Each month, the AJA provides information about current and upcoming museum exhibits around the world that are related to topics within the scope of the journal. The list includes exhibition dates, locations, curators, information about catalogues, and links to museum websites with further information. It is organized by geographic location (The Americas, Europe, the United Kingdom and Russia, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Oceania). Within that larger framework, exhibitions are arranged alphabetically by country and then by closing date. If a catalogue is not mentioned, then no catalogue is known to us. New museums and permanent gallery installations are included on the list for six months following their opening. The AJA Museum Review Editor welcomes input from readers for additions to this list.
A new section, Digital/Online Exhibitions, now appears at the end. Born-digital exhibitions will be added here and maintained as long as the exhibitions continue to remain online.
The Americas
First Royals of Europe
5 April 2024–19 January 2025
The Canadian Museum of History
Gatineau, Québec
For more information: https://www.historymuseum.ca/event/first-royals-europe/
United States
Ancient Thrace: Treasures from the Classical World
6 November 2024–3 March 2025
The Getty Villa
Los Angeles
For more information: http://www.getty.edu/visit/exhibitions/future.html
Chicago on the Nile: 100 Years of the Epigraphic Survey in Egypt
17 September 2024–23 March 2025
The University of Chicago ISAC Museum
Chicago, Illinois
For more information: https://isac.uchicago.edu/chicagonile
Creation, Birth, and Rebirth
17 August 2024–27 July 2025
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio
For more information: https://www.clevelandart.org/exhibitions/creation-birth-and-rebirth
Crossroads of Culture, 400–1800
Through 31 May 2026
Dates provided here are estimates; please see the exhibition website for further information
University of Michigan, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Ann Arbor, Michigan
For more information: https://lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/exhibitions/special-exhibitions/big-object-spotlights.html
Etruscan Gifts: Artifacts from Early Italy in the Bowdoin Collection
1 February 2024–9 February 2025
The Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Burnswick, Maine
For more information: https://www.bowdoin.edu/art-museum/exhibitions/2024/etruscan-gifts.html
Horizon of Khufu!
Various locations in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, and China
For more information: https://horizonkheopsexperience.com/
King Tut’s Tomb Discovery Experience
1 October 2024–31 May 2025
Dates provided here are estimates; please see the exhibition website for further information
Houston Museum of Natural Science
Houston, Texas
For more information: https://www.hmns.org/exhibits/king-tuts-tomb/
Life & Death in the Ancient World
13 January 2023–31 December 2026
Tampa Museum of Art
Tampa, Florida
For more information: https://tampamuseum.org/life-death-in-the-ancient-world
Mediterranean Marketplaces: Connecting the Ancient World
14 February 2024–27 April 2025
Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East
Cambridge, Massachusetts
For more information: https://hmane.harvard.edu/mediterranean-marketplaces/
Portraits of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna
3 August 2024–30 March 2025
Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art
Bloomington, Indiana
For more information: https://artmuseum.indiana.edu/exhibitions/current/_focus-exhibitions/2024-08-03-septimius-severus-julia-domna.html
Rising Signs: The Medieval Science of Astrology
1 October 2024–5 January 2025
The Getty Villa
Los Angeles, California
For more information: https://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/rising-signs/index.html
Sculpted Portraits from Ancient Egypt
24 January 2024–25 January 2027
The Getty Villa
Los Angeles
For more information: https://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/egyptian_sculptures
Seeing Red
15 June 2024–9 November 2026
North Carolina Museum of Art
Raleigh, North Carolina
For more information: https://ncartmuseum.org/exhibition/seeing-red/
Europe, The United Kingdom, and Russia
Anker Lichten! Schiffbruch in der Antike und Kulturgüterschutz heute
(Raise The Anchor! Shipwrecks in antiquity and protection of cultural artifacts today)
4 October 2024–16 February 2025
Kunsthistoriches Museum: Wien
Vienna, Austria
For more information: https://www.khm.at/en/visit/exhibitions/vitrine-extra-5/
Czech Republic
Tajemná Núbie
(Mysterious Nubia)
11 June 2024–31 December 2024
Národní Museum
For more information: https://www.nm.cz/en/naprstek-museum/mysterious-nubia
Dialogues d’antiquités Orientales
(Near Eastern Antiquities in Dialogue)
29 February 2024–28 September 2025
Musée du Louvre
