January 1998 (102.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Archaeology and Epistemology: Dialoguing across the Darwinian Chasm (pp. 1–34)
Bruce G. Trigger
The Propylon to the Sanctuary of Demeter Malophoros at Selinous (pp. 35–57)
Margaret M. Miles
A Group of Portrait Statues from the Civic Center of Aphrodisias (pp. 59–89)
Christopher H. Hallett
Neopalatial, Final Palatial, and Postpalatial Crete (pp. 91–173)
Paul Rehak and John G. Younger
James Bennett Pritchard, 1909–1997 (pp. 175–177)
Robert H. Dyson, Jr.
Darrell Arlynn Amyx, 1911–1997 (pp. 179–180)
Evelyn E. Bell and Barbara A. Forbes
Running the Gamut: Gender, Girls, and Goddesses (pp. 181–185)
Lynn Meskell
Nationalism and Archaeology in Europe (pp. 185–186)
Edited by Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Timothy Champion
Reviewed by Heinrich Härke
Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction (pp. 186–187)
By Paul Bahn
Reviewed by Keith Branigan
The Oxford Companion to Archaeology (pp. 186–187)
Edited by Brian M. Fagan
Reviewed by Keith Branigan
Bayesian Approach to Interpreting Archaeological Data (pp. 187–188)
By C.E. Buck, W.G. Cavanagh, and C.D. Litton
Reviewed by Clive Orton
Prehistoric Cultural Ecology and Evolution: Insights from Southern Jordan (pp. 188–189)
By Donald O. Henry
Reviewed by Thomas E. Levy
Excavations at Al Sufouh, a Third Millennium Site in the Emirate of Dubai (pp. 190–191)
By Jodie N. Benton
Reviewed by Derek Kennet
Tell Sabi Abyad: The Late Neolithic Settlement. Report on the Excavations of the University of Amsterdam (1988) and the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden (1991–1993) in Syria I–II (pp. 191–192)
Edited by Peter M.M.G. Akkermans
Reviewed by Gary O. Rollefson
Excavations at Anshan (Tal-e Malyan): The Middle Elamite Period (pp. 192–193)
By Elizabeth Carter
Reviewed by D.T. Potts
The Development of the Cypriot Economy from the Prehistoric Period to the Present Day (pp. 193–194)
Edited by V. Karageorghis and D. Michaelides
Reviewed by Jennifer M. Webb
Marki Alonia, an Early and Middle Bronze Age Town in Cyprus: Excavations 1990–1994 (pp. 195–196)
By David Frankel and Jennifer M. Webb
Reviewed by R.S. Merrillees
Kommos I: The Kommos Region and the Houses of the Minoan Town. Pt. 2, The Minoan Hilltop and Hillside Houses (pp. 196–197)
Edited by Joseph W. Shaw and Maria C. Shaw
Reviewed by Elizabeth Schofield
Artisans Minoens: Les maisons-ateliers du Quartier Mu (pp. 197–198)
By Jean-Claude Poursat
Reviewed by Peter Warren
Die bronzenen Menschenfiguren auf Kreta und in der Ägäis (pp. 198–199)
By Efi Sapouna-Sakellarakis
Reviewed by Louise A. Hitchcock
Nécropoles et société au premier Âge du Fer: Le tumulus de Courtesoult (Haute-Saône) (pp. 199–200)
Edited by Jean-François Piningre
Reviewed by Sara Champion
Etruschi e altre genti nell’Italia preromana: Mobilità in età arcaica (pp. 200–201)
By Mauro Cristofani
Reviewed by R. Ross Holloway
Satricum IV: Excavations at Satricum (Borgo le Ferriere) 1907–1910: Northwest Necropolis, Southwest Sanctuary and Acropolis (pp. 201–203)
By Birgitte Ginge
Reviewed by John F. Kenfield
Satricum V: The Ridge-Pole Statues from the Late Archaic Temple at Satricum (pp. 201–203)
By Patricia S. Lulof
Reviewed by John F. Kenfield
