January–March 1900 (4.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
The Work of the Archaeological Institute of America: An Address (pp. 1–16)
Charles Eliot Norton
Progress of American Archaeology during the Past Ten Years (pp. 17–39)
Henry W. Haynes
The Earliest Hellenic Art and Civilization and the Argive Heraeum (pp. 40–73)
Charles Waldstein
The Dating of Some Didascalic Inscriptions (pp. 74–91)
Edward Capps
On the Distinctio Versuum in the Manuscripts of Terence (pp. 92–125)
Minton Warren
Symmetry in Early Christian Relief Sculpture (pp. 126–147)
C.L. Meader
General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 149–182)