April 1999 (103.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


Archaeologies of Life and Death (pp. 181–199) 
Lynn Meskell

Tablets and Territories? Reconstructing Late Minoan IB Political Geography through Undeciphered Documents (pp. 201–221) 
Ilse Schoep

Reexamining Transvestism in Archaic and Classical Athens: The Zewadski Stamnos (pp. 223–253) 
Margaret C. Miller


The 100th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 255–335)

Review Articles

New Perspectives on the Art of Pergamon (pp. 337–339)
J.J. Pollitt

Beyond Domestic Architecture at Pompeii (pp. 340–343)
Christopher Parslow

Death and Myth: New Books on Roman Sarcophagi (pp. 344–348) 
Björn Christian Ewald

Barriers, Barracks, and Beyond: Remarks on Some Current Roman Military Studies (pp. 348–352)
Zbigniew T. Fiema

Book Reviews

Traces of the Past: Unraveling the Secrets of Archaeology through Chemistry (pp. 352–353)
By Joseph B. Lambert
Reviewed by Robert H. Tykot

Archaeological Chemistry (pp. 352–353)
By A. Mark Pollard and Carl Heron  
Reviewed by Robert H. Tykot

The Laconia Survey 2: Continuity and Change in a Greek Rural Landscape. Archaeological Data (pp. 353–354)
By William Cavanagh et al.
Reviewed by Thomas F. Tartaron

The Iron Gates Mesolithic (pp. 354–355) 
By Ivana Radovanović
Reviewed by Catherine Perlès

Stonehenge: Making Space (pp. 355–357)
By Barbara Bender
Reviewed by Cornelius Holtorf

Science and Stonehenge (pp. 355–357)
By Barry Cunliffe and Colin Renfrew
Reviewed by Cornelius Holtorf

Alt-Ägina IV.3: Das mittelbronzezeitliche Schachtgrab von Ägina (pp. 357–358)
By Imma Kilian-Dirlmeier 
Reviewed by Jeremy B. Rutter

Frühgriechische Tierkeramik: Zur Entwicklung und Bedeutung der Tiergefässe und der hohlen Tierfiguren in der späten Bronzeund frühen Eisenzeit (ca. 1600–700 v. Chr.) (pp. 358–359)
By Martin A. Guggisberg
Reviewed by Elizabeth French

Die Tonplomben aus dem Nestorpalast von Pylos (pp. 359–360)
By Ingo Pini
Reviewed by Cynthia W. Shelmerdine

Mykenische Architektur: Material, Bearbeitungstechnik, Konstruktion und Erscheinungsbild (pp. 360–361) 
By Michael Küpper
Reviewed by James C. Wright

Die Megalithgräber der Iberischen Halbinsel. Der Westen 4: Lieferung (p. 362)
By Vera Leisner
Reviewed by Robert Chapman

Cultural and Landscape Changes in South-East Hungary 2: Prehistoric, Roman Barbarian and Late Avar Settlement at Gyoma 133 (Békés County Microregion) (pp. 362–363)
By Andrea Vaday
Reviewed by John Chapman

Early Greek Vase Painting: 11th–6th Centuries B.C. (pp. 363–364)
By John Boardman
Reviewed by Sarah P. Morris

Westgriechische Akrotere (pp. 364–365)
By Peter Danner
Reviewed by Barbara A. Barletta

Das Theater von Solunt: Ein besonderer Skenentyp des Späthellenismus auf Sizilien (pp. 365–367) 
By Armin Wiegand
Reviewed by Elizabeth R. Gebhard

Royal Portraits in Sculpture and Coins: Pyrrhos and the Successors of Alexander the Great (pp. 367–368)
By Blanche R. Brown
Reviewed by Beryl Barr-Sharrar

Darstellungen hellenistischer Könige mit Götterattributen (pp. 367–368) 
By Dominique Svenson
Reviewed by Beryl Barr-Sharrar

Agora XXIX: Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Wheelmade Table Ware and Related Material (pp. 368–369)
By Susan I. Rotroff
Reviewed by Virginia R. Anderson-Stojanović

