July 2005 (109.3)

Print Book Reviews

Book Reviews July 2005

The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.

Χαρις. Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr (pp. 567–568)
By Anne P. Chapin 
Reviewed by Carol G. Thomas

Complex Systems and Archaeology: Empirical and Theoretical Applications (pp. 568–569)
By R. Alexander Bentley and Herbert D.G. Maschner 
Reviewed by Marco A. Janssen

Archaeology and Colonialism: Cultural Contact from 5000 BC to the Present (pp. 569–570)
By Chris Gosden 
Reviewed by Shannon Lee Dawdy

The Materiality of Serial Practice: A Microarchaeology of Burial (pp. 571–572)
By Fredrik Fahlander 
Reviewed by Mike Parker Pearson

Emerging Pathogens. Archaeology, Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease (pp. 572–573)
By C. Greenblatt and M. Spigelman 
Reviewed by Charlotte Roberts

The Age of Bronze: The Story of the Trojan War. Vol. 1, A Thousand Ships (pp. 573–574)
By Eric Shanower 
Reviewed by Thomas F. Strasser 

Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel 5, Kleinere griechische Sammlungen Supplementum. 3, Neufunde aus Griechenland und der westlichen Türkei (pp. 575–576)
By Ingo Pini and Walter Müller 
Reviewed by John G. Younger

Bronzeworking on Late Minoan Crete: A Diachronic Study (pp. 576–578)
By Lena Hakulin 
Review by: Carole Gillis

Cyprus before History: From the Earliest Settlers to the End of the Bronze Age (pp. 578–580)
By Louise Steel 
Reviewed by A. Bernard Knapp

Zepterträger: Herrscher der Steppen. Die frühen Ockergräber des älteren Äneolithikums im karpatenbalkanischen Gebiet und in Steppenraum Südost: Und Osteuropas (pp. 580–581)
By B. Govedarica 
Reviewed by Haskel J. Greenfield

Kunstverwendung und Kunstlegitimation im archaischen und frühklassischen Sparta (pp. 581–582)
By Reinhard Förtsch 
Reviewed by Christopher Smith

Worshipping Aphrodite: Art and Cult in Classical Athens (pp. 582–583)
By Rachel Rosenzweig 
Reviewed by Mireille M. Lee

Book Reviews July 2005

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 109, No. 3 (July 2005), pp. 567-583

© 2005 Archaeological Institute of America