For more information: https://www.louvre.fr/en-ce-moment/expositions/the-met-au-louvre
Egypt Augmented
18 October 2023–21 December 2024
Musée du Louvre
For more information: https://newsroom.snap.com/egypt-augmented
Héros Vikings
(Viking Heroes)
10 February 2024–29 December 2024
Val D’oise Archaeological Museum
For more information: https://www.valdoise.fr/annuaire/128/294-libelle.htm
Mητρόπολις Μορρυλίων
(Metropolis of the Morrylians)
15 February 2024–31 December 2024
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki
For more information: https://www.amth.gr/en/exhibitions/temporary/mitropolis-morrylion
2 June 2023–31 December 2024
BHM Aquinicum Museum
For more information: http://www.aquincum.hu/en/kiallitas/feltarva-avagy-meg-mindig-van-uj-a-fold-alatt/
Kindoms of Gods and Demons: Mesopotamia 1000-500 BCE
(Istenek és démonok királysága. Mezopotámia Kr. e. 1000-500)
5 October 2024–2 February 2025
Museum of Fine Arts Budapest
For more information: https://www.mfab.hu/exhibitions/kingdom-of-gods-and-demons-mesopotamia-1000-500-bce/
The rediscovered fragment
29 April 2021–28 April 2026
Musei Capitolini
For more information: https://www.museicapitolini.org/en/node/1008893
Poder femenino: lo divino a lo demoníaco
(Feminine power: the divine to the demonic)
27 November 2024–30 March 2025
La Caixa Forum
For more information: https://www.britishmuseum.org/our-work/international/international-touring-exhibitions/feminine-power
Poder femenino: lo divino a lo demoníaco
(Feminine power: the divine to the demonic)
30 April 2023–10 August 2025
La Caixa Forum
For more information: https://www.britishmuseum.org/our-work/international/international-touring-exhibitions/feminine-power
United Kingdom
Silk Roads
26 September 2024–23 February 2025
The British Museum
For more information: https://www.britishmuseum.org/exhibitions/silk-roads
The Middle East
Splendours of the Atlas: A Voyage Through Morocco’s Heritage
2 November 2024–8 March 2025
Museum of Islamic Art
For more information: https://mia.org.qa/en/calendar/splendours-of-the-atlas/
On Top of the Pyramid: The Civilization of Ancient Egypt
19 July 2024–17 August 2025
Shanghai Museum
For more information: https://www.shanghaimuseum.net/mu/frontend/pg/article/id/E00004197
Digital / Online Exhibitions
This section includes born-digital exhibitions.
Aura: Art and Authenticity
Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University
Palo Alto
For more information: https://museum.stanford.edu/exhibitions/aura-art-and-authenticity
Complete Museum Tour 360
Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
San Jose
For more information: https://egyptianmuseum.org/360-museum-tour
Fly Over Zone: Virtual Museum
Opened 21 June 2022
This website includes virtual tours of ancient sites and a virtual museum of Greek and Roman sculpture.
For more information: https://www.flyoverzone.com/
Graffiti as Devotion along the Nile
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Ann Arbor
Catalogue: Emberling, Geoff and Suzanne Davis (eds). Graffiti as Devotion along the Nile and Beyond. Kelsey Museum Publications 16. Pp. xviii + 193. Ann Arbor: Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 2021. $39.00. ISBN: 978–0–9906623–9–6 (paper and freely downloadable).
For more information: https://exhibitions.kelsey.lsa.umich.edu/graffiti-el-kurru/
Heroes & Hoplites
The Hellenic Museum
For more information: https://www.hellenic.org.au/exhibitions/heroes-and-hoplites
Musée national de Préhistoire: VISITE VIRTUELLE
(National Museum of Prehistory: Virtual Visit)
National Museum of Prehistory
Les Eyzies
For more information: https://musee-prehistoire-eyzies.fr/visite-virtuelle
Persepolis Reimagined
J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa
Pacific Palisades
For more information: https://persepolis.getty.edu/
Return to Palmyra
Getty Institute, J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa
Pacific Palisades
For more information: https://www.getty.edu/research/exhibitions_events/exhibitions/palmyra/exhibition.html
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin: Virtuelle Rundgänge
(Berlin State Museums: Virtual Visit)
Berlin State Museums
For more information: https://www.smb.museum/museen-einrichtungen/gemaeldegalerie/ueber-uns/virtueller-rundgang/gemaeldegalerie-360/
Unsilencing the Archives: Laborers at Tell en–Nasbeh (1926–1935)
Bade Museum of Biblical Archaeology
For more information: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/collections/dc601d4d131145f88f828196860b8a44
Uruk 5,000 Jahre Megacity
(Uruk – 5,000 years of megacity)
Staatliche Museum
For more information: https://storage.smb.museum/Virtueller_Rundgang/Uruk_5000/
Wondrous Machines
Opened 7 October 2022
RD Milns Antiquities Museum
Curator: Janette McWilliam
For more information: https://uqantiquitiesonlineexhibitions.omeka.net/exhibits/show/wondrous-machines/introduction