January 2014 (118.1)

Books Received

List of Books Received

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Bagnall, Roger S. Eine Wüstenstadt: Leben und Kultur in einer ägyptischen Oase im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (Spielräume der Antike 2). Pp. 96, b&w pls. 3, color pls. 17. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013. €29. ISBN 978-3-515-10373-2 (paper).

Beckwith, Christopher I. Warriors of the Cloisters: The Central Asian Origins of Science in the Medieval World. Pp. xvii + 211. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2012. $29.95. ISBN 978-0-691-15531-9 (cloth).

Bellelli, Vincenzo. Le origini degli Etruschi: Storia, archeologia, antropologia (StArch 186). Pp. 485, figs. 139. L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2012. €294. ISBN 978-88-8265-742-0 (cloth).

Bencze, Ágnes. Physionomies dune cité grecque: Développements stylistiques de la coroplathie votive archaïque de Tarente (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard 41). Pp. 240, b&w pls. 34. Centre Jean Bérard, Naples 2013. €30. ISBN 978-2-918887-14-0 (paper).

Beykan, Müren. Ionische Kapitelle auf Prokonnesos: Produktion und Export römischer Bauteile (IstForsch 53). Pp. xi + 171, figs. 117. Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen 2012. €24.90. ISBN 978-3-8030-1774-1 (cloth).

Birch, Jennifer, ed. From Prehistoric Villages to Cities: Settlement Aggregation and Community Transformation (Routledge Studies in Archaeology 10). Pp. xiv + 226, figs. 32, tables 2. Routledge, New York 2013. $125. ISBN 978-0-415-83661-6 (cloth).

Boin, Douglas. Ostia in Late Antiquity. Pp. xviii + 287, figs. 57, map 1. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2013. $99. ISBN 978-1-107-02401-4 (cloth).

Bonavia, Duccio. Maize: Origin, Domestication, and Its Role in the Development of Culture. Pp. xviii + 586, figs. 24. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2013. $115. ISBN 978-1-107-02303-1 (cloth).

Browman, David L., and Stephen Williams. Anthropology at Harvard: A Biographical History, 1790–1940 (Peabody Museum Monographs 11). Pp. xi + 589, figs. 50. Peabody Museum Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2013. $65. ISBN 978-0-87365-913-0 (cloth).

Campbell, Duncan B. The Rise of Imperial Rome, AD 14–193 (Essential Histories 76). Pp. 96, figs. 60. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2013. $20.95. ISBN 978-1-78096-280-1 (paper).

Caruso, Ada. Akademia: Archeologia di una scuola filosofica ad Atene da Platone a Proclo (387 a.C.–485 d.C.) (Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene 6). Pp. 254, figs. 84. Pandemos, Paestum 2013. €70. ISBN 978-88-87744-49-1 (cloth).

Cascino, Roberta, Helga Di Giuseppe, and Helen L. Patterson, eds. Veii: The Historical Topography of the Ancient City. A Restudy of John Ward-Perkins’s Survey (Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 19). Pp. xiii + 429, figs. 141, color pls. 2, tables 35. The British School at Rome, London 2012. £85. ISBN 978-0-974152-63-0 (cloth).

Childs, Craig. Finders Keepers: A Tale of Archaeological Plunder and Obsession. Pp. xiii + 290. Back Bay Books, New York 2013. $16. ISBN 978-0-316-06646-4 (paper).

Cipolla, Craig N. Becoming Brothertown: Native American Ethnogenesis and Endurance in the Modern World (The Archaeology of Colonialism in Native North America). Pp. xviii + 217, figs. 20, tables 21. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson 2013. $50. ISBN 978-0-8165-3030-4 (cloth).

Colledge, Sue, James Conolly, Keith Dobney, Katie Manning, and Stephen Shennan, eds. The Origins and Spread of Domestic Animals in Southwest Asia and Europe (Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London 59). Pp. 352, figs. 110, tables 39. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, Calif. 2013. $99.95. ISBN 978-1-61132-322-1 (cloth).

Conyers, Lawrence B. Ground-Penetrating Radar for Archaeology (Geophysical Methods for Archaeology 4). Pp. xv + 241, figs. 77, tables 6. AltaMira Press, Lanham, Md. 2013. $38. ISBN 978-0-7591-2349-6 (paper).

Cucker, Felipe. Manifold Mirrors: The Crossing Paths of the Arts and Mathematics. Pp. x + 415, figs. 185. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2013. $29.99. ISBN 978-0-521-72876-8 (paper).

