January–March 1908 (12.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Thomas Day Seymour (pp. 1–2)

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus: I. The Order (pp. 3–29)
William B. Dinsmoor

Codrus’s Chiron and a Painting from Herculaneum (pp. 30–38)
Francis W. Kelsey

Unpublished Latin Inscriptions (pp. 39–46)
George N. Olcott

Fragment of a Panathenaic Amphora with the Name of the Archon Neaechmus (pp. 47–48)
David M. Robinson

New Manuscripts of the Bible from Egypt (pp. 49–55)
Henry A. Sanders

The Heads of the “Scipio” Type (pp. 56–57)
Friedrich Hauser

Lost Fragments of a Group Representing Artemis and Iphigenia (pp. 58–60)
Franz Studniczka

General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, December 27–30, 1907 (pp. 63–76)

Archaeological News (pp. 79–139)
James M. Paton