October 1984 (88.4)

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AJA 1983-1986

Volume Index

Volume 88 (1984) Index (Open Access)


Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 441–459)
Machteld J. Mellink

News Letter from Greece 1983 (pp. 461–469)
Nancy A. Winter

Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, 1982–1983

Problems of Middle Bronze Age Chronology: New Evidence from Egypt (pp. 471–485)
Manfred Bietak

The Cylinder Seal from Tell el-Dabʿa (pp. 485–488)
Edith Porada

Seal Impressions on Jars from Ebla in the Late Early Bronze Age (p. 488)
Stefania Mazzoni

The Americanist Literature for 1983: A Year of Contrasts and Challenges (pp. 489–513)
Robert C. Dunnell

A Niche for Kallimachos’ Lamp? (pp. 515–521)
Olga Palagia

Herakles and Kyknos (pp. 523–529)
H.A. Shapiro

Human Sacrifice on an Etruscan Funerary Urn (pp. 531–539)
Larissa Bonfante

A Funerary Urn from Volterra (pp. 541–545)
Candace Carter

Damnatio Memoriae in Stone: Two Portraits of Nero Recut to Vespasian in American Museums (pp. 547–555)
John Pollini

A Personalized Floor Mosaic from Pompeii (pp. 557–566)
Robert I. Curtis

A Distinguished Macedonian Family of the Roman Imperial Period (pp. 567–582)
James Wiseman

Neglected Children on the Ara Pacis (pp. 583–589)
Ronald Syme

Archaeological Notes

Radiocarbon and Some Ancient Egyptian Thievery (pp. 591–592)
James M. Weinstein

Two New Roman Portraits from Athens (pp. 592–594)
Pandeli Zoridis

Procopius, Lime Mortar C14 Dating and the Late Roman Fortifications of Thermopylai (pp. 594–598)
W. J. Cherf

Book Reviews

Working at Archaeology (pp. 599–600)
By Lewis R. Binford
Reviewed by James B. Stoltman

Minoan Architectural Design. Formation and Signification (pp. 600–601)
By Donald Preziosi
Reviewed by J.C. McEnroe

Provincial Middle Minoan Pottery (pp. 601–602)
By Gisela Walberg
Reviewed by Philip P. Betancourt

The Greek Renaissance of the Eighth Century B.C.: Tradition and Innovation. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 1–5 June, 1981 (pp. 602–604)
By Robin Hägg
Reviewed by Jeffrey M. Hurwit

Phönizier im Westen (pp. 604–606)
By Hans Georg Niemeyer
Reviewed by Jean MacIntosh Turfa

Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan 1 (pp. 606–608)
By Adnan Hadidi
Reviewed by Issa J. Khalil

Ancient Greek Art and Iconography (pp. 608–609)
By Warren G. Moon
Reviewed by Jenifer Neils

The Eye of Greece. Studies in the Art of Greece (pp. 609–610)
By Donna C. Kurtz and Brian Sparkes
Reviewed by Mary B. Moore

Attisch weissgrundige Keramik (pp. 610–612)
By Irma Wehgartner
Reviewed by Joan R. Mertens

Skopas in Malibu: The Head of Achilles from Tegea and Other Sculptures by Skopas in the J. Paul Getty Museum (p. 612)
By Andrew Stewart
Reviewed by John R. Marszal

The Attalid Kingdom: A Constitutional History (p. 613)
By R.E. Allen
Reviewed by Kenneth S. Sacks

The Athenian Agora 22: Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls, by Susan I. Rotroff; Ikaros, The Hellenistic Settlements 2:1, 2. The Hellenistic Pottery from Failaka, by Lise Hannestad (pp. 613–616) 
Reviewed by Kathleen Warner Slane                     

The Coinage of the Lycian League (pp. 616–618)
By Hyla A. Troxell
Reviewed by Ralph Mathisen

Miniature Decoration in the Vatican Virgil (pp. 618–619)
By Thomas B. Stevenson
Reviewed by Herbert L. Kessler

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 619–620)