October 1986 (90.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013

Volume Index

Volume 90 (1986) Index (Open Access)


The American Journal of Archaeology, 1987 and Beyond (pp. 379–380)
Fred S. Kleiner


The Earliest Known Three-Dimensional Evidence for Spoked Wheels (pp. 395–398)
M.A. Littauer and J.H. Crouwel

Youth and Age in the Thera Frescoes (pp. 399–406)
Ellen N. Davis

A Marinescape Floor from the Palace at Knossos (pp. 407–417)
Robert B. Koehl

Two New Attic Cups and the Siege of Sardis (pp. 419–424)
Nancy Hirschland Ramage

Asklepios and Hygieia and the Cult Statue at Tegea (pp. 425–430)
Naomi J. Norman

The Myth of the Movable Skenai (pp. 431–436)
Caroline Buckler

Where Did the Greeks of the Roman Period Practice Wrestling? (pp. 437–440)
Ranon Katzoff

An Ancient Route in Southeastern Lucania (pp. 441–445)
Helena Fracchia

The Bulls in the “Tomb of the Bulls” at Tarquinia (pp. 447–452)
R. Ross Holloway

Ahenobarbi, Appuleii and Some Others on the Ara Pacis (pp. 453–460)
John Pollini

Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, 1984–1985

The Sippar Workshop of Seal Engraving (pp. 461–463)
Lamia Al-Gailani Werr

Archaic Uruk Cuneiform (pp. 464–466)
M.W. Green

Rojdi: The Investigation of a Prehistoric Town in India (pp. 467–468)
Gregory L. Possehl

The Archaeometry of Silver in Anatolia: The Bolkardağ Mining District (pp. 469–472)
K. Aslihan Yener


Dorothy Kent Hill, 1907–1986 (pp. 473–474)
James W. Poultney

Book Reviews

Who Owns the Past? Papers from the Annual Symposium of the Australian Academy of the Humanities (pp. 475–476)
By Isabel McBryde
Reviewed by Karen D. Vitelli

Data Processing in Archaeology (pp. 476–477)
By J.D. Richards and N.S. Ryan
Reviewed by Susan Lukesh

Nomades et sédentaires: perspectives ethnoarchéologiques (pp. 477–478)
By O. Aurenche
Reviewed by Andrew B. Smith

Prehistoric Farming in Europe (pp. 478–479) 
By Graeme Barker
Reviewed by Robert Whallon

Neolithic Europe: A Survey (pp. 478–479)
By Alasdair Whittle
Reviewed by Robert Whallon

European Social Evolution: Archaeological Perspectives (pp. 480–481)
By John Bintliff
Reviewed by D. Brendan Nagle

The Prehistoric Cyclades: Contributions to a Workshop on Cycladic Chronology, by J.A. MacGillivray and R.L.N. Barber; Prehistoric Production and Exchange: The Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, by A. Bernard Knapp and Tamara Stech (pp. 481–482)
Reviewed by John E. Coleman

Ecology and Empire: The Structure of the Urartian State (pp. 482–483)
By Paul Zimansky
Reviewed by Oscar White Muscarella

Μάνικα. Μία Πρωτοελλαδική πόλη στή Χαλκίδα Ι (pp. 483–484)
By Adamantios Sampson
Reviewed by Michael Fotiadis

The History of Minoan Pottery (pp. 484–485)
By Philip P. Betancourt
Reviewed by G. Walberg

The Art and Culture of Early Greece, 1100–480 B.C. (pp. 485–487)
By Jeffrey M. Hurwit
Reviewed by R. Ross Holloway

The Oresteia: Iconographic and Narrative Tradition (pp. 487–488)
by A.J.N.W. Prag
Reviewed by John E. Rexine

Der lykische Sarkophag aus Sidon (p. 488)
By Barbara Schmidt-Dounas
Reviewed by Susan Kane

Greek Lamps from Thorikos (pp. 489–490)
By Francine Blondé
Reviewed by Hector Williams

Cavallino I (pp. 490–491)
By O. Pancrazzi
Reviewed by Maurizio Gualtieri

Acquarossa II, Pt. 2. The Cooking Stands, by Charlotte Scheffer; Acquarossa IV. Early Etruscan Acroteria from Acquarossa and Poggio Civitate (Murlo), by Eva Rystedt; Acquarossa V. The Head Antefixes and Relief Plaques. Pt. 1. A Reconstruction of a Terracotta Decoration and Its Architectural Setting, by Margarete Strandberg Olofsson (pp. 491–492)
Reviewed by Susan B. Downey

The Arch of Nero in Rome. A Study of the Roman Honorary Arch before and under Nero (pp. 492–493)
By Fred S. Kleiner
Reviewed by Mary T. Boatwright

The Historical Topography of the Imperial Fora (pp. 493–495)
By James C. Anderson
Reviewed by James Russell

La “Tomba di Nerone” sulla Via Cassia. Studio sul Sarcofago di Publio Vibio Mariano (pp. 495–496)
By Eugenia Equini Schneider
Reviewed by James C. Anderson, Jr.

Das Gymnasium von Samos by Wolfram Martini; Corinth XVII. The Great Bath on the Lechaion Road (pp. 496–499)
By Jane C. Biers
Reviewed by Fikret K. Yegül

Hierapolis scavi e ricerche I. Fonti letterarie ed epigraphiche (pp. 499–500)
By Tullia Ritti
Reviewed by Stephen Mitchell

Hierapolis scavi e ricerche II. Le sculture del teatro. I rilievi con i cicli di Apollo e Artemide (pp. 499–500)
By Francesco d’Andria and Tullia Ritti
Reviewed by Stephen Mitchell

Military and Civilian in Roman Britain. Cultural Relationships in a Frontier Province (pp. 500–501)
By T.F.C. Blagg and A.C. King
Reviewed by Willem J.H. Willems

Turris Libisonis: Fouille d'un site romain tardif à Porto Torres, Sardaigne (pp. 501–502)
By Françoise Villedieu
Reviewed by Robert J. Rowland, Jr.

Terra sigillata hispánica tardía decorada a molde de la península ibérica (p. 502)
By J.R. López Rodríguez
Reviewed by John W. Hayes

Late Roman Amphorae in the Western Mediterranean. A Typology and Economic Study: The Catalan Evidence (pp. 502–503)
By S.J. Keay
Reviewed by Elizabeth Lyding Will

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 503–505)