Dalglish, Chris, ed. Archaeology, the Public and the Recent Past (Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Monograph 7). Pp. x + 179, figs. 32, tables 2. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, England 2013. $50. ISBN 978-1-84383-851-7 (cloth).

Dally, Ortwin, Friederike Fless, Rudolf Haensch, Felix Pirson, and Susanne Seivers, eds. Politische Räume in vormodernen Gesellschaften: Gestaltung, Wahrnehmung, Funktion: Internationale Tagung des DAI und des DFG-Exzellenzclusters TOPOI vom 18.–21. November 2009 in Berlin (Studien aus den Forschungsclustern des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 6, Forschungscluster 3). Pp. viii + 300, figs. 119. Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden 2012. €69.80. ISBN 978-3-86757-386-3 (paper).

D’Amato, Raffaele, and Andrea Salimbeti. Early Aegean Warrior 5000–1450 BC (Warrior 167). Pp. 64, figs. 72. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2013. $18.95. ISBN 978-1-78096-858-2 (paper).

Day, Jo, ed. Making Senses of the Past: Toward a Sensory Archaeology (Center for Archaeological Investigations Occasional Paper 40). Pp. xiii + 429, figs. 115, tables 5. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale 2013. $45. ISBN 978-0-8093-3287-8 (paper).

De Puma, Richard Daniel. Etruscan Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Pp. xiii + 336, figs. 538, maps 3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 2013. $75. ISBN 978-0-300-17953-8 (cloth).

Ekroth, Gunnel, and Jenny Wallensten, eds. Bones, Behaviour and Belief: The Zooarchaeological Evidence as a Source for Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece and Beyond (ActaAth 4°, 55). Pp. 272, figs. 117, charts 6, tables 18, maps 6. Svenska Institutet i Athen, Stockholm 2013. Price not available. ISBN 978-91-7916-062-3 (cloth).

Evans, Jane DeRose, ed. A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Republic (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World). Pp. xxiv + 722, figs. 100, tables 4, maps 2. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, N.J. 2013. $195. ISBN 978-1-4051-9966-7 (cloth).

Finkelstein, Israel, David Ussishkin, and Eric H. Cline, eds. Megiddo V: The 2004–2008 Seasons (Monograph Series of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology 31). 3 vols. Pp. xi + 1387, figs. 615, tables 170. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2013. $289.85. ISBN 978-1-57506-273-0 (vol. 1); 978-1-57506-274-7 (vol. 2); 978-1-57506-275-4 (vol. 3) (cloth).

Galanakis, Yannis, ed. The Aegean World: A Guide to the Cycladic, Minoan and Mycenaean Antiquities in the Ashmolean Museum. Pp. 175, figs. 362. Kapon Editions, Athens 2013. €29. ISBN 978-960-6878-59-6 (paper).

Gerstel, Sharon E.J., ed. Viewing the Morea: Land and People in the Late Medieval Peloponnese (Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Symposia and Colloquia). Pp. x + 510, figs. 196, tables 4, maps 10. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C. 2013. $85. ISBN 978-0-88402-390-6 (cloth).

Hatfield, Gary, and Holly Pittman, eds. Evolution of Mind, Brain, and Culture (Penn Museum International Research Conferences 5). Pp. xix + 476, figs. 27, tables 3. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2013. $69.95. ISBN 978-1-934536-49-0 (cloth).

Hemelrijk, Emily, and Greg Woolf, eds. Women and the Roman City in the Latin West (Mnemosyne Suppl. 360). Pp. xxii + 408, figs. 40. Brill, Leiden 2013. $180. ISBN 978-90-04-25594-4 (cloth).

Higham, Nicholas J., and Martin J. Ryan. The Anglo-Saxon World. Pp. xv + 477, figs. 292. Yale University Press, New Haven 2013. $45. ISBN 978-0-300-12534-4 (cloth).

Hodges, Richard, Sarah Leppard, and John Mitchell. San Vincenzo Maggiore and Its Workshops (Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 17). Pp. xxviii + 500, figs. 332, color pls. 79, tables 27. The British School at Rome, London 2011. £80. ISBN 978-0-904152-58-6 (cloth).

Jacobs, Ine. Aesthetic Maintenance of Civic Space: The Classical City from the 4th to the 7th c. AD (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 193). Pp. xi + 1028, figs. 224, plans 17. Peeters, Leuven 2013. €120. ISBN 978-90-429-2302-7 (cloth).

