January 1955 (59.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Gordion: Preliminary Report, 1953 (pp. 1–18)
Rodney S. Young
Unpublished Sculpture in the Robinson Collection (pp. 19–29)
David M. Robinson
The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1954 (pp. 31–37)
Carl W. Blegen
Six Early Greek Animals (pp. 39–44)
Dorothy Kent Hill
A Cypriote Temple Attendant (pp. 45–47)
Erik Sjöqvist
On Mainland and Rhodian Workshops Shortly before 600 B.C. (pp. 49–54)
Chrysoula Kardara
Dotted Letters in Greek Epigraphy (pp. 55–61)
W. Kendrick Pritchett
Georg Lippold (pp. 63–64)
Margarete Bieber
Ludwig Curtius (pp. 64–65)
Margarete Bieber
George Harold Edgell (p. 65)
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. France fasc. 17, Louvre fasc. 10 (pp. 67–68)
By François Villard
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer
Ganymed. Mythos und Gestalt in der antiken Kunst (pp. 68–71)
By Hellmut Sichtermann
Reviewed by Marjorie J. Milne
Excavations in Azarbaijan, 1948 (pp. 71–72)
By T. Burton Brown
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson
Kush, Journal of the Sudan Antiquities Service, 1953 (p. 72)
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson
Sovetskaia Arkheologia, Vol. 17, 1953 (pp. 72–73)
By B.A. Rybakov
Reviewed by Irwin Scollar
Recueil des Signatures de Sculpteurs Grecs (pp. 73–74)
By Jean Marcadé
Reviewed by W. Kendrick Pritchett
Museo Nazionale Romano: Sculture greche del v secolo, Originali e Repliche (pp. 74–75)
By Enrico Paribeni
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter
Manuel d’archéologie grecque-La Sculpture (Tome IV): Période classique-IV siècle (pp. 76–78)
By Charles Picard
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter
The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Handbook of the Greek Collection (pp. 78–79)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Rebecca C.W. Robinson
Vasi antichi dipinti del Vaticano. Vasi italioti ed etruschi a figure rosse (pp. 79–81)
By A.D. Trendall Fasc
Reviewed by N.R. Oakeshott
Die jüngeretruskischen Steinsarkophage (pp. 81–84)
By Reinhard Herbig and Friedrich Matz
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann
Scavi Sottomarini in Liguria e in Provenza (pp. 84–85)
By Nino Lamboglia and Fernand Benoît
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro
Le Tibre, fleuve de Rome, dans l'antiquité, pp. 367, pls. 34; Recherches sur le culte du tibre, pp. 124, pls. 15 (pp. 85–86)
By Joel Le Gall
Reviewed by Louise Adams Holland
Der römische Import im freien Germanien (pp. 87–88)
By Hans Jürgen Eggers
Reviewed by Henry S. Robinson
The Excavations at Dura-Europos Conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters. Preliminary Report of the Ninth Season of Work, 1935–1936 (pp. 88–89)
By M.I. Rostovtzeff, A.R. Bellinger, F.E. Brown, and C.B. Welles
Reviewed by Henry S. Robinson
Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. Cataloghi dei Musei e Gallerie d’italia. Museo Nazionale Romano. I Ritratti (pp. 89–91)
By Bianca Maria Felletti Maj
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule
Antioch-on-the-Orontes, IV, Part II. Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Crusader Coins (pp. 91–92)
By Dorothy B. Waagé
Reviewed by Howard L. Adelson
Roman Imperial Money (p. 92)
By Michael Grant
Reviewed by Howard L. Adelson
The Athenian Agora, Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. II. Coins from the Roman through the Venetian Period (p. 93)
By Margaret Thompson
Reviewed by Judah Adelson
Aspects of the Principate of Tiberius (pp. 93–94)
By Michael Grant
Reviewed by Judah Adelson
Barbarians on Roman Imperial Coins and Sculpture (p. 94)
By Annalina Caló Levi
Reviewed by Judah Adelson
Der Kaiserornat Friedrichs II (pp. 94–95)
By Josef Deér
Reviewed by Richard H. Randall, Jr.
Heinrich Schliemann: Briefwechsel; aus dem Nachlass in Auswahl Herausgegeben (p. 95)
By Ernst Meyer
Reviewed by Shirley Howard Weber
Origins (pp. 95–96)
By Hannah M. Wormington
Reviewed by Alex D. Krieger
Ipiutak and the Arctic Whale Hunting Culture (pp. 96–98)
By Helge Larsen and Froelich Rainey
Reviewed by Wendell Oswalt
Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, Vol. II (pp. 98–99)
Reviewed by Erik K. Reed
Archeological Survey of Western Utah by Jack R. Rudy; Archeological Survey of the La Sal Mountain Area, Utah, by Alice Hunt (pp. 99–100)
Reviewed by Malcolm F. Farmer
The Geology of Chaco Canyon New Mexico in Relation to the Life and Remains of the Prehistoric Peoples of Pueblo Bonito (pp. 100–101)
By Kirk Bryan
Reviewed by Gordon Vivian
The Ruins of Zaculeu (pp. 101–103)
By Richard B. Woodbury and Aubrey S. Trik
Reviewed by Robert Eliot Smith
Contributions to American Anthropology and History, Vol. XI, Numbers 52–56; Contribution No. 52: “Geologic Observations on the Ancient Human Footprints near Managua, Nicaragua,” by Howel Williams; Contribution 53: “Mound E-III-3, Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala,” by Edwin M. Shook and Alfred V. Kidder; Contribution 54: “Conquest Sites and the Subsequent Destruction of Maya Architecture in the Interior of Northern Yucatan,” by Ralph L. Roys; Contribution 55: “The Ball Courts at Copan, with Notes on Courts at La Union, Quirigua, San Pedro Pinula and Asunción Míta,” by Gustav Strömsvik; Contribution 56: “Pottery from Chipoc, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala,” by Robert E. Smith (pp. 103–104)
Reviewed by Stephan F. de Borhegyi
Excavations at Wari, Ayacucho, Peru (pp. 105–106)
By Wendell C. Bennett
Reviewed by Gordon R. Willey