Worshipping Athena: Panathenaia and Parthenon (pp. 203–204)
Edited by Jenifer Neils
Reviewed by Robin Osborne
La sculpture de Thasos: Corpus des reliefs I: Reliefs à thème divin (pp. 204–205)
By Bernard Holtzmann
Reviewed by Judith M. Barringer
Délos XXXVI: Documents d’architecture hellénique et hellénistique (pp. 205–206)
By Philippe Fraisse and Christian Llinas
Reviewed by Pieter B.F.J. Broucke
Hellenistische Keramik: Eine Brunnenfüllung nördlich von Bau C und Reliefkeramik verschiedener Fundplätze in Olympia (pp. 206–207)
By Ulrich Hausmann
Reviewed by Susan Rotroff
Bolsena VII: La citerne 5 et son mobilier: Production, importations et consommation, IIIe siècle / début Ier siècle av. J.-C. et deuxième tiers du Ier siècle ap. J.-C. (pp. 207–208)
Edited by Marie-Hélène Santrot and Jacques Santrot
Reviewed by Shelley C. Stone III
La terra sigillata tardo-italica decorata del Museo Nazionale Romano (pp. 207–208)
By Caterina Rossetti Tella
Reviewed by Shelley C. Stone III
The Urban Image of Augustan Rome (pp. 208–209)
By Diane Favro
Reviewed by Stephen L. Dyson
Writing Rome: Textual Approaches to the City (pp. 208–209)
By Catharine Edwards
Reviewed by Stephen L. Dyson
Roman Ostia Revisited: Archaeological and Historical Papers in Memory of Russell Meiggs (pp. 209–210)
Edited by Anna Gallina Zevi and Amanda Claridge
Reviewed by Steven L. Tuck
Ancient Faces: Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt (pp. 210–211)
By Susan Walker and Morris Bierbrier
Reviewed by Dominic Montserrat
The Longest Roman Water Supply Line (p. 212)
By Kâzım Çeçen
Reviewed by Dora P. Crouch
Il Palatino nel medioevo: Archaeologia e topografia (secoli VI–XIII) (pp. 213–214)
By Andrea Augenti
Reviewed by Dale Kinney
Down from Olympus: Archaeology and Philhellenism in Germany, 1750–1970 (pp. 214–215)
By Suzanne L. Marchand
Reviewed by William M. Calder III
Provenienza: Sconosciuta! Tombaroli, mercanti e collezionisti: L’Italia archeologica allo sbaraglio (p. 215)
By Daniel Graepler and Marina Mazzei
Reviewed by Claire L. Lyons
Archaeology’s Publication Problem (pp. 215–216)
Edited by Hershel Shanks
Reviewed by Brian Fagan
How Writing Came About (p. 216)
By Denise Schmandt-Besserat
Reviewed by Barry B. Powell
Mykenische Keramik in Anatolien (pp. 216–217)
By Coşkun Özgünel
Reviewed by Christopher Mee
Lefkandi III: The Early Iron Age Cemetery at Toumba. The Excavations of 1981 to 1994: Plates (p. 217)
By M.R. Popham and I.S. Lemos
Reviewed by Ian Morris
Il Trono di Amyklai e Sparta: Bathykles al servizio del potere (pp. 217–218)
By Amalia Faustoferri
Reviewed by Jane B. Carter
Die Architekten der späten römischen Republik und der Kaiserzeit: Epigraphische Zeugnisse (p. 218)
By Michael Donderer
Reviewed by James C. Anderson, Jr.
Forschungen im nordwestlichen Kleinasien: Antike und byzantinische Denkmäler in der Provinz Bursa (p. 218)
By Yıldız Ötüken
Reviewed by Clive Foss
The Von Post Collection of Cypriote Late Byzantine Glazed Pottery (p. 219)
By Elisabeth Piltz
Reviewed by Effie F. Athanassopoulos
Survey of Medieval Castles of Anatolia II: Nicomedia (pp. 219–220)
By Clive Foss
Reviewed by Eric A. Ivison
The Islamic Baths of Palestine (p. 220)
By Martin Dow
Reviewed by Bert de Vries
List of Books Received (pp. 221–223)