Kagan, Donald, and Gregory F. Viggiano, eds. Men of Bronze: Hoplite Warfare in Ancient Greece. Pp. xxi + 286, figs. 23, tables 4. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2013. $35. ISBN 978-0-691-14301-9 (cloth).

Kalyanaraman, S. Indus Writing in Ancient Near East: Corpora and a Dictionary. Pp. 572. Sarasvati Research Center, Herndon, Va. 2013. $29.99. ISBN 978-0-9828971-8-8 (paper).

Keay, Simon, ed. Rome, Portus and the Mediterranean (Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 21). Pp. xv + 439, figs. 158, color pls. 16, tables 35. The British School at Rome, London 2012. £90. ISBN 978-0-904152-65-4 (cloth).

Killebrew, Ann E., and Gunnar Lehmann, eds. The Philistines and Other Sea Peoples in Text and Archaeology (Archaeology and Biblical Studies 15). Pp. xix + 751, figs. 239, tables 19. Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta 2013. $88.95. ISBN 978-1-58983-129-2 (paper).

Knappett, Carl, ed. Network Analysis in Archaeology: New Approaches to Regional Interaction. Pp. xx + 350, figs. 65, chart 1, tables 36. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013. $135. ISBN 978-0-19-969709-0 (cloth).

Kyrieleis, Helmut, ed. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia XIII: 2000 bis 2005. Pp. xvi + 426, figs. 330, color pls. 8, Beilagen 2. Ernst Wasmuth, Berlin 2013. €98. ISBN 978-3-8030-2301-8 (cloth).

Lahiri, Nayanjot. Finding Forgotten Cities: How the Indus Civilization was Discovered. Pp. xviii + 435, figs. 48. Seagull Books, London 2013. $25. ISBN 978-0-85742-112-8 (paper).

Lucor, Sandra K., and Monika Trümper, eds. Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches (BABesch Suppl. 23). Pp. vii + 350, figs. 267, table 1. Peeters, Leuven 2013. €85. ISBN 978-90-429-8297-8 (paper).

Malafouris, Lambros. How Things Shape the Mind: A Theory of Material Engagement. Pp. xv + 304, figs. 31. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2013. $40. ISBN 978-0-262-01919-4 (cloth).

Martin, Andrew M. Archaeology Beyond Postmodernity: A Science of the Social (Archaeology in Society Series). Pp. x + 247, figs. 6, table 1. AltaMira Press, Lanham, Md. 2013. $85. ISBN 978-0-7591-2357-1 (cloth).

Master, Daniel M., ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology. Vol. 1, AEL–INF. Pp. xxiv + 555, figs. 41; vol. 2, JER–WRI. Pp. x + 579, figs. 39. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013. $395. ISBN 978-0-19-984653-5 (cloth).

Mastronuzzi, Giovanni. Il luogo di culto di Monte Papalucio ad Oria: La fase arcaica (Beni Archeologici–Conoscenza e Tecnologie 12). Pp. 334, figs. 177, b&w pls. 25, tables 22. Edipuglia, Bari 2013. €50. ISBN 978-88-7228-695-1 (paper).

Mayer, Emanuel. The Ancient Middle Classes: Urban Life and Aesthetics in the Roman Empire, 100 BCE–250 CE. Pp. xvi + 295, figs. 30. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2012. $45. ISBN 978-0-674-05033-4 (cloth).

McIntosh Turfa, Jean, ed. The Etruscan World (The Routledge Worlds). Pp. xlvii + 1167, figs. 736. Routledge, New York 2013. $280. ISBN 978-0-415-67308-2 (cloth).

Miller, Mary, and Claudia Brittenham. The Spectacle of the Late Maya Court: Reflections on the Murals of Bonampak. Pp. xxii + 261, figs. 600, Beilagen 3. University of Texas Press, Austin 2013. $75. ISBN 978-0-292-74436-3 (cloth).

Miller, Peter N., ed. Cultural Histories of the Material World (The Bard Graduate Center Cultural Histories of the Material World). Pp. xv + 295, figs. 38. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2013. $45. ISBN 978-0-472-11891-5 (cloth).

Mills, Nigel. Presenting the Romans: Interpreting the Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site (Heritage Matters 12). Pp. xiii + 204, figs. 56, tables 3. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, England 2013. $99. ISBN 978-1-84383-847-0 (cloth).

