April–June 1929 (33.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Mycenaean Plumes (pp. 173–205)
Leicester B. Holland

The Achaeans (pp. 206–218)
William K. Prentice

Archaeological Discussions (pp. 219–264)
Edward H. Heffner and E.P.B.

Bibliography of Archaeological Books 1928 (pp. 265–333)
Edward H. Heffner

Book Reviews

Griechische Bildhauerarbeit (pp. 334–337)
By Carl Blümel
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

A History of Italian Painting (pp. 337–338)
By Oliver S. Tonks
Reviewed by David M. Robinson

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (Union Académique Internationale), United States of America (Fascicule I), Hoppin and Gallatin Collections (pp. 338–339)
By Joseph Clark Hoppin and Albert Gallatin
Reviewed by Daniel Catton Rich

Notes on Greek Sculpture (pp. 339–340)
By Charles Walston
Reviewed by Theodore Leslie Shear

The Athenian Calendar in the Fifth Century (pp. 340–341)
By Benjamin Dean Meritt
Reviewed by W.S. Ferguson

Deux Coupes Attiques a Fond Blanc du Musée du Cinquantenaire a Bruxelles (p. 342)
By Hubert Philippart
Reviewed by H.R.W. Smith

Das Glas von Samarra (pp. 342–343)
By Carl Johan Lamm
Reviewed by Blake-More Godwin

Les Celtes dans les arts mineurs gréco-romains, avec des recherches iconographiques sur quelques autres peuples barbares (pp. 343–344)
By Pierre Bieńkowski
Reviewed by Edith Hall Dohan

Numantia: Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, 1905–1912. Vol. III: die Lager des Scipio (p. 344)
By Adolf Schulten
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter