January–March 1926 (30.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.


The Sculptured Parapet of Athena Nike (pp. 1–31)
William Bell Dinsmoor

“Attributed” Vases Recently Acquired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 32–43)
Gisela M.A. Richter

Excavations at Corinth 1925: Preliminary Report (pp. 44–49)
B.H. Hill

Excavations at Corinth 1925: Area North of Basilica (pp. 49–57)
Oscar Broneer

The Survival of the Euthymidean Tradition in Later Greek Vase-Painting (pp. 58–69)
Miriam A. Banks

Harmony in the Theatre at Epidauros (pp. 70–75)
Andrew Fossum

The Origin of the Form of the “Nikosthenes Amphora” (pp. 76–78)
Albert Gallatin

A New Procurator in the Latin Inscription from Antioch (p. 79)
David M. Robinson

General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, December 29–31, 1925 (pp. 80–89)

Book Reviews

Le Livre Belge a Gravures (p. 90)
By M. Funck
Reviewed by Laura H. Dudley

Roman Folkestone. A Record of Excavation of Roman Villas at East Wear Bay (pp. 91–92)
By S.E. Winbolt
Reviewed by Cornelia G. Harcum

Italic Hut Urns and Hut Urn Cemeteries. A Study in the Early Iron Age of Latium and Etruria (p. 92)
By Walter Reid Bryan
Reviewed by Louise Adams Holland

L’Art Antique en Bulgarie (pp. 92–93)
By Bogdan D. Filow
Reviewed by Clarence A. Manning

Asiatic Art in the British Museum (pp. 93–94)
By Laurence Binyon
Reviewed by Kate McK. Elderkin

Felsgravierungen der sudafrikanischen Buschmänner auf Grund der von Dr. Emil Holub mitgebrachten Originale und Kopien (p. 94)
By J.V. Z̆elízko
Reviewed by George Grant MacCurdy

Troy and Paeonia, with Glimpses of Ancient Balkan History and Religion (pp. 94–95)
By Grace Harriet Macurdy
Reviewed by E.H. Sturtevant

Archaeological News (pp. 96–124)
Edward H. Heffner, George A. Barton, A.W. Van Buren, Robert W. Rogers and E.P.B.