April 1917 (21.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.


The Origin of the Doric Entablature (pp. 117–158)
Leicester B. Holland

A Vase Fragment in the Style of Oltos Used in Restoring a Cylix with a Reminiscence of a Satyr Play (pp. 159–168)
David M. Robinson

The Date of the Great Chalice of Antioch (pp. 169–186)
Gustavus A. Eisen

Ancient Orientation Unveiled: II (pp. 187–201)
A.L. Frothingham

John Williams White (pp. 202–204)

Archaeological Discussions (pp. 205–239)
William N. Bates

Bibliography of Archaeological Books 1916 (pp. 241–254)
William N. Bates