April–June 1934 (38.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Excavations during 1933 in Palestine, Transjordan, and Syria (pp. 191–199)
W.F. Albright

Archaeological Notes

Excavations at Antioch-on-the-Orontes (pp. 201–206)
William Alexander Campbell

Archaeological Investigation in the Province of Coclé, Panamá (pp. 207–211)
S.K. Lothrop

The Civilization of the Moabites (pp. 212–218)
Nelson Glueck

The Bronze State Seal of Larissa Kremaste (pp. 219–222)
David M. Robinson

Excavations at Troy 1933 (pp. 223–248)
Carl W. Blegen

Der Brand Des Alten Athena-Tempels und Seines Opisthodoms (pp. 249–257)
Wilhelm Dörpfeld

Excavations at Haghios kosmas (pp. 258–279)
George E. Mylonas

Corrigenda for Stevens and Paton (p. 279)

Technique of Greek Sculpture (pp. 280–284)
Stanley Casson

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 285–311)
David M. Robinson

Book Reviews

The Old Stone Age: A Study of Palaeolithic Times (p. 312)
By M.C. Burkitt
Reviewed by George Grant MacCurdy

Primitive Arts and Crafts, an Introduction to the Study of Material Culture (p. 312)
By R.U. Sayce
Reviewed by H.U. Hall

Archaeologia Hungarica, XI, A Korai La tene Kultura Magyarorszagom; Die Frühlatenezeit in Ungarn (p. 313)
By Lajos v. Marton
Reviewed by Clarence A. Manning

Archaeologia Hungarica, XII, Magyarországi Viking Leletek az eszak. És nyugateurópai kultúrtörténet megvilágitasában. Winkingerfunde aus Ungarn im Lichte der nord- und westeuropäischen Frühgeschichte (p. 313)
By Peter Paulsen
Reviewed by Clarence A. Manning

The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Vol. XIII for 1931–1932 (pp. 313–315)
Reviewed by Robert H. Pfeiffer

Excavations at Olynthus, Part V. Mosaics, Vases and Lamps (Found 1928 and 1931) (pp. 315–316)
By David M. Robinson
Reviewed by H. Goldman

Der Kleophradesmaler (p. 316)
By J.D. Beazley
Reviewed by H.R.W. Smith

École Française D’Athénes. Exploration de Délos, No. 13. Les Portraits Hellénistiques et Romains, by Casimir Michalowski; Römische Porträt-Plastik, by Robert West; Studien zur Geschichte des Spätantikenporträts, Institutet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning, by H.P. L’Orange (pp. 317–319)
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Martin von Wagner-Museum der Universität Würzburg. Bild Kataloge. I. Griechische Vasen (pp. 319–320)
By Heinrich Bull and Ernst Langlotz
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua. Vol. IV. Monuments and Documents from Eastern Asia and Western Galatia (pp. 321–322)
By W.H. Buckler, W.M. Calder, and W.K.C. Guthrie
Reviewed by T.R.S. Broughton

Der Valens-Aquädukt in Konstantinopel (p. 322)
By Knut Olof Dalman
Reviewed by A.W. van Buren

Wilhelm Neuss, Die Anfänge des Christentums im Rheinlande (pp. 322–324)
Reviewed by C.R. Morey

Swedish Art (pp. 324–325)
By Johnny Roosval
Reviewed by G.G. King

Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm (pp. 325–327)
Reviewed by Helen E. Fernald