July–September 1939 (43.3)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
The Nabataean Temple of Qasr Rabbah (pp. 381–387)
Nelson Glueck
Recent Discoveries in Churches in Rome (pp. 388–400)
Richard Krautheimer and Wolfgang Frankl
A Cache of Bronze Portraits of the Julio-Claudians (pp. 401–409)
Dorothy Kent Hill
Prosymna: Remains of Post-Mycenaean Date (pp. 410–444)
Carl W. Blegen
The Calendar of Cos (pp. 445–446)
Milton Giffler
The “Capaneus” Reliefs of the Villa Albani and the Art Institute of Chicago (pp. 447–457)
A.D. Fraser
Iron: The Date of Its Introduction into Common Use in Palestine (pp. 458–463)
G. Ernest Wright
Latin Inscription from Samothrace (pp. 464–466)
James H. Oliver
The White Ground Plaques by the Cerberus Painter (pp. 467–473)
Carl Roebuck
Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 474–521)
Stephen B. Luce and A.W. van Buren
Monumental Art of Northern Europe from the Stone Age (p. 522)
By Gustaf Hallström
Reviewed by George Grant MacCurdy
The Sky Religion in Egypt, Its Antiquity and Effects (pp. 522–523)
By G.A. Wainwright
Reviewed by William C. Hayes
Egyptian Architecture (p. 523)
By Flinders Petrie
Reviewed by Hermann Ranke
Les Pleureuses dans L’Égypte Ancienne (pp. 523–524)
By Marcelle Werbrouck
Reviewed by T. George Allen
The Haverford Symposium on Archaeology and the Bible (pp. 525–526)
By Elihu Grant
Reviewed by M.I. Hussey
The Pottery of Palestine from the Earliest Times to the End of the Early Bronze Age (p. 526)
By G. Ernest Wright
Reviewed by Ann M.H. Ehrich
Missions en Chypre, 1932–1935 (pp. 526–528)
By Claude F.A. Schaeffer
Reviewed by John Franklin Daniel
Die klassische Kunst Griechenlands. Die antike Kunst (pp. 528–529)
By Ludwig Curtius and A.E. Brinkmann
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber
Die Tondächer der Akropolis: II Stirnziegel (pp. 530–532)
By E. Buschor
Reviewed by William Bell Dinsmoor
The Ape in Antiquity (pp. 532–533)
By William Coffman McDermott
Reviewed by Jerome Sperling
The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints, from Seleucus I to Antiochus III (pp. 533–534)
By Edward T. Newell
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger
The Stoichedon Style in Greek Inscriptions (pp. 534–536)
By R.P. Austin
Reviewed by W.K. Pritchett
Institutions des Séleucides (pp. 536–537)
By E. Bikerman
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles
The Portraiture of Claudius. Preliminary Studies (pp. 538–539)
By Meriwether Stuart
Reviewed by Otto Brendel
Sigillata Wares in the near East: A List of Potters’ Stamps (pp. 539–543)
By J.H. Iliffe
Reviewed by F.O. Waage
Festschrift für August Oxé (pp. 543–544)
By H. v. Petrikovits and A. Steeger
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
A Császárkori Fibulák Föformái Pannoniában = Die Haupttypen der Kaiserzeitlichen Fibeln in Pannonien (pp. 544–545)
By Ilona Kovrig
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann
A History of Roman Religion (pp. 545–546)
By Franz Altheim and Harold Mattingly
Reviewed by Lily Ross Taylor
Roman Clothing—A Rejoinder (pp. 546–547)
Lillian M. Wilson
Some European Architectural Libraries (pp. 547–548)
By Talbot F. Hamlin
Reviewed by Leicester B. Holland
Die Wallfahrtskirche des Simeon Stylites in Kal’at Sim’ân (p. 548)
By Daniel Krenker
Reviewed by Alfred Westholm
The Four Gospels of Karahissar. Volume II, The Cycle of Text Illustrations (pp. 548–549)
By Ernest Cadman Colwell and Harold Rideout Willoughby
Reviewed by E.T. DeWald
The Icons of Cyprus (pp. 549–550)
By C. Talbot Rice
Reviewed by Sumner McK. Crosby
The Labors of the Months in Antique and Mediaeval Art (pp. 550–551)
By James Carson Webster
Reviewed by J.C. Sloane, Jr.
Vendel in Uppland and the Beowulf Poem (p. 552)
By Holgar Arbman, Manne Eriksson, Sune Lindquist, and Oskar Lundberg
Reviewed by Lucile S. Paterson
Prehistoric Antiquities of Indiana (pp. 552–553)
By Eli Lilly
Reviewed by Frederica de Laguna
Monumenti della Pittura Antica Scoperti in Italia. Sezione Terza. La Pittura Ellenistico-Romana, Roma, Fasc. II. Le Pitture dell'Aula Isiaca di Caligola (Palatino) (pp. 553–554)
By G.E. Rizzo
Reviewed by Mary Hamilton Swindler
The History of History (p. 554)
By James T. Shotwell
Reviewed by L.A. Post
The Making of Egypt (pp. 554–555)
By Flinders Petrie
Reviewed by William C. Hayes
Luni (pp. 555–556)
By Luisa Banti
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann