October 2021 (125.4)

Books Received

List of Books Received

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Ackermann, Guy. La céramique d’époque hellénistique: Une chrono-typologie au service de l’histoire d’une ville grecque entre la fin du IVe et le Ier s. av. J.-C. (Eretria 24). 2 vols. Gollion: Infolio éditions 2020. Pp. 536 (both volumes). €110 (both volumes). ISBN 978-2-88474-413-3 (paper).

Ackermann, Guy, Tobias Krapf, and Laureline Pop, eds. ἀποβάτης: Mélanges eubéens offerts à Karl Reber par ses étudiants à l’occasion de son 65ème anniversaire. Lausanne: Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece Editions 2020. Pp. 172. ISBN 978-2-8399-3122-9 (paper). Open access at www.esag.swiss/apobates/.

Amiri, Bassir. Religion romaine et esclavage au Haut-Empire: Rome, Latium et Campanie (CÉFR 581). Rome: École française de Rome 2021. Pp. 421. €35. ISBN 978-2-7283-0837-8 (paper).

Betts, Matthew W., and M. Gabriel Hrynick. The Archaeology of the Atlantic Northeast. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2021. Pp. xx + 383. $59.95. ISBN 978-1-4875-8794-9 (paper).

Bianchi, Davide. A Shrine to Moses: A Reappraisal of the Mount Nebo Monastic Complex Between Byzantium and Islam (AF 31).Vienna: Verlag der Österreichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2021. Pp. 240. €148. ISBN 978-3-7001-8648-9 (cloth).

Bobou, Olympia, Jesper V. Jensen, Nathalia B. Kristensen, Rubina Raja, and Rikke R. Thomsen, eds. Studies on Palmyrene Sculpture: A Translation of Harald Ingholt’s Studier over Palmyrensk Skulptur, Edited and with Commentary (Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 1). Turnhout: Brepols 2021. Pp. xxiv + 562. €115. ISBN 978-2-503-59124-7 (paper).

Bowes, Kim, ed. The Roman Peasant Project 2009–2014: Excavating the Roman Rural Poor (University Museum Monograph 154). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2021. Pp. 824. $120. ISBN 9781949057072 (cloth).

Cognetti, Chiara. Totenkult und Ahnenverehrung im hethitischen Anatolien: Vorstellungen, Rituale und Institutionen (Texte der Hethiter 32). Heidelberg: Universitätverlag Winter 2021. Pp. 495. €68. ISBN 978-3-8253-4698-0 (paper).

Creighton, Scott. The Great Pyramid Void Enigma: The Mystery of the Hall of the Ancestors. Rochester, Vt.: Bear & Company 2021. Pp. 320. $20. ISBN 9781591434023 (paper).

Dietz, Søren, Fanis Mavridis, Žarko Tankosić, and Turan Takaoğlu, eds. Communities in Transition: The Circum-Aegean Area in the 5th and 4th Millennia BC. Oxford: Oxbow 2018. Pp. 656. £70. ISBN 9781785707209 (cloth).

Eiland, Murray. The Archaeology of Nineveh: Unveiling the Nomadic Parthian Empire. London: Wooldridge Press 2021. Pp. xxii + 305. $30. ISBN 978-1-8380316-5-7 (e-book).

Fentress, Elizabeth, and Hassan Limane, eds. Volubilis après Rome: Les fouilles UCL/INSAP, 2000–2005 (Arts and Archaeology of the Islamic World 11). Leiden: Brill 2019. Pp. xvi + 446. €139. ISBN 978-90-04-37149-1 (cloth).

Fleming, Robin. The Material Fall of Roman Britain, 300–525 CE. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2021. Pp. 297. $45. ISBN 978-0-8122-5244-6 (cloth).

Gartrell, Amber. The Cult of Castor and Pollux in Ancient Rome: Myth, Ritual, and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021. Pp. xii + 223. $99.99. ISBN 9781108477550 (cloth).

Gosden, Chris, Chris Green, Anwen Cooper, et al. English Landscapes and Identities: Investigating Landscape Change from 1500 BC to AD 1086. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021. Pp. 496. $115. ISBN 9780198870623 (cloth).

Hamilton, Sue, and Ruth Whitehouse. Neolithic Spaces. Vol. 1, Social and Sensory Landscapes of the First Farmers of Italy (Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy 19.1). London: Accordia Research Institute 2020. Pp. xvii + 421. Price not available. ISBN 978-1-873415-412 (cloth).

Hass, Trine Arlund, and Rubina Raja, eds. Caesar’s Past and Posterity’s Caesar (Rome Studies 1). Turnhout: Brepols 2021. Pp. xii + 248. €95. ISBN 978-2-503-59130-8 (paper).

Hauser, Mark W. Mapping Water in Dominica: Enslavement and Environment Under Colonialism. Seattle: University of Washington Press 2021. Pp. xviii + 263. $30. ISBN 9780295748733 (e-book).

Kamen, Deborah, and C.W. Marshall, eds. Slavery and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2021. Pp. xvi + 317. $99.95. ISBN 9780299331900 (cloth).

Kelly, Alexandra C. Consuming Ivory: Mercantile Legacies of East Africa and New England. Seattle: University of Washington Press 2021. Pp. xx + 255. $30. ISBN 9780295748825 (e-book).

Knodell, Alex R. Societies in Transition in Early Greece: An Archaeological History. Berkeley: University of California Press 2021. Pp. 382. $34.95. ISBN 978-0-520-38053-0 (paper).

Kolb, Michael J. Making Sense of Monuments: Narratives of Time, Movement and Scale. New York: Routledge 2020. Pp. 248. $160. ISBN 9781138371101 (cloth).

Kreuzer, Bettina. Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Germany 107. Munich, Antikensammlungen ehemals Museum Antiker Kleinkunst 21: Attisch rotfigurige Mischgefäße. Munich: C.H. Beck 2020. Pp. 272. €98. ISBN 978-3-7696-3784-7 (cloth).

Lancaster, Jerrad. Virtually Reconstructing the Past: Estimating Labour Costs Through Digital Technologies (StArch 247). Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider 2021. Pp. 124. €85. ISBN 9788891322043 (paper).

Lichtenberger, Achim, and Rubina Raja, eds. Hellenistic and Roman Gerasa: The Archaeology and History of a Decapolis City. Turnhout: Brepols 2020. Pp. xviii + 390. €110. ISBN 978-2-503-58504-8 (paper).

Lolos, Yannis A., ed. Sikyon I: The Urban Survey. Vol. 1, Text; vol. 2, General Bibliography, Figures and Plates (Meletemata 82). Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation 2021. Pp. 1027 (both volumes). €116 (both volumes). ISBN 978-960-371-070-7 (paper).

Mariano, Ivan. Négociations et relations interculturelles entre la chrétienté latine et la chrétienté grecque aux conciles de Bâle et de Ferrare-Florence (1431–1439) (Scrinium Friburgense 51). Wiesbaden: Reichert 2021. Pp. 218. €79. ISBN 9783954905201 (cloth).

Melena, José L. The Pylos Tablets (Anejos de Veleia, Series Maior 14). Araba: Universidad del País Vasco 2021. Pp. 464. €28. ISBN 978-84-1319-319-9 (paper).

Mogetta, Marcello. The Origins of Concrete Construction in Roman Architecture: Technology and Society in Republican Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021. Pp. xiv + 311. $99.99. ISBN 9781108845687 (cloth).

Mouton, Alice, ed. Flesh and Bones: The Individual and His Body in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin. Turnhout: Brepols 2020. Pp. 240. €65. ISBN 978-2-503-59038-7 (paper).

Ostapkowicz, Joanna, and Jonathan A. Hanna, eds. Real, Recent or Replica: Precolumbian Caribbean Heritage as Art, Commodity, and Inspiration. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press 2021. Pp. 352. $69.95. ISBN 978-0-8173-2087-4 (cloth).

Raja, Rubina, and Julia Steding, eds. Production Economy in Greater Roman Syria (Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History 2). Turnhout: Brepols 2021. Pp. xxx + 201. €85. ISBN 978-2-503-59125-4 (paper).

Ramage, Andrew, Nancy H. Ramage, and R. Gül Gürtekin-Demir. Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis Reports 8). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 2021. Pp. 570. $100. ISBN 9780674248557 (cloth).

Robinson, Elizabeth C. Urban Transformation in Ancient Molise: The Integration of Larinum into the Roman State. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021. Pp. 368. $99. ISBN 9780190641436 (cloth).

Rossen, Jack. Levanna: Interpretation and Controversy in New York Archaeology, 1923–2018. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield 2021. Pp. xvi + 197. $36. ISBN 978-1538128299 (paper).

Russell, Amy, and Monica Hellström, eds. The Social Dynamics of Roman Imperial Imagery. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020. Pp. xvi + 292. $99.99. ISBN 9781108835121 (cloth).

Sarantidis, Konstantinos. Milesian Islands: The Fortified Installations in the Insular Environment of Miletus in the Aegean in Context (Thiasos Monografie 15). Rome: Edizioni Quasar 2020. Pp. xx + 368. €36. ISBN 978-88-5491-073-7 (paper).

Sebastiani, Alessandro, and Carolina Megale, eds. Archaeological Landscapes of Roman Etruria: Research and Field Papers. Turnhout: Brepols 2021. Pp. 296. €115. ISBN 978-2-503-59139-1 (paper).

Seifried, Rebecca M., and Deborah E. Brown Stewart, eds. Deserted Villages: Perspectives from the Eastern Mediterranean. Grand Forks: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota 2021. Pp. iii + 424. $20. ISBN 978-1-7364986-8-2 (paper); ISBN 978-1-7364986-1-3 (e-book).

Shear, Julia L. Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021. Pp. xx + 532. $135. ISBN 9781108485272 (cloth).

Smith, Tyler Jo. Religion in the Art of Archaic and Classical Greece. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2021. Pp. 476. $89.95. ISBN 978-0-8122-5281-1 (cloth).

Theurillat, Thierry, Guy Ackermann, Marc Duret, and Simone Zurbriggen. Les thermes du centre (Eretria 25). 2 vols. Gollion: Infolio éditions 2020. Pp. 404 (both volumes). €110 (both volumes). ISBN 978-2-88474-414-0 (paper).

Thomas, Mike Seager. Neolithic Spaces. Vol. 2, The Bradford Archive of Aerial Photographs (Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy 19.2). London: Accordia Research Institute 2020. Pp. 288. Price not available. ISBN 978-1-873415-42-9 (cloth).

Van Dyke, Ruth M., and Carrie C. Heitman, eds. The Greater Chaco Landscape: Ancestors, Scholarship, and Advocacy. Louisville: University Press of Colorado 2021. Pp. 374. ISBN 978-1-64642-170-1 (e-book). Open access at http://read.upcolorado.com/projects/the-greater-chaco-landscape.

Watts Malouchos, Elizabeth, and Alleen Betzenhauser, eds. Reconsidering Mississippian Communities and Households (Archaeology of the American South). Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press 2021. Pp. 336. $64.95. ISBN 978-0-8173-2088-1 (cloth).

Webb, Jennifer M. Lapithos Vrysi tou Barba, Cyprus: Early and Middle Bronze Age Tombs Excavated in 1913. Tombs 1–47 (SIMA 152). Nicosia: Astrom Editions 2020. Pp. xxiv + 530. €89.04. ISBN 978-9925-7455-6-2 (cloth).

Whitehouse, Ruth. Etruscan Literacy in its Context (Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy 18). London: Accordia Research Institute 2020. Pp. x + 200. £40. ISBN 978-1-873415-375 (paper).

List of Books Received

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 125, No. 4 (October 2021)

DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1254.BooksReceived

© 2021 Archaeological Institute of America