January–March 1934 (38.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Corrigenda: Archaeological News and Discussions
Correspondences between the Delian and Athenian Calendars in the Years 433 and 432 B.C. (pp. 1–9)
Allen B. West
Inscriptions on Geometric Pottery from Hymettos (pp. 10–28)
Carl W. Blegen
The Curculio of Plautus (pp. 29–36)
G.W. Elderkin
The Character of Lysander (pp. 37–42)
William K. Prentice
An Attic Grave Stele in Providence (pp. 43–44)
Stephen Bleecker Luce
A Red-Figured Vase Influenced by the Parthenon Frieze (pp. 45–48)
David M. Robinson
Notes on Egyptian Coinage (pp. 49–54)
Allan Chester Johnson
The Fountain of Peirene in the Time of Herodes Atticus (pp. 55–58)
Gorham Phillips Stevens
A Florentine Officer in the Morea in 1687 (pp. 59–66)
James M. Paton
Epigraphic Notes (pp. 67–70)
Benjamin D. Meritt
The Porch-Ceiling of the Temple of Apollo on Delos (pp. 71–80)
Leicester B. Holland and Philip Davis
Byzantine Gold Mosaic (pp. 81–82)
Emerson H. Swift
Scripta Helladica and the Dates of Homer and the Hellenic Alphabet (pp. 83–92)
J. Penrose Harland
The Repair of the Athena Parthenos: A Story of Five Dowels (pp. 93–106)
William Bell Dinsmoor
The Veil of Despoina (pp. 107–111)
Alan J.B. Wace
Some Modern Greek Songs from Cappadocia (pp. 112–122)
R.M. Dawkins
Die Perseia von Mykenai (pp. 123–127)
Georg Karo
Kentauren (pp. 128–132)
Ernst Buschor
Die Briseisvase des Hieron (pp. 133–136)
R. Heberdey
Observations sur la date et l’origine des reliefs dits de la “Visite chez Ikarios” (pp. 137–152)
Ch. Picard
La Fontaine de Sicyone (pp. 153–157)
Anastasios C. Orlandos
Remarks on the Development of Domestic Architecture in Rome (pp. 158–170)
Axel Boëthius
New Elements for the Study of the Archaic Temple of Prinias (pp. 171–177)
Luigi Pernier
Die Constitutio Antoniniana (pp. 178–181)
Adolf Wilhelm
Thirty-Fifth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 182–190)