July 2002 (106.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


Tripods, Triglyphs, and the Origin of the Doric Frieze (pp. 353–390) 
Mark Wilson Jones

Tomb Cult on the Halikarnassos Peninsula (pp. 391–409) 
Anne Marie Carstens

Regionaries-Type Insulae 2: Architectural/Residential Units at Rome (pp. 411–434) 
Glenn R. Storey


Archaeology in Jordan, 2001 Season (pp. 435–458)
Stephen H. Savage, Kurt Zamora and Donald R. Keller

Review Articles

Synthesizing the Paleolithic (pp. 459–462)
John J. Shea

Glass Is Hot (pp. 463–471) 
E. Marianne Stern

Book Reviews

The Science and Archaeology of Materials: An Investigation of Inorganic Materials (pp. 472–473)
By Julian Henderson
Reviewed by Enzo Ferrara

Archaeological Parenchyma (pp. 473–474)
By Jon G. Hather
Reviewed by Kimberly Flint-Hamilton

Geoarchaeology: Exploration, Environments, Resources (pp. 474–475)
By A.M. Pollard
Reviewed by Arlene M. Rosen

Environmental Disaster and the Archaeology of Human Response (pp. 475–476)
By Garth Bawden and Richard Martin Reycraft
Reviewed by Robert Young

Reading the Body: Representations and Remains in the Archaeological Record (pp. 476–477)
By Alison E. Rautman
Reviewed by Bettina Arnold

Feasts: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics and Power (pp. 477–479)
By Michael Dietler and Brian Hayden
Reviewed by Carol Palmer

Studien zur Musikarchäologie. Vol. 1, Saiteninstrumente im archäologischen Kontext: Vorträge des 8. Symposiums der Study Group on Music: Archaeology (ICTM), Limassol, 26.–30. August 1996 und andere Beiträge / Stringed Instruments in Archaeological Context: Papers from the 8th Symposium of the Study Group on Music: Archaeology (ICTM), Limassol, 26–30 August, 1996 and Other Contributions (pp. 479–481)
By Ellen Hickmann and Ricardo Eichmann
Reviewed by Thomas J. Mathiesen

Studien zur Musikarchäologie. Vol. 2, Musikarchäologie früher Metallzeiten: Vorträge des 1. Symposiums der International Study Group on Music Archaeology im Kloster Michaelstein, 18.–24. Mai 1998 / Music Archaeology of Early Metal Ages: Papers from the 1st Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology at Monastery Michaelstein 18–24 May, 1998 (pp. 479–481)
By Ellen Hickmann and Ingo Laufs Ricardo Eichmann  
Reviewed by Thomas J. Mathiesen

Archaeological Displays and the Public (pp. 481–482)
By Paulette M. McManus
Reviewed by Stephanie Moser

Manuale di aerofotografia archeologica: Metodologia, tecniche e applicazioni (pp. 482–483)
By Fabio Piccarreta and Giuseppe Ceraudo 
Reviewed by J. Wilson Myers

Die spätmykenischen Siegel aus weichem Stein: Untersuchungen zur spätbronzezeitlichen Glyptik auf dem griechischen Festland und in der Ägäis (pp. 483–484)
By Aurelia Dickers 
Reviewed by Olga H. Krzyszkowska

Die Baupolitik Herodes des Grossen (pp. 484–485)
By Achim Lichtenberger 
Reviewed by Stephan G. Schmid

Sculture di metallo da Nisa: Cultura greca e cultura iranica in Partia (p. 485)
By Antonio Invernizzi
Reviewed by Sheramy D. Bundrick

The Hellenistic Temple of the Oxus in Bactria (South Tajikistan). Vol. 1, Excavations, Architecture, Religious Life (pp. 486–487)
By B.A. Litvinsky and I.R. Pichikian 
Reviewed by Jeffrey D. Lerner

Milesische Forschungen. Vol. 2, Das Heiligtum der Athena in Milet (pp. 487–488)
By Winfried Held and Ayşe Çorbaci Gültekin 
Reviewed by Anne Marie Carstens

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland 73: Göttingen, Archäologisches Instituts der Universität 2: Korinthische und etruskische Keramik (pp. 488–489)
By Martin Bentz and Christiane Dehl-von Kaenel 
Reviewed by Hanne Thomasen

From Pergamon to Sperlonga: Sculpture and Context (pp. 489–491)
By Nancy T. de Grummond and Brunilde S. Ridgway 
Reviewed by Elizabeth Kosmetatou

Untersuchungen zu hellenistischen Kultbildern (pp. 491–492)
By Dimitris Damaskos
Reviewed by Judith M. Barringer

Appearance and Essence: Refinements of Classical Architecture: Curvature (pp. 492–494)
By Lothar Haselberger 
Reviewed by Larry F. Ball

The Epigraphy of Death: Studies in the History and Society of Greece and Rome (pp. 494–496)
By G.J. Oliver
Reviewed by Penelope J.E. Davies

Le lucerne fittili del museo archeologico di Verona (pp. 496–497)
By Annamaria Larese and Daniele Sgreva
Reviewed by Hector Williams

Lamps from Chersonesos in the State Historical Museum Moscow (pp. 496–497)
By Laurent Chrzanovski and Denis Zhuravlev 
Reviewed by Hector Williams

Ancient Italy in Its Mediterranean Setting: Studies in Honour of Ellen Macnamara (pp. 497–498)
By David Ridgway et al.
Reviewed by Lisa R. Brody

Etruscan Civilization: A Cultural History (pp. 498–500)
By Sybille Haynes
Reviewed by Shirley J. Schwarz

Gli Etruschi: Storia e civiltà (pp. 498–500)
By Giovannangelo Camporeale
Reviewed by Shirley J. Schwarz

Hercules Domesticus: Imagini di Ercole nelle case della regione vesuviana (I secolo a.c.–79 d.c.) (pp. 500–501)
By Antonella Coralini
Reviewed by L. Richardson, Jr.

The Romanization of Athens: Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Lincoln, Nebraska (April 1996) (pp. 501–502)
By Michael C. Hoff and Susan I. Rotroff 
Reviewed by James C. Anderson, Jr.

Romanization and the City: Creation, Transformations, and Failures. Proceedings of a Conference Held at the American Academy in Rome to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Excavations at Cosa, 14–16 May, 1998 (pp. 501–502)
By Elizabeth Fentress 
Reviewed by James C. Anderson, Jr.

Los pueblos de España y el Mediterráneo en la antigüedad: Estudios de arqueología, historia y arte (pp. 502–503)
By José María Blázquez
Reviewed by Bertrand Goffaux

Arquitectura y poder en la prehistoria de Mallorca (pp. 503–504)
By Víctor M. Guerrero Ayuso
Reviewed by Bob Chapman

Πρωτοβνζαντινή Ελɛύθɛρνα, Τομέας I, 2 (pp. 504–506)
By Petros G. Themelis et al. 
Reviewed by Joseph L. Rife

Books Received

List of Books Received (pp. 507–511)