January–March 1950 (54.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
Errata in AJA 54, No. 4 (October 1950)
A Small Hoard of Mycenaean Vases and Statuettes (pp. 1–9)
David M. Robinson
A Greek Lady from Persepolis (pp. 10–18)
Cleta Margaret Olmstead
Byzantine Brick Stamps (pp. 19–27)
C.A. Mango
Hagia Sophia and the First Minaret Erected after the Conquest of Constantinople (pp. 28–40)
William Emerson and Robert L. van Nice
Archaeological Indexes: A Review Article (pp. 41–57)
Reviewed by Lucy A. Paton and Sterling Dow
Archaeological News (pp. 58–72)
Ann Perkins
Necrology: Walter Miller (pp. 73–74)
Stephen B. Luce
Archaeological Digest (pp. 75–80)
Les Inscriptions crétoises, Essai de déchiffrement (pp. 81–82)
By Bedřich Hrozný and Madeleine David
Reviewed by Emmett L. Bennett, Jr.
Seven Private Tombs at Ḳurnah (pp. 82–83)
By N. de Garis Davies and Alan H. Gardmer
Reviewed by William C. Hayes
Cylindres et Cachets Orientaux Conservés dans les Collections Suisses. Volume 1, 1ère partie. Mésopotamie: de la Période Préhistorique d’Ourouk jusqu’à l’art Sargonique (pp. 83–84)
By Elie Borowski
Reviewed by E. Douglas van Buren
Les “Poulains” de Corinthe, II, 414–300 B.C. (pp. 84–85)
By Oscar E. Ravel
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger
Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV, Part One, Ceramics and Islamic Coins (pp. 85–89)
By Frederick O. Waagé
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer
Testimonianze e Momenti di Scultura Alessandrina (p. 89)
By A. Adriani
Reviewed by Meriwether Stuart
Roman Portraits (pp. 89–90)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by David M. Robinson
Essai sur la province romaine de Bétique (pp. 90–91)
By R. Thouvenot
Reviewed by Norman J. DeWitt
Supralineate Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions (p. 91)
By A.E. Gordon
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger
L’ipogeo di San Salvatore di Cabras in Sardegna (pp. 91–92)
By Doro Levi
Reviewed by Christopher M. Dawson
Thalatta, der Weg der Griechen zum Meer (pp. 92–93)
By Albin Lesky
Reviewed by A.E. Raubitschek
La Cité de David, Compte-rendu des fouilles exécutées, à Jérusalem, sur le site de la ville primitive, deuxième campagne 1923–1924 (pp. 93–94)
By Raymond Weill
Reviewed by Clark Hopkins
Semitic Writing—from Pictograph to Alphabet (pp. 94–96)
By G.R. Driver
Reviewed by Julian Obermann
Esquema Paletnológico de la Peninsula Hispanica (p. 96)
By Julio Martinez Santa-Olalla
Reviewed by T.D. McCown