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List of Books Received
January 2017 (121.1)
List of Books Received
Boardman, John, Andrew Parkin, and Sally Waite, eds. On the Fascination of Objects: Greek and Etruscan Art in the Shefton Collection. Pp. xii + 179. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016. £60.00. ISBN 978-1-78570-006-4 (cloth).
Bonney, Emily Miller, Kathryn J. Franklin, and James A. Johnson, eds. Incomplete Archaeologies: Assembling Knowledge in the Past and Present. Pp. xix + 148. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016. $49.99. ISBN 978-1-78570-115-3 (paper).
Broughton, Jack M., and Shawn D. Miller. Zooarchaeology and Field Ecology: A Photographic Atlas. Pp. xvii + 201. The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City 2016. $40. ISBN 978-1-60781-485-6 (paper).
Callegarin, Laurent, Mohamed Kbiri Alaoui, Abdelfattah Ichkhakh, and Jean-Claude Roux, eds. Rirha: Site antique et médiéval du Maroc. Vol. 1, Cadre historique et géographique général (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 150). Pp. xii + 182. Casa de Velazquez, Madrid 2016. €36. ISBN 978-8-49096-026-4 (paper).
Callegarin, Laurent, Mohamed Kbiri Alaoui, Abdelfattah Ichkhakh, and Jean-Claude Roux, eds. Rirha: Site antique et médiéval du Maroc. Vol. 2, Période maurétanienne (Ve siècle av. J.-C.–40 ap. J.-C.) (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 151). Pp. xii + 218. Casa de Velazquez, Madrid 2016. €49. ISBN 978-8-49096-026-7 (paper).
Cankardeş-Şenol, Gonca. Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps. Vol. 3, Eponyms Λ to Σ (Études Alexandrines 37). Pp. 396. Centre d’Études Alexandrines, Alexandria 2016. €40. ISBN 978-2-11-139024-9 (cloth).
Christie, Jessica Joyce, Jelena Bogdanović, and Eulogio Guzmán, eds. Political Landscapes of Capital Cities. Pp. xvii + 406. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2016. $85. ISBN 978-1-60732-468-3 (cloth).
Collins, Rob, Matthew Symonds, and Meike Weber, eds. Roman Military Architecture on the Frontiers: Armies and Their Architecture in Late Antiquity. Pp. vi + 142. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2015. £42. ISBN 978-1-78297-990-6 (cloth).
Cooley, Alison E., ed. A Companion to Roman Italy. Pp. xv + 560. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, England 2016. $195. ISBN 978-1-4443-3926-0 (cloth).
Dawdy, Shannon Lee. Patina: A Profane Archaeology. Pp. 216. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2016. $27.50. ISBN 978-0-22635-119-3 (paper).
De Giorgi, Andrea U. Ancient Antioch: From the Seleucid Era to the Islamic Conquest. Pp. xvi + 226. Cambridge University Press, New York 2015. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-107-13073-9 (cloth).
Dempsey, Jack. The Knossos Calendar: Minoan Cycles of the Sun, the Moon, the Soul, and Political Power. Pp. 47. Mystis Editions, Iraklion 2016. €5. ISBN 978-6-18502-469-7 (paper).
Eschbach, Norbert, and Stefan Schmidt, eds. Töpfer Maler Werkstatt: Zuschreibungen in der griechischen Vasenmalerei und die Organisation antiker Keramikproduktion (CVA Beiheft 7). Pp. 189. Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich 2016. ISBN 978-3-406-66940-8 (cloth).
Farrar, Linda. Gardens and Gardeners of the Ancient World: History, Myth and Archaeology. Pp. xvii + 292. Windgather Press, Oxford 2016. £25.00. ISBN 978-1-90968-685-4 (cloth).
Francis, Jane E., and Anna Kouremenos, eds. Roman Crete: New Perspectives. Pp. ix + 246. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016. $65. ISBN 978-1-78570-095-8 (cloth).
Frederiksen, Rune, Silke Müth, Peter I. Schneider, and Mike Schnelle, eds. Focus on Fortifications: New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East (Fokus Fortifikation Studies 2, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens). Pp. ix + 732. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016. £70.00. ISBN 978-1-78570-131-3 (cloth).
French, Charles A.I. A Handbook of Geoarchaeological Approaches for Investigating Landscapes and Settlement Sites (Studying Scientific Archaeology 1). Pp. vi + 118. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2015. $29.95. ISBN 978-1-78570-091-0 (paper).
