Emmanuel Nantet is a lecturer in the Department of Maritime Civilizations at the University of Haifa and a member of the Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies. His research interests focus on ships and harbors in antiquity, both in their technical and economic dimensions. He dedicated a book to the load capacity of the ancient merchantmen (Phortia. Le tonnage des navires de commerce en Méditerranée. Du VIIIe siècle av. l'ère chrétienne au VIIe de l'ère chrétienne, 2016). He carried out various underwater excavations on several Roman cargoes, shipwrecks, and harbors in the Mediterranean, more specifically in Port-Vendres (France), Nemi (Italy), and Caesarea (Israel). He is now conducting a project on a Byzantine and Early Islamic site on the shore of the Sea of Galilee (ISF grant 512/19).
Emmanuel Nantet