April–June 1940 (44.2)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Recent Acquisitions of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 181–186)
Gisela M.A. Richter
Greek Vases in the Collection of Washington University in St. Louis (pp. 187–211)
George E. Mylonas
Postscript to Prometheus (p. 212)
J.D. Beazley
Sutor Supra Crepidam (pp. 213–221)
Mary Wallace
The Ramp of the Temple of Asklepios at Epidauros (pp. 222–224)
Socrates M. Eliopoulos
Bronze Statuettes of Zeus Keraunios (pp. 225–233)
G.W. Elderkin
Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 234–251)
Stephen B. Luce
Excavations on the Slopes of the Acropolis, 1939 (pp. 252–256)
Oscar Broneer
Ringkampf im alten Ägypten (p. 257)
By Helmut Wilsdorf
Reviewed by T. George Allen
The Fauna of Ancient Mesopotamia as Represented in Art (pp. 257–258)
By E. Douglas van Buren
Reviewed by L. Legrain
De Toren van Babel (p. 258)
By Th. A. Busink
Reviewed by L. Legrain
Die Metallindustrie Anatoliens in der Zeit von 1500–700 vor Chr. (pp. 258–259)
By Stefan Przeworski
Reviewed by Albrecht Goetze
Ugaritica. Études relatives aux découvertes de Ras Shamra. Première série; The Cuneiform Texts of Ras Shamra-Ugarit (pp. 259–261)
By Claude F.-A. Schaeffer
Reviewed by Albrecht Goetze
The Potamic System of the Trojan Plain (pp. 261–262)
By A.D. Fraser
Reviewed by Jerome Sperling
Excavations at Asea in Arcadia 1936–1938 (pp. 262–263)
By Erik J. Holmberg
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg
Archaic Sculpture in Boeotia (pp. 263–264)
By Frederick R. Grace
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter
The Temple of Hibis in El Khargeh Oasis. Part II, Greek Inscriptions (pp. 264–265)
By H.G. Evelyn-White and James H. Oliver
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles
Bilder Griechischer Vasen, by J.D. Beazley and Paul Jacobsthal; Der Lewismaler, by H.R.W. Smith (pp. 265–266)
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter
Figurines from Seleucia on the Tigris, Discovered by the Expeditions Conducted by the University of Michigan with the Cooperation of the Toledo Museum of Art and the Cleveland Museum of Art, 1927–1932 (pp. 266–267)
By Wilhelmina van Ingen
Reviewed by Dorothy Burr Thompson
Etruscan Perugia (pp. 267–268)
By Chandler Shaw
Reviewed by Dorothy K. Hill
The Common People of Pompeii, A Study of the Graffiti (p. 269)
By Helen H. Tanzer
Reviewed by John Flagg Gummere
Die Pompejanische Wanddekoration vom zweiten bis zum vierten Stil (pp. 269–271)
By H.G. Beyen
Reviewed by Alan M. Little
The Excavations at Dura-Europos. Preliminary Report of the Seventh and Eighth Seasons of Work 1933–1934 and 1934–1935 (pp. 271–272)
By M.I. Rostovtzeff, F.E. Brown, and C.B. Welles
Reviewed by Valentin Müller
Die Römischen Reichsbeamten von Achaia bis auf Diokletian, Schriften der Balkankommission, Antiquarische Abteilung IX (pp. 272–273)
By Edmund Groag
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson
Die Landmauer von Konstantinopel, bearbeitet im Auftrage der deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Erster Teil. Zeichnerische Wiederherstellung. Mit begleitendem Text (pp. 273–274)
By Fritz Krischen
Reviewed by Karl Lehmann-Hartleben
The Story of the Lamp (p. 274)
By F.W. Robins
Reviewed by F.O. Waagé
Die Römischen Kapitelle des Rheingebietes (pp. 274–275)
By Heinz Kähler
Reviewed by Frank E. Brown
Die Herrscherbildnisse in Antoninischer Zeit (pp. 275–277)
By Max Wegner
Reviewed by Meriwether Stuart
Uebersicht der Antiken Geographie von Pannonien (p. 277)
By Andreas Graf
Reviewed by Vladimir J. Fewkes
Les Bronzes Émailles de la Pannonie Romaine (pp. 277–278)
By I. Sellye
Reviewed by N. Toll
The Elizabeth Day McCormick Apocalypse, Vol. I. A Greek Corpus of Revelation Iconography, by Harold R. Willoughby; Vol. II. History and Text, by Ernest Cadman Colwell (pp. 278–279)
Reviewed by C.R. Morey
Italienisches Email des Frühen Mittelalters (pp. 279–280)
By Yvonne Hackenbroch
Reviewed by Marvin Chauncey Ross
Gli Smalti del Museo Sacro Vaticano (pp. 280–281)
By E. Stohlman
Reviewed by Marvin Chauncey Ross
Annual Bibliography of Islamic Art and Archaeology, Vol. II, 1936 (p. 281)
By L.A. Mayer
Reviewed by F.O. Waagé
Cahercommaun, A Stone Fort in County Clare (pp. 281–282)
By H. O’Neill Hencken
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann
Opgravingen op het Domplein te Utrecht, Wetenschappelijke Verslagen IV: De Opgravingen in Juni en Juli 1935 (pp. 282–283)
By C.W. Vollgraff and G. van Hoorn
Reviewed by Howard Comfort
La Cathédrale de Grenoble du IXe au XVIe Siècle (p. 283)
By Pierre David
Reviewed by Agnes Addison
Tapajó Pottery (pp. 283–284)
By Helen C. Palmatary
Reviewed by Vladimir J. Fewkes
Archaeology of Santa Marta, Colombia, The Tairona Culture, by J. Alden Mason; Moyaone and the Piscataway Indians; by Alice L.L. Ferguson; Style Trends of Pueblo Pottery, by H.P. Mera (pp. 284–285)
Reviewed by George C. Vaillant
Bibliography of Archaeological Books—1939 (pp. 286–292)
David M. Robinson