July–September 1928 (32.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Correspondences in I.G., I² 196 and 198 (pp. 281–297)
Benjamin D. Meritt and Allen B. West

The Antikythera Bronze Youth and a Herm-Replica (pp. 298–308)
A.D. Fraser

A Birth Certificate of the Year 145 A.D. (pp. 309–329)
Henry A. Sanders

Color at Corinth (pp. 330–332)
Theodore Leslie Shear

Buttons and Their Use on Greek Garments (pp. 333–345)
Kate McK. Elderkin

A Revision of I.G., I² 302 (pp. 346–352)
Allen B. West and Barbara P. McCarthy

Archaeological News (pp. 353–402)
Edward H. Heffner, A.W.V.B., and E.P.B.

Book Reviews

Antike Denkmaeler. Bd. IV. I Heft: Denkmaeler spätantiker Kunst (pp. 403–406)
By Richard Delbrueck
Reviewed by C.R. Morey

Our Early Ancestors (pp. 406–407)
By M.C. Burkitt
Reviewed by George Grant MacCurdy

The Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes (pp. 407–408)
By Edward T. Newell
Reviewed by Allen B. West

Select Greek Coins (p. 408)
By George F. Hill
Reviewed by Shirley H. Weber

Chalkidische Vasen (pp. 408–410)
By Georg Loeschcke and Andreas Rumpf
Reviewed by H.R.W. Smith

Stage Antiquities of the Greeks and Romans and Their Influence (p. 410)
By James Turney Allen
Reviewed by Samuel E. Bassett

Vie de Petosiris grand prêtre de Thoth a Hermopolis-la-grande (pp. 410–412)
By Émile Suys
Reviewed by George A. Barton

The Cambridge Ancient History. First Volume of Plates (p. 412)
By J.B. Bury, S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, and C.T. Seltman
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson

The Architecture of Ancient Rome (p. 413)
By William J. Anderson, R. Phené Spiers, and Thomas Ashby
Reviewed by Tenney Frank

Ur Excavations, Volume I, Al-‘Ubaid (pp. 414–415)
By H.R. Hall and C.L. Woolley
Reviewed by Raymond P. Dougherty

Topographie Historique de la Syrie Antique et Médiévale (pp. 415–416)
By René Dussaud
Reviewed by Carl H. Kraeling

Studies on the Remains of Ancient Bead-Workers in Idzumo (pp. 416–417)
By Kôsaku Hamada, Sadahiko Shimada, and Sueji Umehara
Reviewed by Dorothy Blair

Les Richesses D’Art De La France; La Bourgogne; La Sculpture (p. 417)
By Marcel Aubert
Reviewed by Oliver S. Tonks

A Catalogue of the Ancient Sculptures Preserved in the Municipal Collections of Rome: The Sculptures of the Palazzo dei Conservatori (p. 418)
By British School at Rome and H. Stuart Jones
Reviewed by Ralph V.D. Magoffin

Studi Etruschi, I (p. 418)
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

The Rembrandt Drawings and Etchings (p. 419)
By John C. Van Dyke
Reviewed by Frank J. Mather

Die Archaeologie des Thukydides (pp. 419–420)
By Eugen Täubler
Reviewed by William K. Prentice