July–September 1947 (51.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.


A Greek Mirror-Ancient or Modern? (pp. 221–226)
Gisela M.A. Richter and Christine Alexander

Stone Age Cultures in Turkey (pp. 227–232)
Şevket Aziz Kansu

The Career of Hermonax (pp. 233–247)
Franklin P. Johnson

The Technique of Greek Metal Vases and Its Bearing on Vase Forms in Metal and Pottery (pp. 248–256)
Dorothy Kent Hill

The Ostracism of Xanthippos (pp. 257–262)
A.E. Raubitschek

A Lekythos from Skopelos (pp. 263–266)
G. Bakalakis

A Nolan Amphora of the Kleophrades Painter (pp. 267–268)
Ludwig Budde

Archaeological News (pp. 269–300)
C. Bradford Welles


Two More Portrait Inscriptions (pp. 301–302)
Franklin P. Johnson

Still Other Portrait Inscriptions? (p. 302)
A.W. van Buren

Further Comment (pp. 302–304)
Jean Berard

Necrologies (pp. 305–308)
Jean Hatzfeld, by Anton E. Raubitschek
Edgar Lee Hewett, by Paul A.F. Walter
Kirsopp Lake, by R.P. Blake
Warren Joseph Moulton, by Stephen B. Luce
Pierre Roussel, by George Daux

Archaeological Digest (pp. 309–324)
C. Bradford Welles

Book Reviews

Aspects of the Ancient World, Essays and Reviews (pp. 325–326)
By Victor Ehrenberg
Reviewed by John V.A. Fine

Phrygie, Exploration faite et publié sous la direction de M. Albert Gabriel. Tome I, Geologie et Geographie Physique (pp. 326–327)
By Ernest Chaput
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Alep, Essai sur le developpement d'une grande ville syrienne des origines au milieu du xixe siecle (pp. 327–328)
By J. Sauvaget
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Malatya, Fouilles de la Mission Archéologique Francaise, dirigées par M. Louis Delaporte, Arslantepe, Fascicule I, La Porte des Lions (pp. 328–329)
By Louis Delaporte
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Remarques Stylistiques sur les Reliefs de Malatya (pp. 329–330)
By Ekrem Akurgal
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Art and Geometry, A Study in Space Intuitions (pp. 330–332)
By William M. Ivins
Reviewed by John L. Caskey and Gaylord M. Merriman

Potter and Painter in Ancient Athens (p. 332)
By J.D. Beazley
Reviewed by Cedric Boulter

Excavations at Olynthus, Part XII, Domestic and Public Architecture (pp. 332–336)
By David M. Robinson
Reviewed by Homer A. Thompson

Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs (p. 336)
By Richmond Lattimore
Reviewed by Herbert Bloch

Initiation a l’Etruscologie (p. 337)
By Marcel Renard
Reviewed by Giacinto Matteucig

From Imperium to Auctoritas. A Historical Study of the Aes Coinage in the Roman Empire 49 B.C.–14 A.D. (pp. 337–340)
By Michael Grant
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger

Studien zur Kunstgeschichte der roemischen Republik (pp. 340–343)
By Olof Vessberg
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Le Limes de Chalcis (pp. 343–344)
By R. Mouterde and A. Poidebard
Reviewed by Clark Hopkins

Les Monuments funeraires de l’Arlon romain’ Extrait des Annales de l’Institut archéologique du Luxemboury, lxxvi, 1945, by Marcel-Edouard Mariën; Les Monuments funeraires de Buzenol, Extrait du Bulletin des musées d’art et d’histoire, 1943 (i–iii) et 1944 (i–ii), by Marcel-Edouard Mariën; La Sculpture a l’Epoque romaine, by M.-E. Mariën (pp. 344–345)
Reviewed by Phyllis Pray Bober

Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Number 3, Edited for the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C., of Harvard University (pp. 345–346)
By R.P. Blake, W. Koehler, and P.J. Sachs
Reviewed by Lynn White, Jr.

The Mosaics of Haghia Sophia at Istanbul. Third Preliminary Report. Work Done in 1935–1939. The Imperial Portraits of the South Gallery (pp. 346–347)
By Thomas Whittemore
Reviewed by Gerhart B. Ladner