October 2020 (124.4)

Books Received

List of Books Received

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Allen, James. Ancient Egyptian Phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020. Pp. x + 234. $79.99. ISBN 978-1-108-70730-5 (paper).

Bonetto, Jacopo, Denis Francisci, and Stefania Mazzocchin. Gortina IX.1 and Gortina IX.2: Il Teatro del Pythion. Scavi e ricerche 2001–2013. 2 vols. (Monografie della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 28). Athens: Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene 2019. Pp. 944 (both volumes). €155 (both volumes). ISBN 978-960-9559-16-4; 978-960-9559-15-7 (paper).

Dell’Acqua, Antonio. La decorazione architettonica di Brescia romana: Edifici pubblici e monumenti funerari dall'età repubblicana alla tarda antichità (Costruire nel mondo antico 2). Rome: Edizioni Quasar 2020. Pp. 481. €60. ISBN 978-88-5491-024-9 (paper).

Edmond, Ken. The Minority of James V: Scotland in Europe, 1513–1528. Edinburgh: John Donald 2019. Pp. x + 404. £63. ISBN 978-1-910900-31-4 (cloth).

Emmerson, Allison L.C. Life and Death in the Roman Suburb. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020. Pp. 304. $90. ISBN 9780198852759 (e-book).

Eppihimer, Melissa. Exemplars of Kingship: Art, Tradition, and the Legacy of the Akkadians. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019. Pp. xx + 299. $99. ISBN 9780190903015 (cloth).

Guttmann-Bond, Erika. Reinventing Sustainability: How Archaeology Can Save the Planet. Philadelphia: Oxbow 2019. Pp. x + 181. $39.99. ISBN 978-1-78570-992-0 (e-book).

Hodges, Richard, William Bowden, and Kosta Lako. Byzantine Butrint: Excavations and Surveys 1994–99 (Butrint Archaeological Monographs 2). Oxford: Oxbow 2020 (reprint). Pp. 424. $46. ISBN 9781789253436 (paper).

Ivleva, Tatiana, and Rob Collins, eds. Un-Roman Sex: Gender, Sexuality, and Lovemaking in the Roman Provinces and Frontiers. London: Routledge 2020. Pp. 380. $155. ISBN 9781138284029 (cloth).

Leidwanger, Justin. Roman Seas: A Maritime Archaeology of Eastern Mediterranean Economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020. Pp. 336. $85. ISBN 9780190083656 (e-book).

Masci, Paolo. Archeologia a Camarina. Ceramiche e utensili in età ellenistica. Rome: Gangemi Editore 2020. Pp. 160. €26. ISBN 978-88-492-3891-4 (paper).

Mazza, Alba. Il Cosiddetto “Relitto di Pignataro di Fuori” di Lipari: Una Revisione del Contesto dell’Età del Bronzo a Cinquant’anni Dalla Sua Scoperta (Italian Research on Ancient World 6). Rome: Arbor Sapientiae 2019. Pp. 138. €45. ISBN 978-88 94820-79-9 (paper).

McCoy, Mark D. Maps for Time Travelers: How Archaeologists Use Technology to Bring Us Closer to the Past. Berkeley: University of California Press 2020. Pp. xviii + 257. $26.95. ISBN 9780520303164 (cloth).

Mogetta, Marcello, ed. Elite Burial Practices and Processes of Urbanization at Gabii: The Non-adult Tombs from Area D of the Gabii Project Excavations (JRA Suppl. 108). Portsmouth, R.I.: Journal of Roman Archaeology 2020. Pp. 172. $79.50. ISBN 978-0-9994586-2-4 (cloth).

Seaman, Kristen. Rhetoric and Innovation in Hellenistic Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020. Pp. 206. $99.99. ISBN 9781108490917 (e-book).

Somhegyi, Zoltán. Reviewing the Past: The Presence of Ruins. London: Rowman & Littlefield 2020. Pp. 274. $34.95. ISBN 978-1-78660-761-4 (paper).

Van Oyen, Astrid. The Socio-Economics of Roman Storage: Agriculture, Trade, and Family. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020. Pp. 296. $110. ISBN 9781108495530 (e-book).

von den Hoff, Ralf. Handlungsporträt und Herrscherbild. Die Heroisierung der Tat in Bildnissen Alexanders des Großen (Figurationen des Heroischen 6). Göttingen: Wallstein 2020. Pp. 96. €12.90. ISBN 978-3-8353-3506-6 (paper).

Weaver, Eddie. The Antediluvian Signature: Atlantis. Pp. 36. $15. ISBN 9798605725374 (paper).

List of Books Received

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 124, No. 4 (October 2020)

DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1244.BooksReceived

© 2020 Archaeological Institute of America