Hellenistic Fortifications from the Aegean to the Euphrates (pp. 369–370) 
By A.W. McNicoll
Reviewed by Rhys F. Townsend

Les terres cuites votives du Thesmophorion: De latelier au sanctuaire 1–2 (pp. 370–372)
By Arthur Muller
Reviewed by Richard S. Mason

Tonfiguren im Grab: Fundkontexte hellenistischer Terrakotten aus der Nekropole von Tarent (pp. 372–373)
By Daniel Graepler
Reviewed by Jaimee P. Uhlenbrock

Griechische Gliederweihungen: Eine Untersuchung zu ihrer Typologie und ihrer religions- und sozialgeschichtlichen Bedeutung (pp. 373–374)
By Björn Forsén
Reviewed by Carol L. Lawton

Birds in Mosaics: A Study on the Representation of Birds in Hellenistic and Romano-Campanian Tessellated Mosaics to the Early Augustan Age (pp. 374–375)
By Antero Tammisto
Reviewed by Ruth Westgate

Deutung und Bedeutung frühchristlicher Bildwerke (pp. 375–376)
By Josef Engemann
Reviewed by Barbara Zeitler

Voies romaines du Rhône à lÈbre: Via Domitia et via Augusta (pp. 376–377)
By G. Castellvi et al.
Reviewed by To̵nnes Bekker-Nielsen

Römische Strassen in ihrer Landschaft: Das Nachleben antiker Strassen um Rom, mit Hinweisen zur Begehung im Gelände (pp. 376–377)
By Arnold Esch
Reviewed by To̵nnes Bekker-Nielsen

Les voies romaines (pp. 376–377)
By Raymond Chevallier
Reviewed by To̵nnes Bekker-Nielsen

Sagalassos IV: Report on the Survey and Excavation Campaigns of 1994 and 1995 (pp. 377–379)
By M. Waelkens and J. Poblome 
Reviewed by James Russell

Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato: A Roman and Medieval Settlement in South Etruria (pp. 379–380) 
By T.W. Potter and A.C. King
Reviewed by Neil Christie

The Berbers (pp. 380–381)
By Michael Brett and Elizabeth Fentress
Reviewed by R. Bruce Hitchner

Heinrich Schliemann zum 175. Geburtstag: Forschungsprobleme und neue Informationen über sein Leben und Werk (pp. 381–382)
By Wilfried Bölke 
Reviewed by David A. Traill

Pottery in the Making: Ceramic Traditions (pp. 382–384)
By Ian Freestone and David Gaimster
Reviewed by Olivier P. Gosselain

Not so Much a Pot, More a Way of Life: Current Approaches to Artefact Analysis in Archaeology (pp. 382–384)
By Chris G. Cumberpatch and Paul W. Blinkhorn 
Reviewed by Olivier P. Gosselain

The Dancing Column: On Order in Architecture (pp. 384–385) 
By Joseph Rykwert
Reviewed by Alina A. Payne

A Luminous Land: Artists Discover Greece (pp. 385–386) 
By Richard Stoneman
Reviewed by R.A. Tomlinson

Book Notes

Ancient Ararat: A Handbook of Urartian Studies (pp. 386–387) 
By Paul Zimansky
Reviewed by Adam T. Smith

Thera in the Bronze Age (p. 387) 
By Phyllis Young Forsyth
Reviewed by Elizabeth Schofield

Altäre in der archaischen und klassischen Kunst: Untersuchungen zu Typologie und Ikonographie (pp. 387–388)
By Dimitra Aktseli 
Reviewed by David W. Rupp

Gardens of Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire: From the 4th Century B.C. to the 4th Century A.D. (p. 388)
By Linda Farrar
Reviewed by Nicholas Purcell

Materials Analysis of Byzantine Pottery (p. 388) 
By Henry Maguire
Reviewed by Michael L. Galaty

Catalogue of the Sculpture in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection from the Ptolemaic Period to the Renaissance (p. 389)
By Gary Vikan
Reviewed by Sandra E. Knudsen

La collezione di antichità di Alessandro Palma di Cesnola (p. 389) 
By Mara Sternini
Reviewed by Jennifer Webb

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 390–393)