AJA Open Access
BY-NCOctober 2015 (119.4)
Books Received
List of Books Received
Allan, John, Nat Alcock, and David Dawson, eds. West Country Households 1500–1700 (The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Monograph 9). Pp. xxiv + 439, figs. 200, color pls. 22, tables 19. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, England 2015. $50. ISBN 978-1-843-994-1 (cloth).
Alroth, Brita, and Charlotte Scheffer, eds. Attitudes Towards the Past in Antiquity: Creating Identities. Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Stockholm University, 15–17 May 2009 (Stockholm Studies in Classical Archaeology 14). Pp. 325, figs. 116, tables 6. Stockholm University, Stockholm 2014. Price not available. ISBN 978-91-87235-47-4 (paper).
Baker, Karis, Ruth Carden, and Richard Madgwick, eds. Deer and People. Pp. x + 286, figs. 63, tables 21. Windgather Press, Oxford 2015. £45. ISBN 978-1-909686-54-0 (paper).
Blömer, Michael, Achim Lichtenberger, and Rubina Raja, eds. Religious Identities in the Levant from Alexander to Muhammed: Continuity and Change (Contextualizing the Sacred 4). Pp. xxxvi + 422, figs. 294, maps 12. Brepols, Turnhout 2015. €135. ISBN 978-2-503-54445-8 (paper).
Blösel, Wolfgang, Winfried Schmitz, Gunnar Seelentag, and Jan Timmer. Grenzen politischer Partizipation im klassischen Griechenland (Alte Geschichte). Pp. 124, figs. 2. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2014. €36. ISBN 978-3-515-10897-3 (paper).
Bobou, Olympia. Children in the Hellenistic World: Statues and Representation (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology). Pp. xxvi + 184, figs. 56, b&w pls. 137. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015. $160. ISBN 978-0-19-968305-5 (cloth).
Brandon, C.J., R.L. Hohlfelder, M.D. Jackson, and J.P. Oleson. Building for Eternity: The History and Technology of Roman Concrete Engineering in the Sea. Pp. xxiii + 327, figs. 384, tables 51. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. £55. ISBN 978-1-78297-420-8 (cloth).
Breniquet, Catherine, and Cécile Michel, eds. Wool Economy in the Ancient Near East and the Aegean: From the Beginnings of Sheep Husbandry to Institutional Textile Industry (Ancient Textiles Series 17). Pp. viii + 464, figs. 116, tables 36. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. £35. ISBN 978-1-78297-631-8 (cloth).
Campos Carrasco, Juan M., and Jaime Alvar Ezquerra, eds. Tarteso: El emporio del metal. Pp. 727, figs. 101. Almuzara, Cordoba 2013. Price not available. ISBN 978-84-15828-30-3 (paper).
Candilio, Daniela, and Matilde De Angelis d’Ossat, eds. La collezione di antichità Pallavicini Rospigliosi (MonAnt 71, Serie miscellanea 17). Pp. 229, figs. 11, b&w pls. 90. $212.61. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2014. ISBN 978-88-7689-283-7 (paper).
Chi, Jennifer Y., and Pedro Azara, eds. From Ancient to Modern: Archaeology and Aesthetics. Pp. 240, figs. 125, map 1. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University and Princeton University Press, New York and Princeton 2015. $39.95. ISBN 978-0-691-16646-9 (paper).
Darcque, Pascal, ed. Fouilles exécutées à Malia: Les abords Nord-Est du palais I. Les recherches et l’histoire du secteur (ÉtCrét 35). Pp. 202, figs. 21, b&w pls. 124, plans 19. École Française d’Athènes, Athens 2014. €92. ISBN 978-2-86958-259-0 (paper).
Déroche, Vincent, Platon Pétridis, and Alain Badie. Le secteur au Sud-Est du péribole (FdD 2, Topographie et Architecture 15). Pp. ix + 124, figs. 96, plans 14, Beilagen 6. École Française d’Athènes, Athens 2014. €75. ISBN 978-2-86958-252-1 (paper).