Müller, Florian M., ed. Archäologische Universitätsmuseen und -sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeit (Archäologie Forschung und Wissenschaft 4, Spectanda 3). Pp. 694, figs. 227. LIT Verlag, Vienna 2013. €99.90. ISBN 978-3-643-50448-7 (cloth).

Müller, Florian M., and Veronika Sossau, eds. Gefährtinnen: Vom Umgang mit Prostitution in der griechischen Antike und heute (Spectanda 1). Pp. 138, figs. 44. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck 2012. €9.90. ISBN 978-3-902811-45-5 (paper).

Müller, Florian M., Sylvia Mader, Gerhard Tarmann, and Veronika Sossau, eds. Museumsdepots und Depoteinrichtung: Tagungsband zum ICOM-Österreich-Symposium vom 4.–5. März 2011 in Innsbruck (Spectanda 2). Pp. 77, figs. 29. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck 2012. €5. ISBN 978-3-200-02733-6 (paper).

Muscarella, Oscar White. Archaeology, Artifacts and Antiquities of the Ancient Near East: Sites, Cultures and Proveniences (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 62). Pp. 1,088, figs. 353, tables 2. Brill, Leiden 2013. €210. ISBN 978-90-04-23666-0 (cloth).

Nakassis, Dimitri. Individuals and Society in Mycenaean Pylos (Mnemosyne Suppl. 358). Pp. xvii + 448, figs. 18, tables 42. Brill, Leiden 2013. $171. ISBN 978-90-04-24451-1 (cloth).

Peter, Ulrike, and Bernhard Weisser, eds. Translatio Nummorum: Römische Kaiser in der Renaissance. Akten des internationalen Symposiums Berlin 16.–18. November 2011 (Cyriacus: Studien zur Rezeption der Antike 3). Pp. 360, figs. 353. Franz Philipp Rutzen, Mainz 2013. €75. ISBN 978-3-447-06902-1 (paper).

Petrakou, C. Vasileiou. Πρόχειρον Αρχαιολογικόν 1828–2012. Pt. 1, Χρονογραφικό (Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 283). Pp. viii + 739. Archaeological Society at Athens, Athens 2013. €52. ISBN 978-618-5047-00-9 (paper).

Petrakou, C. Vasileiou. Πρόχειρον Αρχαιολογικόν 1828–2012. Pt. 2, Θεματολογικό (Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 284). Pp. 313. Archaeological Society at Athens, Athens 2013. Price not available. ISBN 978-618-5047-02-3 (paper).

Privitera, Santo. Principi, Pelasgi e pescatori: L’Attica nella tarda età del bronzo (Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene 7). Pp. 174, figs. 98, tables 7. Pandemos, Paestum 2013. €60. ISBN 978-88-87744-48-4 (cloth).

Redford, Scott, and Nina Ergin, eds. Cities and Citadels in Turkey: From the Iron Age to the Seljuks (Ancient Near Eastern Studies Suppl. 40). Pp. x + 346, figs. 195, table 1. Peeters, Leuven 2013. €86. ISBN 978-90-429-2712-4 (cloth).

Sakellarakis, Iannis, and Efi Sapouna-Sakellaraki. Το Ιδαίο Αντρο: Ιερό και μαντείο. Α τόμος (Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 279). Pp. 269, figs. 159. Archaeological Society at Athens, Athens 2013. Price not available. ISBN 978-960-8145-95-5 (paper).

Sakellarakis, Iannis, and Efi Sapouna-Sakellaraki. Το Ιδαίο Αντρο: Ιερό και μαντείο. Β τόμος (Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 280). Pp. 317, figs. 24. Archaeological Society at Athens, Athens 2013. Price not available. ISBN 978-960-8145-95-5 (paper).

Sakellarakis, Iannis, and Efi Sapouna-Sakellaraki. Το Ιδαίο Αντρο: Ιερό και μαντείο. Γ τόμος (Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 281). Pp. 157. Archaeological Society at Athens, Athens 2013. Price not available. ISBN 978-960-8145-95-5 (paper).

Schmidt-Colinet, Andreas, and Waleed al-As’ad, eds. Palmyras Reichtum durch weltweiten Handel: Archäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt. Vol. 1, Architektur und ihre Ausstattung. Pp. 265, figs. 232. Verlag Holzhausen, Vienna 2013. €75. ISBN 978-3-902868-63-3 (cloth).

