April 2008 (112.2)

Print Book Reviews

Book Reviews April 2008

The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.

Origins and Revolutions: Human Identity in Earliest Prehistory (p. 355)
By Clive Gamble
Reviewed by Mark J. White

The Archaeology of Early Egypt: Social Transformations in North-East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 BC (p. 356)
By David Wengrow 
Reviewed by Thomas Hikade

The Chalcolithic Cemetery of Souskiou-Vathyrkakas, Cyprus: Investigations of Four Missions from 1950 to 1997 (pp. 357–359)
By Edgar Peltenburg et al. 
Reviewed by Priscilla Schuster Keswani

The Early Minoan Tombs of Lebena, Southern Crete (p. 359)
By Stylianos Alexiou and Peter Warren
Reviewed by Joanne M.A. Murphy

Les Maisons homérique: Vocabulaire architectural et sémantique du bâti (p. 360)
By Sylvie Rougier-Blanc 
Reviewed by Bradley A. Ault

L'Archéologie de l'empire achéménide: Nouvelles recherches (pp. 361–362)
By Pierre Briant and Rémy Boucharlat
Reviewed by Deniz Kaptan

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Netherlands 10. Amsterdam 4: Allard Pierson Museum, University of Amsterdam. Red-Figure and White-Ground Lekythoi (pp. 362–364)
By W.D.J. van de Put
Reviewed by Jenifer Neils

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Greece 9. Athens 1: Benaki Museum (pp. 362–364)
By Victoria Sabetai 
Reviewed by Jenifer Neils

The Greek Tile Works at Corinth: The Site and the Finds (pp. 364–365)
By Gloria S. Merker and Charles K. Williams
Reviewed by Philip Sapirstein

La Peinture Funeraire de Macedoine: Emplois et Fonctions de la Couleur IVe–IIe s. av. J.-C. (pp. 365–366)
By Hariclia Brecoulaki
Reviewed by Ioanna Kakoulli

Mortuary Landscapes of North Africa (pp. 366–367)
By David L. Stone and Lea M. Stirling 
Reviewed by Irene Schrüfer-Kolb

Roman Religion and the Cult of Diana at Aricia (pp. 367–368)
By Carin M.C. Green
Reviewed by Alison B. Griffith

Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record (pp. 368–369)
By Theodore J. Peña 
Reviewed by Joann Freed

The Petra Siq: Nabataean Hydrology Uncovered (pp. 369–370)
By Isabelle Ruben
Reviewed by Martha Sharp Joukowsky

Portus: An Archaeological Survey of the Port of Imperial Rome (pp. 370–371)
By Simon Keay et al.
Reviewed by Robert L. Hohlfelder

After the Pharaohs: Treasures of Coptic Art from Egyptian Collections. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 18 March–18 May 2005 (pp. 371–372)
By László Török
Reviewed by Penelope Wilson

The Arundel and Pomfret Marbles (p. 372)
By Michael Vickers
Reviewed by Nancy H. Ramage

Book Reviews April 2008

American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 112, No. 2 (April 2008), pp. 353-372

© 2008 Archaeological Institute of America