January–March 1930 (34.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.


The Foundations of the Philonian Portico at Eleusis (pp. 1–19)
Philip H. Davis

Lotus- and Melon-Beads (pp. 20–43)
Gustavus A. Eisen

Two Inscribed Slingers’ Bullets from Galatista (pp. 44–46)
William Nickerson Bates

General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America December 26–28, 1929 (pp. 47–60)

Archaeological News (pp. 61–102)
Edward H. Heffner, Chester C. McCown, and E.P.B.

Book Reviews

The Iron Age in Italy. A Study of Those Aspects of the Early Civilization Which Are Neither Villanovan nor Etruscan (pp. 103–105)
By David Randall-MacIver
Reviewed by Casper J. Kraemer, Jr.

Orient et Occident, recherches sur les influences byzantines et orientales en France avant les Croisades (pp. 105–106)
By Jean Ebersolt
Reviewed by Agnes Rindge

Iuvanum, Führer durch die Altertumssammlungen des Museums Carolino-Augusteum in Salzburg (pp. 106–107)
By Olivier Klose and Max Silber
Reviewed by Philip P. Whitehead

Fouilles Exécutées à Mallia: Premier Rapport 1922–1924 (pp. 107–109)
By Fernand Chapouthier and Jean Charbonneaux
Reviewed by Harriet Boyd Hawes

Zygouries, a Prehistoric Settlement in the Valley of Cleonae (pp. 109–110)
By Carl W. Blegen
Reviewed by David M. Robinson

Il Castello Eurialo Nella Storia e Nell’Arte (pp. 110–111)
By Luigi Mauceri
Reviewed by Leicester B. Holland

Pompeii in Three Hours (p. 111)
By Tatiana Warsher
Reviewed by A.W. van Buren

Magic Spades: The Romance of Archaeology (pp. 111–112)
By R.V.D. Magoffin and Emily C. Davis
Reviewed by A.D. Fraser

Die Frühkretischen Siegel, Eine Untersuchung über das Werden des Minoischen Stiles (pp. 112–113)
By Friederich Matz
Reviewed by Edith Hall Dohan

Les Antiquités Bouddhiques de Bâmiyân (pp. 113–114)
By A. Godard, V. Godard, and J. Hackin
Reviewed by Ernst Diez

Les richesses d’art de la France, La Bourgogne. L’architecture. Fascicules VI–IX (pp. 114–115)
By Louis Hautecoeur
Reviewed by G. H. Forsyth, Jr.

The “Colts” of Ambracia (p. 115)
By Oscar Ravel
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger

Art in Ancient Rome (pp. 116–117)
By Eugénie Strong
Reviewed by A.D. Fraser

Recherches sur les influences orientales dans l’art Balkanique (pp. 117–118)
By Andre Grabar
Reviewed by Clarence A. Manning

Ancient Sicyon with a Prosopographia Sicyonia (p. 118)
By Charles H. Skalet
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger

Porträtstudien in norditalienischen Provinzmuseen (p. 119)
By Frederik Poulsen
Reviewed by Franklin P. Johnson

A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (pp. 119–121)
By Samuel Ball Platner and Thomas Ashby
Reviewed by A.W. van Buren

The Day of Yahweh: A Study of Sacred Days and Ritual Forms in the Ancient near East (pp. 121–124)
By William Arthur Heidel
Reviewed by James A. Montgomery