April 2004 (108.2)

Print Book Reviews

Book Reviews April 2004

The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.

Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts (pp. 281–282)
By Andrew Robinson
Reviewed by Dorie Reents-Budet

Trepanation: History, Discovery, Theory (pp. 282–283)
By Robert Arnott, Stanley Finger, and C.U.M. Smith
Reviewed by Elizabeth Pennefather-O'Brien

Gnesis of the Pharaohs: Dramatic New Discoveries Rewrite the Origins of Ancient Egypt (pp. 284–285)
By Toby Wilkinson 
Reviewed by Stuart Tyson Smith

Ηρώες και Ηρώα της Αρχάιας Μεσσήνης by Petros Themelis; Ηρώες της Αρχάιας Μεσσήνης  (p. 286)
By Petros Themelis 
Reviewed by Christina A. Salowey

Figures of Speech: Men and Maidens in Ancient Greece (pp. 287–288)
By Gloria Ferrari 
Reviewed by Timothy J. McNiven

Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology and Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults (pp. 288–289)
By Michael B. Cosmopoulos 
Reviewed by Lynn E. Roller

The Hunt in Ancient Greece (pp. 289–291)
By Judith M. Barringer 
Reviewed by Kristine Gex

The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos. Reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Bodrum. Vol. 5, The Superstructure: A Comparative Analysis of the Architectural, Sculptural, and Literary Evidence (pp. 291–292)
By Kristian Jeppesen
Reviewed by Anne Marie Carstens

The Votive Statues of the Athenian Acropolis (pp. 292–294)
By Katherine Keesling
Reviewed by R. Ross Holloway

The Holkham Collection of Classical Sculptures (pp. 294–295)
By Elizabeth Angelicoussis 
Reviewed by Elizabeth Bartman

Die Lekane: Typologie und Chronologie einer Leitform der Attischen Gebrauchskeramik des 6.–1 Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (pp. 295–296)
By Gundula Lüdorf 
Reviewed by Susan I. Rotroff 

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Deutschland, Beiheft 1: Vasenforschung und Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum-Standortbestimmung und Perspektiven (pp. 296–297)
By M. Bentz and P. Zanker 
Reviewed by Elizabeth Moignard

Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor. Vol. 4, Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Konya Archaeological Museum (pp. 297–299)
By B.H. McLean 
Reviewed by Nicholas P. Milner

The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima Excavation Reports. Vol. 5, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima (pp. 299–300)
By Clayton Miles Lehmann and Kenneth G. Holum 
Reviewed by Jean-Baptiste Yon

The Ancient Art of Emulation: Studies in Artistic Originality and Tradition from the Present to Classical Antiquity (pp. 300–301)
By Elaine K. Gazda 
Reviewed by William A.P. Childs

Compter avec des cailloux: Le Calcul elementaire sur l'abaque chez les anciens Grecs (pp. 301–302)
By Alain Schärlig 
Reviewed by Serafina Cuomo

The Emergence of State Identities in Italy in the First Millennium BC (pp. 302–304)
By E. Herring and K. Lomas
Reviewed by Franco de Angelis

Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire (pp. 304–306)
By Colin Adams and Ray Laurence 
Reviewed by Susan P. Mattern-Parkes

The Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa: A Short Guide (p. 306)
By Anna Marguerite McCann 
Reviewed by Robert L. Hohlfelder

Bathing in Public in the Roman World (pp. 307–308)
By Garrett G. Fagan 
Reviewed by Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow

Monumenti Musei e Gallerie Pontificie, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, cataloghi. Vol. 5, Bronzi a figure umana (pp. 308–310)
By Cristina Cagianelli
Reviewed by Helen Nagy

Bronzi antichi del Museo Archeologico di Padova (pp. 308–310)
By Girolamo Zampieri and Beniamino Lavarone
Reviewed by Helen Nagy

Inscriptions latines d'Aquitaine: Lectoure (pp. 310–311)
By Georges Fabre and Pierre Sillières 
Reviewed by Simon Esmonde Cleary

Επιδαύρος Τα Γλυπτά των Ρομαϊκών Χρονών από το Ιερό του Απόλλονος Μαλεάτα και του Ασκλεπίου (pp. 311–313)
By Stylianos E. Katakis 
Reviewed by Mary C. Sturgeon

Corpus vasorvm arretinorvm: A Catalogue of the Signatures, Shapes and Chronology of Italian Sigillata (pp. 313–314)
By August Oxé and Howard Comfort 
Reviewed by Kathleen Warner Slane 

The Roman Textile Industry and Its Influence: A Birthday Tribute to John Peter Wild (pp. 314–315)
By Penelope Walton, Lisa Bender Jorgensen, and Antoinette Rast-Eicher 
Reviewed by Judith Lynn Sebesta

Christianity in the Land of the Pharaohs: The Coptic Orthodox Church (pp. 315–317)
By Jill Kamil
Reviewed by Penelope Wilson

Book Reviews April 2004

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 108, No. 2 (April 2004), pp. 281-317

© 2004 Archaeological Institute of America