David Frankel is professor of archaeology at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. His primary areas of research are the indigenous archaeology of southeastern Australia and the prehistoric Bronze Age of Cyprus. He has directed excavations in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Cyprus. His books include Remains to Be Seen: Archaeological Insights into Australian Prehistory (Melbourne 1991), Marki Alonia: An Early and Middle Bronze Age Settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 1995–2000 (with J.M. Webb [Jonsered 2006]), and Psematismenos Trelloukkas: An Early Bronze Age Cemetery in Cyprus (with G. Georgiou and J.M. Webb [Nicosia 2011]). He is joint editor-in-chief of Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology. His previous article in AJA is “Characterizing the Philia Facies: Material Culture, Chronology, and the Origin of the Bronze Age in Cyprus (with J.M. Webb, AJA 103 [1999] 3–43).
David Frankel