October–December 1926 (30.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Volume 30 (1926) Index (Open Access)

The Euryclids in Latin Inscriptions from Corinth (pp. 389–400)
L.R. Taylor and Allen B. West

The Site of Opous (pp. 401–404)
C.W. Blegen

The Snake Symbol and the Hittite Twist (pp. 405–417)
Hans Henning V. der Osten

A Military Diploma of Trajan (pp. 418–421)
Helen McClees

The Basket of the Kanephoroi (pp. 422–426)
Gisela M.A. Richter

A Bronze Statuette in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 427–431)
Clarence H. Young

The Skyphos of Klitomenes (pp. 432–441)
H.R.W. Smith

A Gem from Tiryns (pp. 442–443)
John Day

Excavations in the Theatre District of Corinth in 1926 (pp. 444–463)
Theodore Leslie Shear

The “Ludovisi Throne” and Boston Relief Once More (pp. 464–468)
Hetty Goldman

Book Reviews

Primitive Negro Sculpture (p. 469)
By Paul Guillaume and Thomas Munro
Reviewed by C.R. Post                       

The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard (p. 470)
By Sidney P. Noe
Reviewed by George W. Elderkin

Israel and Babylon (pp. 470–471)
By W. Lansdell Wardle
Reviewed by Ettalene M. Grice

Greek Fictile Revetments in the Archaic Period (pp. 471–473)
By E. Douglas van Buren
Reviewed by Stephen Bleecker Luce

Babylonian Life and History (pp. 473–474)
By E.A. Wallis Budge
Reviewed by A.T. Olmstead

Union Academique Internationale. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Belgique. Bruxelles: Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire. Fascicule I (pp. 474–476)
By Fernand Mayence
Reviewed by Stephen Bleecker Luce

Orphisch-Dionysische Mysterien-Gedanken in der Christlichen Antike (pp. 476–478)
By Robert Eisler
Reviewed by George W. Elderkin

Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Vol. V (pp. 478–479)
Reviewed by George W. Elderkin

Antike und Moderne Volksmedizin (pp. 479–480)
By Eduard Stemplinger
Reviewed by J.P. Hoskins

Ancient Egyptians (pp. 480–481)
By W. Flinders Petrie
Reviewed by George W. Elderkin

Sardis: Volume X, Terra-Cottas; Part One, Architectural Terra-Cottas (pp. 481–482)
By Theodore Leslie Shear
Reviewed by E. Douglas van Buren

Ancient Furniture. A History of Greek, Etruscan and Roman Furniture (pp. 482–483)
By Gisela M.A. Richter and Albert M. Barker
Reviewed by L.D. Caskey

Phidias by Hans Schrader; Phidias and the Parthenon Sculptures (pp. 483–484)
By P. Johansen and Ingeborg Andersen
Reviewed by A.D. Fraser

New Guide to Pompeii (p. 484)
By Wilhelm Engelmann
Reviewed by Kate McK. Elderkin

Archaeological Discussions (pp. 485–508)
Edward H. Heffner and E.P.B.