Di Napoli, Valentina. Teatri della Grecia Romana: Forma, decorazione, funzioni. La provincia d’Acaia (Meletemata 67). Pp. 290, figs. 93, b&w pls. 31. Athens 2015. €105. ISBN 978-960-9538-20-6 (cloth).
Fernández-Götz, Manuel, Holger Wendling, and Katja Winger, eds. Paths to Complexity: Centralisation and Urbanisation in Iron Age Europe. Pp. viii + 232, figs. 135. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. £65. ISBN 978-1-78297-723-0 (cloth).
Friedland, Elise A., Melanie Grunow Sobocinski, and Elaine K. Gazda, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture. Pp. xiv + 713, figs. 154. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015. $175. ISBN 978-0-19-992182-9 (cloth).
Greco, Emanuele. Topografia di Atene: Sviluppo urbano e monumenti dalle origini al III secolo d.C. Vol. 3, Quartieri a nord e a nord-est dell’Acropoli e Agora del Ceramico. Pp. 621, figs. 421, plans 2. Pandemos, Paestum 2014. €180. ISBN 978-88-87744-40-8 (cloth).
Greco, Emanuele. Topografia di Atene: Sviluppo urbano e monumenti dalle origini al III secolo d.C. Vol. 4, Ceramico, Dipylon e Accademia. Pp. 361, figs. 285, plans 2. Pandemos, Paestum 2014. €90. ISBN 978-88-87744-42-2 (cloth).
Greenfield, Haskel J., ed. Animal Secondary Products: Domestic Animal Exploitation in Prehistoric Europe, the Near East and the Far East. Pp. viii + 352, figs. 80, tables 83, CD-ROM 1. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. £65. ISBN 978-1-78297-401-7 (cloth).
Gruben, Gottfried. Der Polykratische Tempel im Heraion von Samos (Samos 27). Pp. xvi + 210, figs. 60, b&w pls. 123, Beilagen 5. Reichert, Wiesbaden 2014. €98. ISBN 978-3-95490-041-1 (cloth).
Harmanşah, Ömür, ed. Of Rocks and Water: Towards an Archaeology of Place (Joukowsky Institute Publication 5). Pp. xii + 258, figs. 46, table 1. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. £25. ISBN 978-1-78297-671-4 (paper).
Haug, Annette, and Dirk Steuernagel. Das Haus XV B (Maison 49, 19) von Megara Hyblaia: Zur architektonischen und funktionalen Gliederung von Zweihofhäusern in hellenistischen Sizilien (Studien zur antiken Stadt 14). Pp. 93, figs. 89, plans 6. Reichert, Wiesbaden 2014. €58. ISBN 978-3-95490-044-2 (cloth).
Jackson, Heather. Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates. Vol. 4, The Housing Insula (MeditArch Suppl. 9). Pp. xxx + 646, figs. 484, plans 5, CD-ROM 1. Mediterranean Archaeology, Sydney 2014. A$185. ISBN 978-0-9580265-5-0 (cloth).
Jones, Richard, Sara T. Levi, Marco Bettelli, and Lucia Vagnetti. Italo-Mycenaean Pottery: The Archaeological and Archaeometric Dimensions (Incunabula Graeca 103). Pp. 588, figs. 179, color pls. 12, tables 38. Instituto di Studi Sul Mediterraneo Antico, Rome 2014. Price not available. ISBN 978-88-87345-20-9 (paper).
Kaiser, Alan. Archaeology, Sexism, and Scandal: The Long-Suppressed Story of One Woman’s Discoveries and the Man Who Stole Credit for Them. Pp. xx + 251, figs. 61. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Md. 2015. $38. ISBN 978-1-4422-3003-3 (cloth).
Kardulias, P. Nick, ed. The Ecology of Pastoralism. Pp. xviii + 291, figs. 37. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2015. $70. ISBN 978-1-60732-342-6 (cloth).