Gazda, Elaine K., and John R. Clarke, eds. Leisure and Luxury in the Age of Nero: The Villas of Oplontis near Pompeii (Kelsey Museum Publications 14). Pp. 288. Kelsey Museum Publications, Ann Arbor, Mich. 2016. $30. ISBN 978-0-9906623-4-1 (paper).
Gorogianni, Evi, Peter Pavúk, and Luca Girella, eds. Beyond Thalassocracies: Understanding Processes of Minoanisation and Mycenaeanisation in the Aegean. Pp. x + 224. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016. $70. ISBN 978-1-78570-203-7 (cloth).
Griswold, William A., and Donald W. Linebaugh, eds. The Saratoga Campaign: Uncovering an Embattled Landscape. Pp. xxv + 268. University Press of New England, Lebanon, N.H. 2016. $27.95. ISBN 978-1-61168-896-2 (paper).
Heyn, Maura K., and Ann Irvine Steinsapir, eds. Icon, Cult, and Context: Sacred Spaces and Objects in the Classical World (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press Monograph 82). Pp. xxv + 203. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles 2016. $60. ISBN 978-1-93877-006-7 (paper).
Kornfeld, Marcel, and Bruce B. Huckell, eds. Stones, Bones and Profiles: Exploring Archaeological Context, Early American Hunter-Gatherers, and Bison. Pp. xvi + 454. University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2016. $95. ISBN 978-1-60732-452-2 (cloth).
Kristensen, Troels Myrup, and Lea Margaret Stirling, eds. The Afterlife of Greek and Roman Sculpture: Late Antique Responses and Practices. Pp. vi + 424. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2016. $85. ISBN 978-0-47211-969-1 (cloth).
Kunisch, Norbert. Die Attische Importkeramik (Milet 5.3). Pp. x + 372. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2016. €129.95. ISBN 978-3-11045-489-5 (cloth).
Laflı, Ergün, and Gülseren Kan Şahin. Hadrianopolis III: Ceramic Finds from Southwestern Paphlagonia (BAR-IS 2786). Pp. xiii + 457. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford 2016. £64. ISBN 978-1-40731-436-5 (paper).
Laporte, Luc, and Chris Scarre, eds. The Megalithic Architectures of Europe. Pp. xi + 240. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016. $88. ISBN 978-1-78570-014-9 (cloth).
Marek, Christian, in collaboration with Peter Frei, translated by Steven Rendall. In the Land of a Thousand Gods: A History of Asia Minor in the Ancient World. Pp. 824. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2016. $49.50. ISBN 978-0-69115-979-9 (cloth).
Matheson, Susan B. Corpus vasorum antiquorum. U.S.A. 39. Yale University Art Gallery 2. Pp. 320. Philipp von Zabern, Darmstadt 2016. €99.95. ISBN 978-3-80534-888-1 (cloth).
Miles, Margaret M., ed. Autopsy in Athens: Recent Archaeological Research on Athens and Attica. Pp. xii + 186. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016. $120. ISBN 978-1-78297-856-5 (cloth).
Miles, Margaret M., ed. A Companion to Greek Architecture. Pp. xxx + 583. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, England 2016. $195. ISBN 978-1-44433-599-6 (cloth).
Moeller, Nadine. The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt: From the Predynastic Period to the End of the Middle Kingdom. Pp. xviii + 430. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2016. $120. ISBN 978-1-10707-975-5 (cloth).
Muhs, Brian. The Ancient Egyptian Economy, 3000–30 BCE. Pp. x + 394. Cambridge University Press, New York 2016. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-10711-336-7 (cloth).
Murphy, Joanne M.A., ed. Ritual and Archaic States. Pp. xvii + 244. University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2016. $89.95. ISBN 978-0-81306-278-5 (cloth).
Nash, George, and Andrew Townsend, eds. Decoding Neolithic Atlantic and Mediterranean Island Ritual. Pp. xvi + 249. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2016. £50. ISBN 978-1-78570-050-7 (cloth).
Niewöhner, Philipp. Die byzantinischen Basiliken von Milet (Milet 1.11). Pp. xvii + 411. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2016. $266. ISBN 978-3-11-041688-6 (cloth).
Palivou, Clairy, and Iris Tzachili. Θηρασία Ι. Μια διαχρονική διαδρομή. Pp. 303. Τα Πράγματα Εκδόσεις, Athens 2015. Price not available. ISBN 978-960-98261-3-6 (paper).
