July 2011 (115.3)
Review Article
The Greek East
Reviewed Works
Roma e le poleis: L’intervento di Roma nelle controversie territoriali tra le comunità greche di Grecia e d’Asia Minore nel secondo secolo a.C.: Le testimonianze epigrafiche, by Francesco Camia (Tripodes 10). Pp. 263, table 1, maps 12. Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Athens 2009. €50. ISBN 978-960-98397-3-0 (cloth).
Eager to Be Roman: Greek Response to Roman Rule in Pontus and Bithynia, by Jesper Majbom Madsen. Pp. x + 166, figs. 6, table 1, map 1. Duckworth, London 2009. $80. ISBN 978-0-7156-3753-1 (cloth).
Pathways to Power: Civic Elites in the Eastern Part of the Roman Empire, edited by Athanasios D. Rizakis and Francesco Camia (Tripodes 6). Pp. 314, figs. 24, tables 5, plans 8, map 1. Scuola Archeologia Italiana di Atene, Athens 2008. €70. ISBN 978-960-98397-0-9 (cloth).
Lokale Identität im Römischen Nahen Osten: Kontexte und Perspektiven, edited by Michael Blömer, Margherita Facella, and Engelbert Winter (Oriens et Occidens 18). Pp. 340, figs. 124, plans 18, maps 5. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2009. €64. ISBN 978-3-515-09377-4 (cloth).