Lai, Guolong. Excavating the Afterlife: The Archaeology of Early Chinese Religion. Pp. xiv + 297, figs. 81, color pls. 14. University of Washington Press, Seattle 2015. $65. ISBN 978-0-295-99449-9 (cloth).
Laneri, Nicola, ed. Defining the Sacred. Pp. ix + 186, figs. 78, tables 3. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2015. $50. ISBN 978-1-78297-679-0 (paper).
Lind, Michael. Ancient Zapotec Religion: An Ethnohistorical and Archaeological Perspective. Pp. xviii + 386, figs. 97, tables 27. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2015. $70. ISBN 978-1-60732-373-0 (cloth).
Manning, Sturt W. A Test of Time and A Test of Time Revisited: The Volcano of Thera and the Chronology and History of the Aegean and East Mediterranean in the mid Second Millennium BC. Pp. xxxiii + 202, figs. 66, b&w pls. 15, tables 14. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. $84. ISBN 978-1-78297-219-8 (cloth).
Margueron, Jean-Claude. Mari: Capital of Northern Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium. The Archaeology of Tell Hariri on the Euphrates. Pp. viii + 165, figs. 180. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. £45. ISBN 978-1-78297-731-5 (cloth).
Martin, Toby F. The Cruciform Brooch and Anglo-Saxon England (Anglo-Saxon Studies 25). Pp. xvi + 338, figs. 58, b&w pls. 42, tables 17. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, England 2015. $120. ISBN 978-1-84383-993-4 (cloth).
Marzoli, Dirce, Jorge Maier Allende, and Thomas G. Schattner, eds. Historia del Instituto Arqueológico Alemán de Madrid: Geschichte der Madrider Abteilung des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Fasc. 4, Emil Hübner und die Altertumswissenschaften in Hispanien. Emil Hübnery las ciencias de la antigüedad clásica en Hispania (Iberia Archaeologica 14). Pp. 425, figs. 109, tables 10. Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt 2014. €65.50. ISBN 978-3-8053-4779-2 (cloth).
Michaelides, Demetrios, ed. Medicine and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Including the Proceedings of the International Conference with the Same Title, Organised in the Framework of the Research Project INTERREG IIIA: Greece/Cyprus 2000/2006, Joint Educational and Research Programmes in the History and Archaeology of Medicine, Palaeopathology, and Palaeoradiation, and the 1st International CAPP Symposium “New Approaches to Archaeological Human Remains in Cyprus.” Pp. xix + 354, figs. 153, tables 29. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. $99. ISBN 978-1-78297-235-8 (cloth).
Michetti, Laura M., and Iefke van Kampen, eds. Il tumulo di Monte Aguzzo a Veio e la collezione Chigi: Ricostruzione del contesto dell’olpe Chigi e note sulla formazione della collezione archeologica della famiglia Chigi a formello (MonAnt 70, Serie miscellanea 16). Pp. 220, figs. 6, b&w pls. 66. Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2014. $222.28. ISBN 978-88-7689-282-0 (paper).
Morris, Ian. Foragers, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels: How Human Values Evolve (The University Center for Human Values Series). Pp. xxiv + 369, figs. 36, tables 2. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2015. $29.95. ISBN 978-0-691-16039-9 (cloth).
Nowak, Christiane. Bestattungsrituale in Unteritalien vom 5. bis 4. Jh. v. Chr.: Überlegungen zur sogenannten Samnitisierung Kampaniens (Italiká 3). Pp. 200, figs. 84, tables 5, diagrams 28. Reichert, Wiesbaden 2014. €79. ISBN 978-3-95490-043-5 (cloth).
Nylan, Michael, and Griet Vankeerberghen, eds. Chang’an 26 BCE: An Augustan Age in China. Pp. xiv + 642, figs. 52, color pls. 8, charts 4, tables 8, maps 20. University of Washington Press, Seattle 2015. $70. ISBN 978-0-295-99405-5 (cloth).
Oakley, John H., ed. Athenian Potters and Painters. Vol. 3. Pp. viii + 272, figs. 273, color pls. 32, tables 6. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. $130. ISBN 978-1-78297-663-9 (cloth).