Palmieri, Maria Grazia. Penteskouphia: Immagini e parole dipinte sui pinakes corinzi dedicati a Poseidon (Tripodes 15). Pp. 275. Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Athens 2016. Price not available. ISBN 978-9-60955-906-5 (cloth).
Pettegrew, David K. The Isthmus of Corinth: Crossroads of the Mediterranean World. Pp. xii + 290. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2016. $85. ISBN 978-0-47211-984-4 (cloth).
Plantzos, Dimitris, translated by Nicola Wardle. Greek Art and Archaeology c. 1200–30 BC. Pp. 304. Lockwood Press, Atlanta, Ga. 2016. $49.95. ISBN 978-1-93704-057-4 (paper).
Pohl, John M.D., and Claire L. Lyons, eds. Altera Roma: Art and Empire from Mérida to Mexico (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Monograph 83). Pp. xxvi + 359. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles 2016. $75. ISBN 978-1-93877-001-2 (paper).
Pomerance, Aubrey, and Bettina Schmitz, eds. Heiligtümer, Papyri und geflügelte Göttinnen: Der Archäologe Otto Rubensohn (Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 53). Pp. 120. Verlag Gebrüder Gerstenberg, Hildesheim 2015. Price not available. ISBN 978-3-8067-8806-8 (cloth).
Popkin, Maggie L. The Architecture of the Roman Triumph: Monuments, Memory, and Identity. Pp. xiv + 271. Cambridge University Press, New York 2016. $99.99. ISBN 978-1-10710-357-3 (cloth).
Retamero, Fèlix, Inge Schjellerup, and Althea Davies, eds. Agricultural and Pastoral Landscapes in Pre-Industrial Society: Choices, Stability and Change (Early Agricultural Remnants and Technical Heritage [EARTH] 3). Pp. xxiv + 328. Oxbow Books, Oxford. $80. ISBN 978-1-84217-359-6 (cloth).
Schachter, Albert. Boiotia in Antiquity: Selected Papers. Pp. xx + 440. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2016. $135. ISBN 978-1-10705-324-3 (cloth).
Schmitt, Cathrin. Aphrodite in Unteritalien und auf Sizilien: Heiligtümer und Kulte (Studien zu antiken Heiligtümern 5). Pp. 492. Verlag Archäologie und Geschichte, Heidelberg 2016. €96. ISBN 978-3-935289-37-5 (cloth).
Shaw, Maria C., and Anne Proctor Chapin, eds. Woven Threads: Patterned Textiles of the Aegean Bronze Age (Ancient Textiles 22). Pp. 279. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2015. £38.00. ISBN 978-1-78570-058-3 (cloth).
Shear, T. Leslie, Jr. Trophies of Victory: Public Building in Periklean Athens. Pp. xxiii + 496. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2016. $65. ISBN 978-0-69117-075-2 (paper).
Silvestrelli, Francesca, and Ingrid E.M. Edlund-Berry. A Greek Settlement at Sant’Angelo Vecchio (The Chora of Metaponto 6). Pp. xviii + 659. University of Texas Press, Austin 2016. $75. ISBN 978-1-47730-947-6 (cloth).
Strand, Eva B. Andersson, and Marie-Louise Nosch, eds. Tools, Textiles and Contexts: Investigating Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age (Ancient Textiles 21). Pp. xiii + 383. Oxbow Books, Oxford 2015. $75. ISBN 978-1-84217-472-2 (cloth).
Tsirtsoni, Zoï. The Human Face of Radiocarbon: Reassessing Chronology in Prehistoric Greece and Bulgaria, 5000–3000 cal BC (TMO, Série recherches archéologiques 69). Pp. 520. Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée-Jean Pouilloux, Lyon 2016. €45. ISBN 978-2-35668-054-9 (cloth).
Wallace, Patrick F. Viking Dublin: The Wood Quay Excavations. Pp. xxiii + 569. Irish Academic Press, Kildare 2016. $95. ISBN 978-0-71653-314-6 (cloth).
Westphalen, Stephan. Die Basilika am Kalekapı in Herakleia Perinthos: Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992–2010 in Marmara Ereğlisi (Istanbuler Forschungen 55). Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen 2016. €45. ISBN 978-3-80301-776-5 (cloth).
Zierden, Martha A., and Elizabeth J. Reitz. Charleston: An Archaeology of Life in a Coastal Community. Pp. xxi + 351. University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2016. $34.95. ISBN 978-0-81306-290-7 (cloth).
List of Books Received
American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 121, No. 1 (January 2017)
Published online at
DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1211.BooksReceived