April–June 1947 (51.2)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
The Hekatompedon on the Athenian Acropolis (pp. 109–151)
William Bell Dinsmoor
The Pottery of Alaca Höyük (pp. 152–157)
Hamit Z. Koşay and Mahmut Akok
The Lipit-Ishtar Law Code (pp. 158–164)
Francis R. Steele
Aegean Chronology: Neolithic Period and Early Bronze Age (pp. 165–182)
Saul S. Weinberg
Archaeological Digest (pp. 183–190)
C. Bradford Welles
Archaeological News (pp. 191–202)
Ann Perkins and Robert J. Braidwood
A Grammar of the Post-Ptolemaic Papyri (pp. 203–204)
By Leonard Robert Palmer
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles
Prometheus (p. 204)
By Karl Kerényi
Reviewed by Helen H. Law
Briefwechsel über Romandichtung und Mythologie (pp. 204–205)
By Karl Kerényi and Thomas Mann
Reviewed by Marianne Thalmann
Histoire generale des Religions: Grece-Rome (p. 205)
By Jean Charbonneaux, Pierre Fabre, A.J. Festugière, and Martin P.N. Nilsson
Reviewed by Thomas A. Brady
Die Geburt der Helena samt humanistischen Schriften aus den Jahren 1943–1945 (pp. 205–206)
By Karl Kerényi
Reviewed by Helen H. Law
Corpus Vasorum Hispanorum. Ceramica de Azaila: Museos Arqueológicos de Madrid, Barcelona, y Zaragoza (pp. 206–209)
By Juan Cabré Aguiló
Reviewed by D.A. Amyx
Bibliography of Archaeological Books—1946 (pp. 211–217)
David M. Robinson
Necrologies: August Oxé, Joseph Bidez, John Campbell Merriam, Charles Norris Cochrane, Edward Kennard Rand, John David Wallace, James O. Ewart, Stanley Casson, John Devitt Stringfellow Pendlebury (pp. 219–220)
Stephen B. Luce