Pirson, Felix. Ansichten des Krieges: Kampfreliefs klassischer und hellenistischer Zeit im Kulturvergleich (AF 31). Pp. 342, figs. 51, b&w pls. 60. Reichert, Wiesbaden 2014. €88. ISBN 978-3-95490-035-0 (cloth).
Pirson, Felix, and Andreas Scholl, eds. Pergamon: Anadolu’da Hellenistik Bir Başkent / A Hellenistic Capital in Anatolia. Pp. 552, figs. 209. Yapı Kredi Yayınları, Istanbul 2014. TL 95. ISBN 978-975-08-3098-3 (cloth).
Pollitt, J.J., ed. The Cambridge History of Painting in the Classical World. Pp. xxii + 477, figs. 237, color pls. 140, maps 6, CD-ROM 1. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2014. $250. ISBN 978-0-521-86591-3 (cloth).
Postgate, Nicholas. Bronze Age Bureaucracy: Writing and the Practice of Government in Assyria. Pp. xi + 484, figs. 40, tables 22. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2014. $99. ISBN 978-1-107-04375-6 (cloth).
Poursat, Jean-Claude. L’art égéen 2: Mycènes et le monde mycénien. Pp. 303, figs. 387, color pls. 27, maps 4. Éditions Picard, Paris 2014. €65. ISBN 978-2-7084-0945-3 (cloth).
Privitera, Santo. Haghia Triada III: The Late Minoan III Buildings in the Villaggio (Monografie della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 23). Pp. xviii + 184, figs. 52, b&w pls. 52. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens 2015. Price not available. ISBN 987-960-93-6863-9 (cloth).
Rose, Charles Brian. The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy. Pp. xv + 406, figs. 158, color pls. 29. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2014. $99. ISBN 978-0-521-76207-6 (cloth).
Rutz, Matthew T., and Morag M. Kersel, eds. Archaeologies of Texts: Archaeology, Technology and Ethics (Joukowsky Institute Publication 6). Pp. xviii + 250, figs. 36, tables 6. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2014. $45. ISBN 978-1-78297-766-7 (paper).
Scheidel, Walter, ed. State Power in Ancient China and Rome (Oxford Studies in Early Empires). Pp. xviii + 303, figs. 5, maps 2. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015. $74. ISBN 978-0-19-020224-8 (cloth).
Shaw, Joseph W. Elite Minoan Architecture: Its Development at Knossos, Phaistos, and Malia (Prehistory Monographs 49). Pp. xxvi + 196, figs. 178, tables 5. INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia 2015. $65. ISBN 978-1-931534-77-2 (cloth).
Stephens, Susan A. Callimachus: The Hymns. Pp. xx + 324, figs. 3, maps 8. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015. $27.95. ISBN 978-0-19-978304-5 (paper).
Stone, Shelley C. Morgantina Studies. Vol. 6, The Hellenistic and Roman Fine Pottery. Pp. xxxvi + 485, figs. 9, b&w pls. 143, charts 4, tables 11. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2014. $175. ISBN 978-0-691-15672-9 (cloth).
Thompson, Jason Randall. Anthropological Research Framing for Archaeological Geophysics: Material Signatures of Past Human Behavior. Pp. xx + 131, figs. 12, tables 7. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Md. 2015. $75. ISBN 978-0-7391-7758-7 (cloth).
Untermann, Jürgen. Iberische Bleiinschriften in Südfrankreich und im Empordà (MF 20). Pp. 136, figs. 14, b&w pls. 4. De Gruyter, Berlin 2014. $126. ISBN 978-3-11-035085-2 (cloth).
Waters, Michael R., and Thomas A. Jennings. The Hogeye Clovis Cache (Peopling of the Americas Publications). Pp. xviii + 151, figs. 100, tables 29. Texas A&M University Press, College Station 2015. $30. ISBN 978-1-62349-214-4 (cloth).