October 1996 (100.4)

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AJA 1987-2013

Volume Index

Volume 100 (1996) Index (Open Access)

Field Report

Excavations at Kalo Khorio, East Crete (pp. 645–681)
Donald C. Haggis


Household Production at the Uruk Mound, Abu Salabikh, Iraq (pp. 683–698)
Susan Pollock, Melody Pope, and Cheryl Coursey

The Eridanos Valley and the Athenian Agora (pp. 699–715)
Albert J. Ammerman

Windows, Baths, and Solar Energy in the Roman Empire (pp. 717–724)
James W. Ring


Archaeology in Israel (pp. 725–768)
Samuel R. Wolff

Review Articles

The “New Museology” and Classical Art (pp. 769–773)
Jaś Elsner

New Directions in Italian Burial Studies: A Disorganized Renaissance? (pp. 773–776)
John E. Robb

Houses and Households (pp. 777–781)
Barbara Tsakirgis

Book Reviews

Black Athena Revisited (pp. 781–782)
Edited by Mary R. Lefkowitz and Guy M. Rogers
Reviewed by Eric H. Cline

Prehistoric Bulgaria (pp. 782–783)
Edited by Douglass W. Bailey and Ivan Panayotov
Reviewed by Alexandra Kalogirou

Ancient Nubia: Egypt’s Rival in Africa (pp. 783–784)  
By David B. O’Connor
Reviewed by Stuart T. Smith

The Absolute Chronology of the Aegean Early Bronze Age: Archaeology, Radiocarbon and History (pp. 784–785) 
By Sturt W. Manning
Reviewed by Peter Ian Kuniholm

Kommos I: The Region and the Houses of the Minoan Town, Pt. 1: The Kommos Region, Ecology and Minoan Industries (pp. 785–787)  
Edited by Joseph W. Shaw and Maria C. Shaw
Reviewed by Jennifer Moody

The Late Bronze Egyptian Garrison at Beth Shan: A Study of Levels VII and VIII. Vols. 1, 2 (pp. 787–788)
By Frances W. James and Patrick E. McGovern
Reviewed by J.P. Dessel

Gravisca. Scavi nel santuario greco 4: Le ceramiche ioniche (pp. 788–789)
By Sabrina Boldrini
Reviewed by Marcella Barra Bagnasco

Cypriote Stone Sculpture: Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Cypriote Studies, Brussels-Liège, 17–19 May 1993 (pp. 789–791)
Edited by Frieda Vandenabeele and Robert Laffineur
Reviewed by Nancy Serwint

Temple-Boys: A Study of Cypriote Votive Sculpture. Pt. 1, Catalogue (pp. 789–791)
By Cecilia Beer
Reviewed by Nancy Serwint

Attic Document Reliefs: Art and Politics in Ancient Athens (pp. 791–792)
By Carol L. Lawton
Reviewed by Kenneth D.S. Lapatin

Ancient Farms and Land-Plots on the Khora of Khersonesos Taurike: Research in the Herakleian Peninsula, 1974–1990 (p. 792)
By S.J. Saprykin
Reviewed by Joseph Coleman Carter

Proceedings of the International Conference on Greek Architectural Terracottas of the Classical and Hellenistic Periods, December 12–15, 1991 (pp. 793–794)
Edited by Nancy A. Winter
Reviewed by Bonna D. Wescoat

The Aphrodite of Knidos and Her Successors: A Historical Review of the Female Nude in Greek Art (pp. 794–795)
By Christine Mitchell Havelock
Reviewed by Helen King

Die Nike von Samothrake: Typus, Form, Bedeutung und Wirkungsgeschichte eines rhodischen Sieges-Anathems im Kabirenheiligtum von Samothrake (pp. 794–795)
By Heiner Knell
Reviewed by Helen King

Roman Portraiture: A History of Its History (pp. 795–796)
By Jan Baz̆ant
Reviewed by Susan Kane

Porträt und Gesellschaft in der römischen Welt (pp. 795–796)
By Jean Charles Balty
Reviewed by Susan Kane

Roman Portraits I: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Roman Portraits II: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, and Roman Portraits III: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (pp. 795–796)
By Flemming Johansen
Reviewed by Susan Kane

Greek and Roman Portraits (pp. 795–796)
By Susan Walker
Reviewed by Susan Kane

Sub specie deae. Les impératrices et princesses romaines assimilées à des déesses: Étude iconologique (pp. 797–798)
By Tomasz Mikocki
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner

I ritratti di Agrippina Maggiore (pp. 797–798)
By Raffaella Tansini
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner

Le buste monétaire des empereurs romains (pp. 798–799)
By Pierre Bastien
Reviewed by Brooks Emmons Levy

The Ara Pacis Augustae and the Imagery of Abundance in Later Greek and Early Roman Imperial Art (pp. 799–800)
By David Castriota
Reviewed by Karl Galinsky

Dynasty and Empire in the Age of Augustus: The Case of the Boscoreale Cups (pp. 800–801)
By Ann L. Kuttner
Reviewed by Tonio Hölscher

Religionem significare: Studien zu reich verzierten römischen Altären und Basen aus Marmor (pp. 801–802)
By Olaf Dräger
Reviewed by Eric R. Varner

Der Koloß Neros: Die Domus Aurea und der Mentalitätswandel im Rom der frühen Kaiserzeit (pp. 802–803)
By Marianne Bergmann
Reviewed by Fred C. Albertson

Tripolitania (pp. 803–804)
By David J. Mattingly
Reviewed by Elizabeth Fentress

The Art of Roman Britain (pp. 804–805)
By Martin Henig
Reviewed by Sarah A. Scott

Art and the Roman Viewer: The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to Christianity (pp. 805–807)
By Jaś Elsner
Reviewed by Barbara Kellum

La storia dellalto medieovo italiano (VI–X secolo) alla luce dellarcheologia (pp. 807–808)
Edited by Riccardo Francovich and Ghislaine Noyé
Reviewed by John Moreland

Fortifications and the Synagogue: The Fortress of Babylon and the Ben Ezra Synagogue, Cairo (pp. 808–809)
Edited by Phyllis Lambert
Reviewed by Amitav Ghosh

Book Notes

ARX: World Journal of Prehistoric and Ancient Studies 1.1 (p. 809)
Reviewed by Robert Chapman

Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens I (pp. 809–810)
Edited by Soren Dietz
Reviewed by Carla M. Antonaccio

Artifact and Assemblage: The Finds from a Regional Survey of the Southern Argolid, Greece I: The Prehistoric and Early Iron Age Pottery and the Lithic Artifacts (p. 810)
Edited by C.N. Runnels, D.J. Pullen, and S. Langdon
Reviewed by Nancy C. Wilkie

Studien zur Darstellung des Menschen in der minoischen Kunst der älteren und jüngeren Palastzeit (pp. 810–811)
By Halina Wingerath
Reviewed by John G. Younger

Athenian Democracy in Transition: Attic Letter-Cutters of 340 to 290 B.C. (p. 811)
By Stephen V. Tracy
Reviewed by Elizabeth Kosmetatou

Archäologie und Seismologie: La regione vesuviana dal 62 al 79 d.C. Problemi archeologici e sismologici (pp. 811–812)
Edited by Thomas Frölich and Luciana Jacobelli
Reviewed by Stathis Stiros

Ancient Akamas 1: Settlement and Environment (p. 812)
Edited by Jane Feifer
Reviewed by A. Bernard Knapp

Nishapur: Glass of the Early Islamic Period (pp. 812–813)
By Jens Kröger
Reviewed by David Whitehouse

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 813–816)