July–September 1929 (33.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Researches in the Topography of Ancient Corinth-I (pp. 345–360)
Rhys Carpenter

Some Inscriptions on Vases-II (pp. 361–367)
J.D. Beazley

A Dionysiac Miracle at Corinth (pp. 368–375)
Campbell Bonner

The Reconstruction of the Tribute Lists (pp. 376–384)
Benjamin D. Meritt

Local Festivals of Euboea, Chiefly from Inscriptional Evidence (pp. 385–392)
Irene C. Ringwood

A New Inscription from Pozzuoli (pp. 393–397)
James E. Dunlap

A Note of the Corcyra Expedition (pp. 398–400)
Jotham Johnson

Hera in Xypete (pp. 400–401)
Jotham Johnson

A Herm Dedicated by Herodes Atticus (pp. 402–404)
H. Theodric Westbrook

The Location of Metapa (pp. 405–406)
W.A. Oldfather

Archaeological News (pp. 407–446)
Edward H. Heffner, A.W.V.B. and E.P.B.

Book Reviews

La Préhistoire Orientale (pp. 447–448)
By Jacques de Morgan and Louis Germain
Reviewed by Joseph C. Green

The Stone Age Settlements of Gotland (Gotlands Stenåldersboplatser) (pp. 448–450)
By John Nihlén
Reviewed by Axel Johan Uppvall

The Palace of Minos at Knossos, A Comparative Account of the Successive Stages of the Early Cretan Civilization as Illustrated by the Discoveries at Knossos. Volume II (pp. 450–452)
By Arthur Evans
Reviewed by Carl W. Blegen

Vases Antiques du Louvre, Index Analytique des Trois Fascicules (Salles A à G) (p. 452)
By E. Pottie
Reviewed by G.W. Elderkin

Kalydon. Erster Vorläufiger Bericht Über die Danisch-Griechischen Ausgrabungen von Kalydon (pp. 452–454)
By Frederik Poulsen and Konstantinos Rhomaios
Reviewed by J. Penrose Harland

Několik archeologických památek z východního Bulharska (Some Archaeological Monuments from Eastern Bulgaria) (pp. 454–455)
By Ant. Salač and K. Škorpil
Reviewed by Clarence A. Manning

Excavations at Tell en-Nasbeh, 1926 and 1927. A Preliminary Report (p. 455)
By William Frederic Badè
Reviewed by Raymond P. Dougherty

Les Ruins d’el mishrifé, au Nord-est de Homs (Émèse). Première Campagne d̂e Fouilles a Qaṭna (1924) (pp. 455–456)
By Le Comte du Mesnil du Buisson
Reviewed by Raymond P. Dougherty

La Cite Pontique de Dionysopolis; Kali-Acra, Cavarna, Téké et Ecréné (p. 456)
By O. Tafrali
Reviewed by J. Penrose Harland

Itineraria Romana: Vol. I, Itineraria Antonini Augusti et Burdigalense (p. 456)
By Otto Cuntz
Reviewed by A.C.J.

Bilderatlas zur Religionsgeschichte, Religion der Griechen (pp. 456–457)
By A. Rumpf
Reviewed by W. Sherwood Fox

Buddhism in Pre-Christian Britain (p. 457)
By Donald A. Mackenzie
Reviewed by Harold H. Bender

Art Studies. Medieval Renaissance and Modern by Departments of Fine Arts at Harvard and Princeton Universities (pp. 458–460)
Reviewed by Jere Abbott

Chinese Paintings in English Collections (pp. 460–461)
By Laurence Binyon
Reviewed by Kate McK. Elderkin

[Response to a Review of “Forum and Palatin”] (p. 461)
Reviewed by Helen H. Tanzer and G.A. Harrer

Ἱστορία τῆς ὲλληνικῆς δημοσίας οἰκονομίας, Τόμος Α' (ἀπὸ τῶν ἡρωικῶν μέχρι τῶν ἑλληνομακεδονικῶν χρόνων) (pp. 461–462)
By A.M. Andreades
Reviewed by B.D. Meritt

Les monuments des croisés dans le royaume de Jérusalem: Architecture religieuse et civile (pp. 462–463)
By Camille Enlart
Reviewed by Dana C. Munro

Agnolo Bronzino, His Life and Works (pp. 463–464)
By Arthur McComb
Reviewed by Frederick Mortimer Clapp

Personal Names from Cuneiform Inscriptions of Cappadocia (pp. 464–465)
By Ferris J. Stephens
Reviewed by E.A. Speiser

The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume VII. The Hellenistic Monarchies and the Rise of Rome (pp. 465–466)
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson

Les Vases de L’Héraion (p. 466)
By Charles Dugas
Reviewed by H.R.W. Smith