Schmidt-Colinet, Andreas, and Waleed al-As’ad, eds. Palmyras Reichtum durch weltweiten Handel: Archäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt. Vol. 2, Kleinfunde. Pp. 311, figs. 264. Verlag Holzhausen, Vienna 2013. €75. ISBN 978-3-902868-64-0 (cloth).

Seger, Joe D. Gezer VII: The Middle Bronze and Later Fortifications in Fields II, IV, and VIII (Annual of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology 9). Pp. xx + 411, figs. 100, b&w pls. 75, tables 6. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind. 2013. $99.50. ISBN 978-1-57506-268-6 (cloth).

Shepherd, Robert J. Faith in Heritage: Displacement, Development, and Religious Tourism in Contemporary China (Heritage, Tourism, and Community). Pp. 179, figs. 18, tables 2. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, Calif. 2013. $34.95. ISBN 978-1-61132-074-9 (paper).

Sheppard, Kathleen L. The Life of Margaret Alice Murray: A Woman’s Work in Archaeology. Pp. xxiv + 267, figs. 3. Lexington Books, Lanham, Md. 2013. $85. ISBN 978-0-7391-7417-3 (cloth).

Solari, Amara. Maya Ideologies of the Sacred: The Transfiguration of Space in Colonial Yucatan. Pp. xiii + 212, figs. 89, table 1, maps 4. University of Texas Press, Austin 2013. $55. ISBN 978-0-292-74494-3 (cloth).

Spalinger, Anthony, and Jeremy Armstrong, eds. Rituals of Triumph in the Mediterranean World (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 63). Pp. 157, figs. 8. Brill, Leiden 2013. €98. ISBN 978-90-04-25100-7 (cloth).

Tarlow, Sarah, and Liv Nilsson Stutz, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial. Pp. xix + 849, figs. 115, tables 6. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013. $185. ISBN 978-0-19-956906-9 (cloth).

Valavanis, Panos. Alexandra Doumas, trans. The Acropolis Through Its Museum: Wandering Among the Monuments of the Sacred Rock and the Great Achievements. Pp. 159, figs. 210. Kapon Editions, Athens 2013. Price not available. ISBN 978-960-6878-61-9 (paper).

van der Steen, Eveline. Near Eastern Tribal Societies During the Nineteenth Century: Economy, Society and Politics Between Tent and Town (Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology). Pp. xvii + 302, maps 2. Equinox Publishing, Sheffield 2013. $110. ISBN 978-1-908049-83-4 (cloth).

Vigener, Marie. Ein wichtiger kulturpolitischer Faktor: Das Deutsche Archäologische Institut zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit, 1918–1954 (Menschen, Kulturen, Traditionen 7, Forschungscluster 5). Pp. x + 147, figs. 34. Marie Leidorf, Rahden 2012. €59.80. ISBN 978-3-86757-387-0 (paper).

Vionis, Athanasios K. A Crusader, Ottoman, and Early Modern Aegean Archaeology: Built Environment and Domestic Material Culture in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Cyclades, Greece (13th–20th Centuries AD) (Archaeological Studies Leiden University 22). Pp. 423, figs. 295, graphs 21, tables 11. Leiden University Press, Leiden 2012. $85. ISBN 978-90-8728-177-9 (paper).

Wachsmann, Shelley. The Gurob Ship-Cart Model and Its Mediterranean Context. Pp. xxii + 321, figs. 281, maps 5. Texas A&M University Press, College Station 2013. $75. ISBN 978-1-60344-429-3 (cloth).

Webb, Jennifer M., and David Frankel. Ambelikou Aletri: Metallurgy and Pottery Production in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus (SIMA 138). Pp. xx + 245, figs. 207, tables 14. Astrom Editions, Uppsala 2013. €80.56. ISBN 978-91-7081-250-7 (cloth).

Wells, Peter, ed. Rome Beyond Its Frontiers: Imports, Attitudes and Practices (JRA Suppl. 94). Pp. 131, figs. 40. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Portsmouth, R.I. 2013. $49. ISBN 978-1-887829-94-6 (cloth).

Williams, Robert Lloyd. The Complete Codex Zouche-Nuttall: Mixtec Lineage Histories and Political Biographies (The Linda Schele Series in Maya and Pre-Columbian Studies). Pp. xvii + 348, figs. 116, color pls. 86. University of Texas Press, Austin 2013. $60. ISBN 978-0-292-74438-7 (cloth).

List of Books Received

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 118, No. 1 (January 2014)

DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1181.BooksReceived

© 2014 Archaeological Institute of America