Israel Finkelstein is professor of archaeology at Tel Aviv University. He taught and conducted research at the University of Chicago, Harvard University, the Sorbonne, and other institutions. Among his field projects are the excavations at biblical Shiloh and the celebrated site of Megiddo. Finkelstein is the author of many books and more than 250 articles. Notable among the books are The Archaeology of the Israelite Settlement (Jerusalem 1988), Living on the Fringe (Sheffield 1995), The Bible Unearthed (with N.A. Silberman [New York 2001]), and The Forgotten Kingdom (Atlanta 2013), which won a prize of the French Academy. In 2005, Finkelstein won the Dan David Prize in the Past Dimension, Archaeology. From 2009 to 2014, Finkelstein codirected the European Research Council–funded project on Iron Age archaeology and the Exact and Life Sciences.
Israel Finkelstein