 81. University of California Press, Berkeley 2010. $95. ISBN 978-0-520-25721-4 (cloth).

Xagorari-Gleißner, Maria. Meter Theon: Die Göttermutter bei den Griechen (Peleus 40). Pp. 175, pls. 51. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2008. €32. ISBN 978-3-938646-2 (cloth).

Zanker, Paul, translated by Henry Heitmann-Gordon.Roman Art. Pp. ix + 205, b&w figs. 60, color figs. 60. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles 2010. $60. ISBN 978-1-60606-030-8 (cloth).

List of Books Received

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 115, No. 1 (January 2011)

DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1151.BooksReceived

© 2011 Archaeological Institute of America