July 2009 (113.3)
Print Book Reviews
Book Reviews July 2009
The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.
Memory and Material Culture (pp. 481–482)
By Andrew Jones
Reviewed by John C. Barrett
Stone Worlds: Narrative and Reflexivity in Landscape Archaeology (pp. 481–482)
By Barbara Bender, Sue Hamilton, and Chris Tilley
Reviewed by John C. Barrett
Lerna: A Preclassical Site in the Argolid. Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. 5, the Neolithic Pottery from Lerna (pp. 482–483)
By Karen D. Vitelli
Reviewed by Eva Alram-Stern
The Making of Bronze Age Eurasia (pp. 483–485)
By Philip L. Kohl
Reviewed by Valeriy Loman
"Walled up to Heaven": The Evolution of Middle Bronze Age Fortification Strategies in the Levant (pp. 485–486)
By Aaron A. Burke
Reviewed by Jonathan N. Tubb
Horizon: ὉΡΙΖΩΝ. A Colloquium on the Cyclades (pp. 486–487)
By Neil Brodie, Jenny Doole, Giorgos Gavalas, and Colin Renfrew
Reviewed by Ann-Louise Schallin
Papers on Special Techniques in Athenian Vases (pp. 487–488)
By Kenneth Lapatin
Reviewed by Georgina Muskett
Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece (pp. 488–489)
By Judith M. Barringer
Reviewed by Nassos Papalexandrou
Berenike 1999/2000: Report on the Excavations at Berenike, including Excavations in Wadi Kalalat and Siket, and the Survey of the Mons Smaragdus Region (pp. 489–491)
By Steven E. Sidebotham and Willeke Wendrich
Reviewed by Valerie A. Maxfield
Girlanden-Sarkophage aus Aphrodisias (pp. 491-492)
By Fahri Işik, Joyce M. Reynolds, and Charlotte Rouché
Reviewed by Sarah Cormack
The Ancient Red Sea Port of Adulis, Eritrea: Results of the Eritro-British Expedition, 2004–5 (pp. 492–493)
By David Peacock and Lucy Blue
Reviewed by Steven E. Sidebotham