October 2006 (110.4)
Print Book Reviews
Book Reviews October 2006
The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.
Foundations of Social Archaeology: Selected Writings of V. Gordon Childe (pp. 663–664)
By Thomas C. Patterson and Charles E. Orser
Reviewed by Mark Pluciennik
Pseira, 8: The Archaeological Survey of Pseira Island, Part 1 (pp. 664–666)
By Philip P. Betancourt, Costis Davaras, and Richard Hope Simpson
Reviewed by Barbara J. Hayden
Pseira, 9: The Archaeological Survey of Pseira Island, Part 2: The Intensive Surface Survey (pp. 664–666)
By Philip P. Betancourt et al.
Reviewed by Barbara J. Hayden
Kingship in the Mycenaean World and Its Reflections in the Oral Tradition (pp. 666–667)
By Ione Mylonas Shear
Reviewed by Erwin Cook
Sotira Kaminoudhia: An Early Bronze Age Site in Cyprus (pp. 667–669)
By S. Swiny and G. (Rip) Rapp; E. Herscher
Reviewed by Georgios Vavouranakis
Hethitische Kultmusik. Ein Untersuchung der Instrumental- und Vokalmusik anhand hethitischer Ritualtexte und von archäologischen Zeugnissen (pp. 669–670)
By Monika Schuol
Reviewed by Anne Draffkorn Kilmer
Early Beth Shan (Strata XIX–XIII): G.M. Fitzgerald’s Deep Cut on the Tell (pp. 670–671)
By Eliot Braun
Reviewed by Alexander H. Joffe
Amorgos, 1: Minoa. The Town, the Harbour and the Country (pp. 671–672)
By Lila Marangou
Reviewed by Semeli Pingiatoglou
Greek Art in View: Studies in Honour of Brian Sparkes (pp. 672–673)
By Simon Keay and Stephanie Moser
Reviewed by Tyler Jo Smith
Ancient Greek Athletics (pp. 673–674)
By Stephen G. Miller
Reviewed by David Gilman Romano
Le vin et l’huile dans la Méditerranée antique Viticulture, oléiculture et procédés de fabrication (pp. 674–676)
By Jean-Pierre Brun
Reviewed by David J. Mattingly
Archéologie du vin et de l’huile de la préhistoire á l’époque hellénistique (pp. 674–676)
By Jean-Pierre Brun
Reviewed by David J. Mattingly
Archéologie du vin et de l’huile dans l’empire romain (pp. 674–676)
By Jean-Pierre Brun
Reviewed by David J. Mattingly
Archéologie du vin et de l’huile en Gaule romaine (pp. 674–676)
By Jean-Pierre Brun
Reviewed by David J. Mattingly
Burial, Society, and Context in the Roman World (pp. 676–678)
By John Pearce, Martin Millet, and Manuela Struck
Reviewed by Joseph L. Rife
The Aesthetics of Emulation in the Visual Arts of Ancient Rome (pp. 678–679)
By Ellen Perry
Reviewed by Eric R. Varner
Imitation and Creation: Development of Early Bucchero Design at Cerveteri in the Seventh Century B.C. (pp. 679–680)
By Wim Regter
Reviewed by Judy K. Deuling
Concrete Vaulted Construction in Imperial Rome: Innovations in Context (pp. 680–681)
By Lynne C. Lancaster
Reviewed by James C. Anderson Jr.
Die Skulpturen aus dem Quellheiligtum von Amrit. Studie zur Akkulturation in Phönizien (pp. 681–683)
By Katja Lembke
Reviewed by Derek B. Counts