January 2005 (109.1)
Print Book Reviews
Book Reviews January 2005
The following book reviews were published in the printed AJA only and are available for purchase on JSTOR. For more information, see access options.
Theory and Practice in Mediterranean Archaeology: Old World and New World Perspectives (pp. 95–96)
By John K. Papadopoulos and Richard M. Leventhal
Reviewed by Senta C. German
Examining the Farming/Language Dispersal Hypothesis (pp. 96–97)
By Peter Bellwood Colin Renfrew
Reviewed by J.P. Mallory
The Archaeology of Urban Landscapes: Explorations in Slumland (pp. 98–99)
By Alan Mayne et al.
Reviewed by Deirdre O'Sullivan
Written in Stone: The Multiple Dimensions of Lithic Analysis (pp. 99–100)
By P. Nick Kardulias and Richard W. Yerkes
Reviewed by Brian Kooyman
Enclosures in Neolithic Europe: Essays on Causewayed and Non-Causewayed Sites (pp. 100–101)
By Gillian Varndell and Peter Topping
Reviewed by Alasdair Whittle
The Secret Lore of Egypt: Its Impact on the West (pp. 101–102)
By Erik Hornung and David Lorton
Reviewed by Paul A. Mirecki
Sexual Revolutions: Gender and Labor at the Dawn of Agriculture (pp. 102–103)
By Jane Peterson
Reviewed by Joan Gero
Mochlos, IB: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans' Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Neopalatial Pottery (pp. 103–104)
By Kellee A. Barnard et al.
Reviewed by Laura Preston
Klavdhia-Tremithos. A Middle and Late Cypriote Bronze Age Site (pp. 104–106)
By Kjell Malmgren and Parvine H. Merrillees
Reviewed by Maria Iacovou
Ancient Wine. The Search for the Origins of Viniculture (pp. 106–107)
By Patrick McGovern
Reviewed by Ruth Palmer
Busayra Excavations by Crystal-M. Bennett 1971–1980 (pp. 107–108)
By Piotr Bienkowski
Reviewed by Steven M. Ortiz
Essays in Honor of Dietrich Von Bothmer (pp. 108–110)
By Andrew J. Clark, Jasper Gaunt, and Benedicte Gilman
Reviewed by Judith M. Barringer
Olympia 1875–2000: 125 Jahre deutsche Ausgrabungen. Internationales Symposium, Berlin 9–11 November 2000 (pp. 110–111)
By Helmut Kyrieleis
Reviewed by Nancy Bookidis
Gli Achei e l'identità etnica degli Achei d'Occidente: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (pp. 111–112)
By Emanuele Greco
Reviewed by Rebecca K. Schindler
Le vase grec et ses destins (pp. 113–114)
By Pierre Rouillard and Annie Verbanck-Piérard
Reviewed by Claire L. Lyons
The Votive Statues of the Athenian Acropolis (pp. 114–115)
By Catherine M. Keesling
Reviewed by Ellen Perry
Images of Myths in Classical Antiquity (pp. 115–117)
By Susan Woodford
Reviewed by Karl Kilinski II
Aphrodite's Tortoise: The Veiled Woman of Ancient Greece (pp. 117–119)
By Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones
Reviewed by Mireille M. Lee
Hellenistic Infantry Reform in the 160s BC (pp. 119–121)
By Nicholas Sekunda
Reviewed by Gwyn Davies
Coins and Power in Late Iron Age Britain (pp. 121–122)
By John Creighton
Reviewed by Philip de Jersey
Duos Nuraghes: A Bronze Age Settlement in Sardinia. Vol. 1, The Interpretive Archaeology (pp. 122–124)
By Gary S. Webster
Reviewed by Alberto Moravetti
The Early Slavs: Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe (pp. 124–125)
By P.M. Barford
Reviewed by Jerzy F. Gassowski