October–December 1908 (12.4)

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Volume 12 (1908) Index

Charles Eliot Norton (pp. 395–397)

The Cornice of the Temple of Athena Nike (pp. 398–405)
Gorham P. Stevens

The Death of Thersites on an Apulian Amphora in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (pp. 406–416)
James M. Paton

Experiments with the Black Glaze on Greek Vases (pp. 417–427)
Oliver S. Tonks

A White Athenian Lecythus Belonging to the University of Chicago (pp. 428–430)
F.B. Tarbell

Notes on Vases in Philadelphia (pp. 431–437)
David M. Robinson and William N. Bates

The Real Title of Botticelli’s “Pallas” (pp. 438–444)
A.L. Frothingham

Archaeological Discussions (pp. 445–493)
William N. Bates