October 2009 (113.4)
Print Book Reviews
Book Reviews October 2009
The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.
Selective Remembrances: Archaeology in the Construction, Commemoration, and Consecration of National Pasts (pp. 657–658)
By Philip L. Kohl, Mara Kozelsky, and Nachman Ben-Yehuda
Reviewed by Bettina Arnold
The Best Training-Ground for Archaeologists: Francis Haverfield and the Invention of Romano-British Archaeology (pp. 658–659)
By P.W.M. Freeman
Reviewed by Stephen L. Dyson
The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Perspectives on Literacy and Communication (pp. 659–660)
By John Baines, John Bennet, and Stephen Houston
Reviewed by Alan Millard
L'art égéen. Vol. 1, Grèce, Cyclades, Crète jusqu'au milieu du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. (pp. 660–661)
By Jean-Claude Poursat
Reviewed by Karen Polinger Foster
Ακρωτηρι Θηρας Δυτικη Οικια: Τραπεζες-Λιθινα-Μεταλλινα-Ποικιλα (pp. 661–662)
By C.G. Doumas, A. Moundrea-Agrafioti, A. Devetzi, A. Michailidou, C.A. Televantou, and I. Tzachili
Reviewed by Eleni Hatzaki
Archaeology and History in Sardinia from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages: Shepherds, Sailors, and Conquerors (pp. 662–663)
By Stephen L. Dyson and Robert J. Rowland
Reviewed by Robert H. Tykot
Art and Identity in Dark Age Greece, 1100–700 B.C.E. (pp. 663–664)
By Susan Langdon
Reviewed by Carolyn Chabot Aslan
Fragments of Archaic Crete: Archaeological Studies on Time and Space (pp. 664–665)
By Lena Sjögren
Reviewed by Brice Erickson
Skulpturen und Statuenbasen: Von der Klassischen Epoche bis in die Kaiserzeit (pp. 666–667)
By Axel Filges and Wolfgang Günther
Reviewed by Stella Skaltsa
Il Santuario dei Palici: Un centro di culto nella Valle del Margi (pp. 667–668)
By Laura Maniscalco
Reviewed by R. Ross Holloway
Pistiros III: Excavations and Studies (pp. 668–669)
By Jan Bouzek, Lidia Domaradzka, and Zofia Halina Archibald
Reviewed by Emil Nankov
Private Worship, Public Values, and Religious Change in Late Antiquity (pp. 669–670)
By Kim Bowes
Reviewed by Sarah E. Bassett